General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve the game

How to improve the game in General Discussion

    1.Allow people to check reports on other people, (besides who the fuck reads what u type on report anyway)
    make reports backfire if you report like a fucking subhuman
    2.Have people with lesser games on another pool.
    3.Detect Cyrilyc on fucking eu west and remove FUCKING CYKA BLIETS


      I agree on points 2-3. Those damn gopniks should be confined in their own servers.


        block russian ip on europes ervers

        Potato Marshal

          Make the number of reports you're given be based on your number of matches played recently instead of based on time.


            Block Russian ip on Eu server
            If that happens I'm going giveaway a arcana

            chicken spook,,,,

              Make the number of reports you're given be based on your number of matches played recently instead of based on time.


                positif thinking


                  The best thing what can be done is to PERMA ban all russians on West EU. It's 21st century and they don't speak English at all. Sad but true.


                    Have a pick rating. That goes up for picking a proper lineup.


                      what would checking reports do for you?

                      Justin Weaver

                        Seems like Russians are holding back some people from reaching divine

                        Justin Weaver

                          There should be an option to lock your role before we queue for match,