General Discussion

General DiscussionGood carries to play ths current meta

Good carries to play ths current meta in General Discussion

    I need carry list that is viable ths meta,im playin lycan need more carries to play

    Lruce Bee

      Bloodseeker, PA, Sven, axe, antimage, LC.


        od peaks in your skillbracket

        meta tends to have gamewinning roamers and offlaners


          AM+pl, on my way to red globe pretty much exclusively playing these two with occasional jugg/tb when needed.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Ck and huskar r good but situationally
            Razor is also very good imo

            Story Time

              damn CUTNPASTE is on the great climb, I thought F!RE will override your results, but does not seems so

              lone dog

                Drow, Gyro, Luna have been my go-to recently.
                It used to be morph when he was a broken first pick.
                Generally whatever I feel like playing usually gets the job done.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა



                    in my bracket i climbed from herard to achern 😂😅 are

                    CK, Luna, Jugger, lycan, TB, LC and Sven.

                    i found these heroes can lane easily.

                    i hate facing good storm, qop, puck, od players. i wish to learn more about mid heroes they start killing everyone in the map at mid game.


                      @CUTNPASTE when to pick am,when pl ? Is midas on pl good ?


                        im pretty sure just about every carry is viable in this meta, this being more and more true the lower into the trench you dive. But like seriously, from watching pro games there doesn't seem to be a single hero that stands out, as you can see by the varied responses.


                          I pick am when it’s a good am game, else pl unless it is a terrible pl game. I have been buying Midas in shitty aus pubs where I have to carry 4 ancient 5/divine 1 players, I wouldn’t recommend it just go treads wand aquila diffu blade it is much more stable.


                            Cun tpaste what is that 222 rank?It is global?


                              AUS ranked is included in sea.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                so ure compared to top 300 players without being matched with top 300 players?


                                  @cutnpaste can i add you i want to watch your replays ? dont wanna check dotabuff all the time


                                    I've played some SEA before, cbf I have 150 ping but I did fine considering. Right now my fellow Aus lads are in China for WESG and they are doing fine in China pubs, I'm sure the rank is reasonable accurate.


                                    Go ahead and add me if you want just tell me who you are when you do.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                      You can see on the blog dotabuff post
                                      and you can also determines counter pick that is the best for your game
                                      that way you can reap the most benefits


                                        @cutnpaste i played pl earlier,i went with the max 3rd build its pretty dank actually...any thoughts on that


                                          in a freefarm lane that can work out. if you are actuaklly laning you probably need the Q to harass/trade

                                          A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                            Arc warden ftw


                                              A while ago, there was increase of buying a Aghs on PL, but it died out. Why and when would you buy one?


                                                when you dont want to go in yourself


                                                  You purchase agha on pl when you wish to lose 25 matchmaking points.


                                                    first pick luna, win game, good luck & have fun