General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play techies?

How to play techies? in General Discussion
steff ou dzi

    Hi boys im wondering can someone help me to get better with techies.. Pls skip with boring stuff like "pick normal hero" etc.
    Everytime i play it i feel that im underleveled and behind everyone else ( probably the reason is cause no one in 4k is supporting so im solo support ).. Any good tips how to play this hero ?


      I win unwinnable games by picking techies because of how scared the enemy team is to seige and it allows my ultra greedy team to get big enough to fight. I know people don’t like him. Pick him to get untilted if you’re having a bad few games. Skill blast off first go offlane always, with a partner or none, doesn’t matter, game will last 50 minutes anyway. Blast off wave to harass and get lh. Lvl 1 blast off instakills range creep. Stay in treeine always, at lvl 2 they can’t chase you in there. Soulring tranqs aether aghs. Late game opt for kaya, octarine, dagon or some lowkey rightclick. Join fights, blast off is strong af and this is how you get xp. Make sure you live. Watch cayinator on youtube, he has like 1500 techies games and he streams.


        watch replays from dotabuff


          Kil yorself


            Do everybody a favor and do not pick techies

            Justin Weaver

              Check Robotvice's channel in YouTube, he is a divine five Techies player and also cayinator is pretty good


                Dont waste time setting defensive bomb


                  you like to play less games in more time huh?


                    Forget what everyone else is saying they have no clue how good techie is played or how much its worth. I have over 150 Techie games with winrate 65%.

                    This is true though "I win unwinnable games by picking techies because of how scared the enemy team is to seige and it allows my ultra greedy team to get big enough to fight. I know people don’t like him. Pick him to get untilted if you’re having a bad few games.".

                    So when to pick Techie and how to start.
                    Pick it when you have greedy team, late carry. Dont pick it when you play vs early pushers/omni/ls/jugger. Best vs invis shiters like riki, bh, nyx, also pudge, morph, storm. Slow moving heroes also pay due to techie. Roamers can stay on their side and watch the game with Techie ruining their dreams.
                    Most important! Techie play is all about exploiting time and being creative. Techie is mind fucker. Demoralizing for the enemies when they start dying. Clicking skill and shit you can forget and rlx watching them explode. So good mana management is essential. You should never be idle in terms "not planting something". Changing lanes/place ? Plant some mines/traps during walk.
                    Dont forget to counter push lanes with 1 or 2 mines on lane. Plant safety mine in front of tower so it can clear the creep wave in case no one is close or with tp to def.

                    "Blast" first only if team have good fb rune potential, otherwise its just bad and mines are better choice.

                    To "jumpstart" Techies go strait to jungle and plant as many mines as you can before creep spawning. That way you should be able to get lvl 3 like nothing and not be a xp leacher. Now Techie is online with soulring for ganking and solo kills with mines (400dmg).

                    Get smoke, gank mid, plant mines. Shadows are your best friend. Plant mines in clusters and behind direct line of sight when enemy is coming onto them. Use hg and trees.

                    Mid game: Kaya + Aganim. Dont bother with remote mines before lvl2, they are weak and cost a lot of mana(time).

                    In mid game when space is created, place mines all over narrow passages and escape/ganking routes. Dont forget traps.
                    Bara charges on you? Trap on your place.

                    Offense: When you win teamfight and you are alive and your team pushing create backing point with trap so team can retreat safely. Rush remote mine cluster on their side and get easy double/triple.
                    You can also push with team.

                    Base defense:
                    Most noob techie shiters place stack of remotes in front of t3 and thats it. If they make it they can get rampage, if they fail say goodbye to racks.
                    What you have to do as defense techie is to use all the damn space in base around towers and racks to place mines and traps as many as you can. Also traps and mines in front of base by sides. So every enemy movement can be a potential disaster for them.
                    When you place SIGN, stack double amount of remote mines, so you have 2 attempts to wipe enemy if you fail the first. For that detonate mines with Q.

