General Discussion

General Discussion2k classic team

2k classic team in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    I heard somewhere that Classic isn't about how old something is, but about how eternal that something is. The 2k bracket has the same team composition since DotA started and here is some information and qualities about the 2k team composition.

    1: The Hard Carry. Famous picks: Juggernaut, PA, basically any braindead right click hero (ever better if it is RNG reliant: less brain effort)
    Usually suicidal, bad at cs and will come online as soon as you reach the 50min mark. They taught me how to support and keep a suicidal alive under any circumstance. PS: never support a 2k HC with wisp, as soon as you tether they will dive and get killed.

    2: The Mid. Famous picks: Invoker, Pudge or another carry.
    The 2k Midlaner loves to make some flashy plays, or at least try. The classic 2k Invoker is the Monocombo Shitoker, they rush Euls and stick to that same useless combo all game, will come online at 50min too since they got a Midas at 20min. The 2k Pudge is even better, the 2k pudge taught me to have good map awareness since they go out to gank at lvl 2 with no boots. Nobody would expect a hook from the fog 3min in the game, that is just next level strategy, learn something Dendi.

    3: The Offlane. Famous picks: any other carry that couldn't get safelane or mid.
    The 2k offlaner likes to 3v1 as a carry and will ping the hell of his team if he ever dies trying to get some cs. They usually die a lot and eventually head back to the offlane jungle since dying 6 times to enemy hc is OK but 7 is just feeding, right? They will be behind all game and, when the mid and hc come online at the 50min mark, you have your offlane carry farmin...I mean, splitpushing hard to punish the other team and win you the game! Offlane carry rocks.

    4: The Surprise. Famous picks: Pudge, Legion, Bloodseeker
    The 2k pos4 is a mistery, you never know what this guy will play, even after he has picked the hero. You could have a Dual Offlane with this guy if he picks another carry, you can also get a jungler (not the real junglers, just the braindead useless ones) and you might even get a Roaming (Pudge only ofc). If the pos4 goes for jungle they will head right to the small camp and farm it so your team can't pull and that helps a lot since pulling is useless because the HC will be autoattacking the creeps and you would only waste time pulling, junglers are the best. If the pos4 goes for the Roaming Pudge then I warn you: Roaming is not a supporting role in the 2k bracket, the roaming deserves the same amount of farm as the hard carry and will not buy any support items and consumables. The 2k pudge will proceed to fail at ganks, miss hooks and just be a useless potato walking aroud the map with 280ms. However, since everyone in the match will be angry at Pudge because they wanted to play pudge themselves in the first place, the other team will focus him while the others can clean up the mess.

    5: The Support. Famous picks: Earthshaker, Lion, Venge or another carry to dual offlane or dual hc safelane
    There is no such thing as a support in the 2k bracket since, as you know well, Wards, courier and detection only become available to purchase in the shop in the 4k bracket. However, a low percentage of players have a hack of some sort that allows them to buy the courier (sometimes even a ward, but just one). After these gifted players have bought the courier and a ward it is job well done and they can work on their critshaker or vengecarry build to carry the team. It is good to have a 2k support with you in lane because they force you to give 110% of your ability to last hit and that is even better if they picked another carry to be your company so you can practice even more.

    The 2k bracket is an amazing place to practice dota skills, no surprise that only the best of dota players come out of this ultra high skill bracket. It is so hard to leave this bracket that once someone manages to do it they should just make that person a Divine 6 player and invite them to TI to 1v5 a whole team.

    Lruce Bee

      I Enjoyed reading that. Sounds like every bracket though. Think we need to play in a team and play competitively to get a proper Dota experience.


        Pro Tip: Get some friends to queue with. More members in your party equal less shitty randoms.


          Dude I applaud your effort. A master piece of laughter




              I enjoyed that. Well written sir, that was hilarious. 2k bracket is love

              Pale Mannie

                there is no ''support'' potm... only invis machine afk farming aghs carrying potm

                casual gamer

                  dont u just hate how this game rewards rng :thinking:


                    Been there and gone through that mate, so wgere to collext the rewaerd eh?

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      Wards, courier and detection only become available to purchase in the shop in the 4k bracket.

                      I'm 1k and last time I checked wards are available in shop... At least every 2.5 minutes


                        2k is the best bracket ever when i was there . Everyone just trying to play for fun . While in 3k people just got a little bit better at hitting creeps and act like they know everything about dota

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          Yea totally, 90% of players I get matched with are just people that want to have fun playing together for 20-50 minutes some with better clues then others about what's going on


                            This post made me laugh out loud. Too bad you didnt tell us the story of that position 5 lion. I bet he didnt buy any wards after the one he bought at the beginning of the game and also proceeded to rush tranquil boots into scepter.


                              Made me lol, gj.


                                Recently i've been playing a lot of single draft with my friend cause i got a lot of exams in my university so i just want to chill a bit, take a break from ranked and have some fun. Since its unranked matchmaking i usually get matched with a lot of lower ranked people like legends and archons and i just cant understand how eternal these shitty approaches to item builds can be in lower brackets. Every single medusa i've seen rushed phase boots into linkens without stopping to pick up aquila or wand. I've seen shadow blade lunas and a puck who went mid and decided not to buy any items at the beginning of the game but instead asked me to give him 2 tangoes and said he's gonna rush a bottle. Its safe to say i didnt play really well in that game but around minute 20 i was about 4 levels above my lvl 9 mid puck as a position 4 sand king.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  @Umbranox I mean whats your problem, they're at their rank for a reason. They aren't supposed to be good (dont tell them that).

                                  chicken spook,,,,


                                    mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                      Medals don't matter kappa

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        8/10 A strong pasta of quality, still lack some clichés to make it perfect.

                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                          While in 3k people just got a little bit better at hitting creeps and act like they know everything about dota

                                          Excuse me? my mmr is 3.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.