General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happened to abaddon?

What happened to abaddon? in General Discussion

    I rarely see him around anymore. Is he bad? I still think he’s strong and versatile and a solid offlaner

    Lruce Bee

      What do you mean abaddon is the most op shit people don't know how he's ult works


        Aba is solid offlaner but against certain things, in this meta some offlaners are just better and offer more, also in this safelane slark/mk/Luna/PL/Lycan meta Aba cant really shine much especially with heavy disables supports such as Shadow Shaman and Lion, you cant really harras that much since you cant dispel yourself out of shackle/stun.

        Also in my bracket AM is still very popular and aba is bad match vs him.

        In current meta Doom and Brew are better offlaners and offer more utility than aba tbh.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        chicken spook,,,,

          slark? wat


            crusade analysis huehue

            SASA POPOVIC

              Did i say something wrong and what? Also how does my rank affect my reading skills?

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                ironic because ur reading comprehension is actually garbage(not even talking about ur analysis) as the page u linked is not about the most popular safelaners but another thing entirely

                SASA POPOVIC

                  Ok abadon is OP and shits on curre t meta heroes, people are just dumb to see, go spam abaddon boys, especialy into slark and anti mage its OP!



                    I just wanted to ask about current thoughts on one of the heroes I personally like and find really strong, instead this thread once again devolved into rank eletism. Tide just gave his thoughts and got flamed for his opinion. This is just sad

                    casual gamer

                      hes not good

                      What do you mean abaddon is the most op shit people don't know how he's ult works

                      ppl with low mmr wondering why your opinion isn’t valued: exhibit a

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        i remember when i just started dota abaddon was one of my favourites because i was in a bracket where people consistently attacked abaddon in his ulti so u got a better version of reincarnation every minute for lv6 onwards

                        those were the days

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          ^ I had an opponent LC duel our abaddon the other day. That one brought some good all-chat luls.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            the memories PepeHands

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              why pick abaddon when you can pick omniknight OMEGALUL
                              alright real talk. his ulti is bad. its not useful for much of anything. shield is the only worthwhile (and op) spell he has, the rest just feel like filler designed after arthas/death knights.


                                The only thing I can think of is aba being good against bane

                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                  Still a decently strong hero if your team's lineup only requires a one-dimensional durable, semi-damage dealer from the 3-position.

                                  Besides his tankiness which can be kited out, he offers no catch, no disables, and a laughable nuke, so obviously he's lacks the crucial initiating capabilities which are essential to most pub teams.

                                  Im not saying pub teams cant play without initiators, but in this current meta where having some form of catch or control is more important than ever, there is hardly a reason to pick abba ahead of axe, brew, tide, omni, etc etc.

                                  Abba also doesnt match up favorably against many current popular safe lane carries, like razor, lycan and am, particularly in a 1v2 or 1v3 scenario during the laning phase.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  low prio master

                                    Its literally easier to win than lose with this hero,battlefury and dive towers hes fast he slowing enemies +90 dmg make sense for your bfury carrier,lvl 25 doubt hes very good lower in mmr but still good higher especially vs lineups with supports like wd/cm,you can dive so much always when is your ulti up its not about get all hp from hitting,its a safe way how to play with super agressive lineups

                                    casual gamer

                                      id argue coils a good spell but yeah its crazy how fast this op hero became mediocre


                                        Aba main problem is that he is too easy to counter by popular current meta picks. He has poor win rates versus Lycan, OD, Antimage, and Shadow Shaman. He used to be a safe early off-lane pick. Not anymore. Fine for sub 3k still, but he is at 49% in 5k+.


                                          check my recent matches


                                            He is simply out of meta - most position 3 and 4 heroes now need to have some sort of crowd control or insane lane pressure. Abbadon for a long time now is stuck between position 3 and 4 - too greedy and slow to come online at 3, and a really situational 4 with no killing abilities early game. Plus he can no longer dispel hex, which seems to be big this patch


                                              Also, I love how legends or lowest Ancients are so fast to shit on crusaders or archons - omg look I spend more time per week on a video game that makes me a smarter human being hurr durr

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                @ihop you think even supposed pros know how it works? Nope because like 9/10 times they hit abaddon to full health. Not even joking.


                                                  He's good agaisnt single target disables like Beastmaster, Bane, Pudge. But why not pick omni then ?


                                                    Hes a good hero, he just doesn't really fit into the meta that well. If you play him as support he can't really roam and he's weak as a lane support being a melee hero. As offlaner, he's not amazing either and doesn't bring either initiation or crowd control or teamfight ability and you usually want your offlaner to do at least one of those things.

                                                    So its not that the hero is bad, it just feels like he doesn't really fit into many drafts and when you do pick him it usually leaves your draft lacking something.

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      Hes a good hero, he just doesn't really fit into the meta that well.

                                                      alchemist is a good hero, he just doesn't really fir into the meta that well


                                                        Loved it when i pick him against a juggernaut make the omnislash less efective


                                                          Abaddon is good vs. lineups with a lot of uncontrollable/committal spells once cast because you can pretty much survive through them with ease. (ex. SandKing ult, Kunka ult, invoker meatball, void ult, jugg ult, lc ult, jakiro ult) Combined with aghs, his ult is similar to centaur aghs ult (7s duration vs 4s, 50% damage reduction vs. 40%, no move speed however) and can be a game changer in team fights. Doubling everyone's HP for 7 seconds can be nice.