General Discussion

General DiscussionRate Me

Rate Me in General Discussion

    Just do it fam




        what to rate dude u are in ns bracket.


          are you one of those players who thinks he is good then he goes vs some divine player on mid and gets rekt and realizes he is dogshit and feels sad the whole day ? Normal Skill by the way

          Justin Weaver

            ^those are party games


              Post nudes i will rate it


                Actually, im a bit upset that this is the response. But i expect these comments to come tbh. Even I didnt say a single word about im being good player or good midlaner.

                Your comment is like a representation of most people in dota, who looks other based on how bad they are in the game. And always looks at the negative side.

                Well actually, those games i played are mostlu party games with my crusader friends, so no wonder if it's normal skilled bracket.
                If i played unranked solo match i always get high skill tho, just look at it. Then i have some vhs matches too and sometimes i fight those who are in leaderboard to man.

                This is the reason why dota is called a toxic game

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Lruce Bee

                  You don't look very impressive. But what else where you expecting?

                  #1 Philippine player

                    You are a BERRY GOOD player

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      pseudo intellectual dude playing victim after spewing useless crap

                      sounds familiar


                        Dude no, i actually not really needed the rating, i make this thread just to point out how bad dota player mindset are. They always look at the bad things.



                            Lmfao you guys got jebaited so hard, was fun trolling u guys for a couple days on this thread.
                            Can't believe none said that this is a troll.


                              pseudo intellectual dude playing victim after spewing useless crap

                              sounds familiar



                                I mean he even changed his name to shadow fiend guys . Must be a troll


                                  :') :`)

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    i r8 8/8 nice b8 m8


                                      Yee m8, btw how to post pic on this forum?




                                          Monday Greens

                                            rate you a 37/9

                                            muted all, it's just a ga...


                                              SASA POPOVIC

                                                Sum up of this forum and dota in general "Hmmm this guy think he is good?? I better tell him he sucks so he doesnt get ideas!" "LOOOOL HERALD HAHAAHAHAHA" "Omg Guardian? 1k TRASH!" "Dude you are crusader go hang yourself" "what the hell do you know about the game you are just archon stop posting pls!"

                                                etc etc etc.

                                                Conclusion: Far too many people abuse this video game to justify their lack of real life success and they identify to virtual success from video game, This game should die for its own good and its cancerous community, just look how all the people who come here to ask for help get treated, its really obnoxious!


                                                  Shut it you 1k trash. You are the only obnoxious thing on this forum

                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                    Does your mother know how you speak to strangers?