                    Prevent enemy from escaping failed push by closing jungle passages with traps and mines.

                    For me best late game item is Sheepstick.

                    Item build:
                    start with 3-4 clarity and go jungle, experiment im not sure
                    soul ring, mana boots, kaya, aganim, travels or hex what is situational

                    -4s prox mines
                    +4mana regen most of the time
                    +25 mines movement speed

                    Techie has great synergy with pudge, bat and magnus. Force staff is situational. I love to play vs tinker with techie, oh that poor tinker.

                    I may be much lower mmr then you but take my advice or at least try.
                    Have fun ;)

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      your techies winrate is 51%, not 65%

                      but i agree on what you say. techies played like that can be really painful
                      whenever i see techies placing mines in my lane or at the sideshop i say thx for +25 gold


                        Well actually 52% but probably first 50 games are just shit. Now i rarely lose techie game, only if team is total shit.


                          Also if you’re a sneaky fuck you can split push. One mine rapes a wave. And you’re not with your team anyways

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Kil yorself

                            When that is actually a major part of playing the hero


                              Techie is one of the fastest split pushers. Remote lvl2 with aganim clears wave and is faster then clearing with mine.


                              whenever i see techies placing mines in my lane or at the sideshop i say thx for +25 gold"

                              I place 3 mines with 1 clarity. You maybe, if you are lucky destroy 2 and get 50 gold, 3rd one hits you, you lose 1/2 hp. If you are unlucky bastard you die hahaha.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                thats on the same splitpush level as battlefury bounty hunter

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  He's more of a counter pusher, being ablebto plant mines close to his tower, the enemies push the lanes so they can set a gank, you blow the wave from anywhere in the map. Gank is being interrupted


                                    Also this @Kotl

                                    About being underleveled. What you need to do is to get reasonably fast to lvl4 mines (800dmg). Then place as many mines as you can. Kills will pay off and give you xp. 2nd Objective is to get to Aganim. Then you have core items and at that point your lvls doesnt matter that much, you are ready for anything.

                                    steff ou dzi

                                      Thanks everyone! Actually cant believe i got so many gut answers. Thanks once again. Cheers!


                                        One more thing that i want to mention is a big mistake that most techies players do: DONT STAY IN ONE LANE FOR EVER! . If you stay a long time in a lane the enemy will simply push the other lanes as hard as fuck ! So dont forget to be present in all the lanes and show yourself every where in the map so that they dont dare pushing the lanes. Techies is about FEAR ! Sometimes a single Sign under ur tower when you have aghs will keep the enemy away from it without even bein a single mine under it. I usualy dont mine the high ground (in front of tower) cause everybody know that everyone will do it so :
                                        1.they carry a sentry or gem
                                        2.they avoid getting close to it.
                                        In either ways putting mines there is just waste of time and mana.
                                        And by the way buying a Moon shard in late game combined with +250 attack talent is insane in the late game.

                                        Story Time

                                          guys, i have an idea that CK is good with techies in double lane for juking his rift on mines, am i wrong?


                                            kill ppl with suicide (2 lane) then win fights with suicide

                                            put green mines on choke points obviously

                                            for 1 lane hg have hotkey to det x number of mines ie 5 max remotes = 2700 hp removed

                                            that way u can have 10 mines and det twice on 1 place, or fs their gem guy onto the stack and then they run in and get wiped because they cant see remaining mines

                                            dont fucking skill mine lvl 1. and use reds mostly where they cant hit them (trees)

                                            rift is so fucking random where it moves people bro. can be anywhere in that straight line

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Not that much bad ! But sending a CK in the offlane is not a good idea ! I prefer Kunka with techies : X + Blast off is realy OP in the early game.

                                              Story Time

                                                ^but early rift is short-ranged and will most likely hit the range of mine. I imagine a Ck rifting from a forest side or sideshop. Also later stun is good for blust off, in my opinion