General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Raise Your Skill Bracket

How to Raise Your Skill Bracket in General Discussion
Мятная вагина

    I encountered the problem of raising the Skill Bracket, creating a new account, but still staying at the usual level, maybe there is some sort of secret, who faced it, tell me what to do

    Story Time

      you should pray to god of dota and play as less as possible to accumulate the right karma.

      Мятная вагина

        most likely I pray badly, because I do this every morning

        Story Time

          maybe to a wrong god

          Мятная вагина

            I do not even know if you'll do me VHS then I'll start praying to you

            SASA POPOVIC

              Why is so hard to comprehend the simple fact, if you are high skilled game will put you in high skill bracket, i mean it works for everyone else so obviously you are not there yet, there is no some evil guy in Valve that fixates on you specificaly and put you down on purpose.

              If you dont find enjoyment in dota and you play it only to achieve some rank to stroke your ego you should find other easier hobbies for this, that have easier learning curve and more linear progression?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Мятная вагина

                quite logical explanation, but as far as I heard the level of the game is based on the hardware of the PC, and even if I'm already playing DotA for more than 5 years and I do not really want to sit in the normal all the time, I have a desire to progress

                Story Time

                  based on the hardware of the PC

                  i think you are on to something, also might need to check the hardware of the player (e.g. brain, hands)

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    Then get better at the game, buy coaching and stuff if you really want it so bad, obviously you are lacking something that you cant see for yourself and it holds you back so get some pr0 dude that will watch your games and tell you why you are shit?

                    But i dont understand i mean dota is a video game for purpose of leisure, you play some to chill out and continue with your life, why make it your life? Whats the point of that?


                      Hardware srsly? I got divine 5 playing on a shitty laptop with 30-40 fps and im sure you can get out of normal skill as well.

                      You just gotta put in some effort and stop trying to make excuses i believe in you

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Story Time

                        ^op is troll, guys wtf are you thinking about? giving advice to troll? are u stupid?

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          By start to destroy more ancient of enemies then they destroyed yours :smile: long live cuki the Bosnian pride!

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          Мятная вагина

                            you did not understand the campaign, I mean that if you have a normal skill on your account and you create a new one then you will also have a normal because you have saved your level of game in your PC

                            Story Time

                              go away russian troll

                              6k animal

                                high skill = 3500mmr+
                                very high skill is somewhere like 3900 and above


                                  You stay on the same skilllv cuz you are bad. You are welcome.


                                    You need to play good first few games, like if you smash your first 2 games something like 18-2 or 22-3 or 11/1 - you will be put into VHS or HS and win a few more games and you will stay there indefinitely.

                                    See this account I'm using I made when I started playing again after a few years break. As you can see the first game was average, 2nd I stomped and the rest I just played warlock or w/e and I stayed in normal bracket.

                                    I fooled around with this account, trying new builds etc, and then I made a new account, stomped first games was VHS and everything, calibrated at 4.1 during TI , climbed to 4.5k and then Valve shat in my face and dropped my MMR to 4000 with the new calibration.
                                    Fact is medals system and new calib is flawed, since it takes in account everything , both solo and party(which was 2800 when I was 4500 solo - it was 2800 cause the retard system calibrated me there since I played calib matches with my normal bracket friend. ) after that I got pissed off stopped playing

                                    Now I started playing again occasionally(this account was calib @ 2.5 or smth.) and I easily walk through all the matches.

                                    When you calib or make new accounts you need to play mid/carry pos and stomp matches, then afterwards in game you focus on destroying the ancient.

                                    As far as the medals system is concerned, yea it is totally off and flawed, non transparent also - I just stated my story where I lost 500mmr on my account(I mean a 4500 player that calibrates at legend4... ok when I won first game I was legend 5 but still that's a total joke.)

                                    and just for kicks, since I already gained a lot of MMR in my recent games, I gained 3 stars within few games (200mmr). It was supposed to be 140mmr per star as I remember but it surely isn't.

                                    that's just sad. I see Archon 0 and Legend 0 in my games(a gap of 600mmr), and you can't really know who is good and who isn't since it doesn't mean jackshit. Atleast when I played 4.5k avg I could prevent a 4200 guy going mid or something and now I'm in the dark.

                                    And yea, even though I got normal behavior and everything, if you want to move up (I actually am focused on having fun now which includes me going mid) you have to play mid/safelane or the rare offlane(where you control the game with a snowball sandking/shaker pick).

                                    Everything else won't help you reach 3k or 4k, and the worst part is, if you look all my recent games, 80percent of those games I HAD TO FIRST PICK, because every game there is a jackass that thinks he is the best and he wants mid, while he simply isn't.

                                    This is something people never talk about on the forums - they tell you to play few heroes and move up(I dno, jugger, luna, ember, AM whatever), but in reality you are forced to first pick most of the time and allow the opponent to counter you - and seeing you are simply not good enough you usually end up failing anyway. So you're not only fighting to win - you are also fighting for a role in your team, and then you are fighting vs counters(granted, you don't really get counter picked often at 2k/3k, but the higher you go the worse it gets).

                                    When you reach 4k, that's where supports can change the games on their own because most people can play right click heroes.


                                      Upgrade ur hardware


                                        buy arcanas


                                          Roll some puzzies


                                            git gud daun

                                            casual gamer

                                              study roman warfare


                                                one must be like the romans.
                                                did they ever get their ancient destroyed?
                                                thats what you got to do.

                                                but u said dota was fun :(

                                                  1,500+ games and what even is that rank? Even when creating new account you can't escape normal skill? Hate to break it to you, bud. Dota2 is not for you.

                                                  but u said dota was fun :(

                                                    If you've been calibrated, and got a low rank, that's it. You can't change that unless you grind. One other way is to create a new one, how you play is rewarded accordingly. Play normal you get normal skill, and so on...

                                                    but u said dota was fun :(

                                                      Even if you lose the game or get destroyed in your lane, if you are a hs/vhs player, you will get it. No point in blaming team mates because it rates your individual skill. As the others like to say in dotabuff, GIT GUD.


                                                        git gud. But seriously tho just follow the meta trend, and spammed those heros. Or you can choose one unpopular hero and master it