General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe viable?

Axe viable? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    I've been spamming axe for a bit now, and i feel he's not terrible, but i still dont seem to be able to win most of my games with him
    despite getting early blink and BM. Is he not viable?

    I've had games where i completly dominated the games and others where i need to keep my entire team together by throwing my fat body in to just see my team dealing minimal to no damage. Like my last game, i was doing pretty ok. (considering my 2k standards). I got tranq and blink at 11 minutes. But could not stop them from pushing down tower after tower.

    Is there anything that i couldve done to win that game? I went armor items vs their lineup. But more often than not i could not initiate on Sniper causing our team to lose fights. Thinking about it, i couldve probably gotten shadowblade aswell.

    What are you thoughts on Axe in the current meta, and what build do you usually go?


      dude 73lh carry slark... just be the carry yourself in the trash-bracket. like get a radiance or ac or sny :-D



        Dark Hunter

          haha yeah the slark was... bad. but sadly i've had such games myself so i'm not really blaming anyone. just trying to improve my overall gameplay :p

          So what are some good offlaners now?


            axe is super situational
            u only pick him when ur absolutely sure ur against a weak lane, i did it against slark aa and undying only the aa left for no reason
            normally in that game it would be bad, but because aa left the lane i was guarenteed an easy lane and i dominated after that getting a 9 min blink wand tranq


              it is a situational hero bro.... like Axe is natural counter to (melee) agi carry and str heroes (melee)... don't pick axe against timbersaw, OD, Lifestealer, death prophet or enemies with support like Jakiro (support), Necro, phoenix, zeus, doom etc... those having damage over time it disables dagger :( unless you will get SB and can hit/reduce HP % overtime...

              the problem of Axe is when you owning at offlane... enemy supports will intend to rotate and gank your midlane or safe-lane carry, and will eventually hurt your team fight at midgame. the purpose of offlane is to keep the support at your lane, this will make your safelane carry to farm...... and try to build extra utility items as offlaner too.... mech, pipe, crimson, shivas, drums, guardian greaves... if you don't build these items, your team will surely lack of sustainability/auras....


                I prefer a slightly later Blink, skip tranq and get the early vanguard... but I've got a horrible winrate on Axe, and I'm on low 3K, so don't mind me.
                He was ignored during DAC2018, despite the multitude of illusion heroes and manta heroes. That might tell of his current viability


                  no no no vanguard is fricking terrible early on axe you want blink dagger and blademail, the point is sacrificing your health with your INITIATION not to walk on and cast call like some idiot, in most cases vanguard not ideal might be better to get hood first because the damage reflected by blademail is AFTER reduction not before

                  Seriously i will report you if you go vanguard first, the order of build should never deviate from
                  blink dagger > blademail
                  else you can go play League


                    Axe is right now just fall short compared to popular offlaner this recent meta like sk,sladar or es.His can't iniate reliably without his dagger plus his ult also won't do much compared to like epi ,echo or magnetize. Last but not least he also cant gank that well since he has too farm dagger for Initiation and he also has only one disable and slow that can be purged by just killing a creep.


                      Well axe aint that good this patch. Axe spammer here


                        you should always get vanguard first as axe, it enables much faster farming of the jungle and doesn't delay your blink dagger significantly, it also lets you play greedier in the lane thanks to the regen and potentially lets you cut waves

                        dont listen to the legend 2


                          Sure big guy pretty much faster farming jungle :)





                            You are playing too much pos 1 and 2 try to understand the meaning of a basic pos 3 axe, EXCEPT YOU JUNGLING


                              Well Zenoth our Legend player has 26 games with Axe, what do you know?


                                Your mid was a support Jakiro against sniper. Its hard to win such a game.


                                  popular offlaner this recent meta like sk,sladar or es

                                  Slardar and shaker offlane meta :laugh:


                                    Pretty sure it depends on whether u r trying to make space on the map and go for pickoffs or whether u r trying to consume space in the offlane and pressure that place.

                                    Some games you don't need an early blink, but against some heroes u need blink, and I'm pretty sure u can farm good enough with tranquil backpack and jungling without vanguard if u need to.


                                      Every offlaner is situational u can't pick any hero and say yep I'm good to go sometimes u can't even win the offlane no matter what hero u pick

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Axe is good at 1K-2K. I spammed him to get out of 2K. Just rush blink after tranq. After get blink, try to gank and kill the enemy. Then build BM first and then vanguard, don't buy vanguard before you buy BM because you Will miss so much easy kills in early game. Axe is good for snowballing, that's why you need to rush blink and BM, and then take the tower by bd (Let your team hit the tower)