General Discussion

General Discussion4k player who don't play carry or mid need guidance

4k player who don't play carry or mid need guidance in General Discussion

    I'm 4k but I don't play mid or Carry cuz I suck at mid and only can play sniper as a 4k mid and i can play carry but not as good as a 4k player should but I do play best as a support and offline in my bracket.I just need some tips about playing mid.
    Should I practice mid and carry in lower brackets or just keep playing in 4k?


      same problem here
      90% pos 3/4, 5 if nobody else wants to
      i suck balls mid and cant carry a game at my skill level, altho stomping lower skill games as pos1 easy

      my thought was to get gud at 1-2 popular mid heroes just in case i have to. played 4 mid games in 2 days, didnt like it, abndoned the idea. back to offlane.

      Visita Hari Danta

        learn how these heros work in lower brackets/pubs, and then train in 4k rankeds

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          i dont know legend 0 is 4k but you should at least have some understanding how to play in all position.


            OP not 4k confirmed


              Well this is my smurf


                none of my smurfs have bellow 4k, this is one of them


                  Zemo-san this is my main.


                    I rarely play on this Id now


                      why does your main have less games than your smurf



                        Its not analyzed properly

                          კომენტარი წაიშალა
                          chicken spook,,,,



                              Practice in bot match


                                Core players are overrated


                                  I do practice in bot matches with this new scripts but it's not challenging enough

                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                    "I'm 4k"
                                    "this is my smurf"
                                    48% WR Normal skill....


                                      And I do try to practice in lower bracket and I feel like I should kill my self cuz the players in lower bracket are shits. No offense but especially the Pinoy and Russians in lower bracket are literally shit they should be banned from playing


                                        the beauty of dota is to learn how to make those shitty players win the game with you

                                        it is a form of masochism but it feels a lot better to win those games you felt like a sure loss

                                        hero choice is a really important thing there, specially in a mmr range where you are almost certain everybody will pick a core role, that is one of the reasons why I spam support

                                        Justin Weaver

                                          4k player complaining about teammates in lower bracket lul


                                            force ur self to play other mid her


                                              Practice every role is extremely useful.
                                              You will do better at supporting by practicing core role because you'll learn what they actually need or expect from their support


                                                3.3k cancer player



                                                  fanfan fan

                                                    Don't blame your team mates. If you're consistently losing in a lower bracket, it's pretty clear you're the problem. Focus on your own game and spend less time nitpicking at what the others on your team are doing wrong. Whole point is to improve your own game, not to win.


                                                      The gayness of your picture brings bad luck. But what is the point of this post after all? You can’t play mid or carry? Then don’t. Want to increase mmr? Then play supports or utility offlaners better. There’s no secret guide or hero or strategy that takes you to 7k.

                                                      Except Lycan of course

                                                      Story Time

                                                        i would suggest to think about what you doing in game, like why you are getting this item, why u defend this tower or why u dont defend it. This type of thinking helps to structure your understnading of dota


                                                          practice tanky mid heroes just to get more of a feel of mid. death prophet, dragon knight, razor, and viper. not the most interesting heroes to play, but they'll keep you alive as you get your bearings in the lane. then you can start pushing your limits a bit. then pick squishier/flashier heroes. ease into it that way.

                                                          /pleb advice


                                                            Find some 6k+ player and 1v1 him

                                                            that's your best way of learning how to lane as a mid/carry