you can already flashfarm at lvl 5, you dont need to wait lvl 7
but yea i dont think its worth it before then either
Why would you raze creeps in the early game and waste mana when you can just right click them?
At the point shadow fiend can double raze a wave to clear it, rotate to jungle and return to the mid to raze again, you have nothing to fight for on mid anymore
I'm talking about BEFORE level 5 and 7 which are the levels where you can double raze the creep wave.
use lvl 1 and 2 raze to harass and snag the ranged creep if it's in a bad positions, dont triple raze the wave in 98% of scenarios, unless you are getting like 3v1 mid and for some reason they push a big wave into your tower and aren't defending it.
for the AM question, if you can contribute to a fight, join it, if you can't, push side lanes, take towers, always take lane creeps over jungle( if lane is safe, don't risk your lead for 200g and some pressure)
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Is it worth it to raze creeps in lane before level 7? Like I find that if u spend razes on creeps you lose a lot of damage potential on the enemy mid because of raze stacking
Also for anti mage, say your team is stomping, should you push and end with them, or push your lead further by just farming or splitpushing and only join them when a fight is coming
Is it worth it to gank if you're gonna lose the tower and mid free farm?