General Discussion

General DiscussionCure for a broken heart:(

Cure for a broken heart:( in General Discussion

    Me sad. Long story. Pls post something funny or stupid or mean in this thread. Post a meme, roast my winrate or something Idc, Just let this thread bring happiness to others


      Long story... We have time so please do Share it <3 After all there are some humans on this forum and actual people with feelings who play this game


        Breakup form my longest relationship yet. Actually that wasn’t very long at all haha. Thank you for your concern friend. I might share more details if this thread gets any attention


          how long was it? and u got my attention.


            1 year. Its my longest, I’m only 20 I appreciate your concern sir. But I’m not sure I want to discuss details as of now. I just wanna see how DotaBuff community will react. Any reply, from a kind one to an insult, to advice or a simple “K” Is welcome. I don’t want this thread to be about me? But I want to hear the voice of this community.


              1 year who gives a shit. It's not even long, just wank and move on




                  Thank you eddie

                  I’m not known to keep long relationships haha

                  And thank you grimm


                    Wank? how can she .. Please explain


                      Just do what makes you happy for the next week or so. Play dotes, talk to friends, make some memes in photoshop or something. I recommend buying Just Cause 3 while it's on sale for the next two days, $7.50 for a full game is veri naice and you literally are just a one man army that blows everything up, very therapeutic.


                        I already have JC 3 thank you Norman and Dawn. I’m currently speedrunning RE7 and mario oddysey so might do that for a bit.


                          “Speedrunning” kappa


                            Good thing you are still young

                            Bad Intentions

                              Yo OP sup man. Kindly elaborate on logistics. What she looks like, be honest. Her logistics. And your current situation with a possible new gf target.


                                Thanks Jacked and BI.

                                She was very beautiful:) If I’m being completely honest and we had a lot of great times together, she was very smart and leagues beyond any of my old relationships. Of course it sucks but I’m just thankful that it happened. As for new targets I think I’ll lay off anything seriously for a while. I’m in college so there’s a lot of women so I’m in no hurry, especially since none of them were looking for serious too. I was sorounded by promiscuity and yet I just wanted someone to love. And thats when I met her.for me, being honest, she was one of the best ones out here :*( feelsbadman. She wanted to focus on her grades, she’s really smart and on her way to become a lawyer hopefully. And I’m coming back from an injury which sidelined me for a year from sports. So she says we should focus on ourselves which is cliche as fuck but she’s probably right, still I’m gonna miss her.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  PS, still waiting on your offlane TB Guide Bad Intentions :D actually curious

                                  I can’t believe its not h...

                                    The very first thing to a breakup, is moving together. Second is getting married, and at that point, Both have given up on life. Everybody is gonna breakup, so be glad it happened before any of that shit


                                      Thanks susu point well made.


                                        Women come up with the worse excuses for breaking up. Straight up she probably got bored or wanted something better. Still young tho so that's understandable. Take it as motivation to improve yourself somewhat and find a hotter chick.


                                          Yeah probably she just wanted out. I wouldn’t want to force it. I might just focus on myself a bit, and maybe a few “casual” relationships hehe. From my experience it doesn’t fill the hole, but it is fun nokappa huehue

                                          #828 nun wrong widdat ya ...

                                            well just go to a park at night and cry it all out, it works wonders, then since you lost an addiction, you need to find a new addiction, smoking or vaping etc etc


                                              666 thanks but I cannot smoke
                                              :( i do sports. Guess I’ll just go dota overtime NoKappa

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                @kira i see i see..

                                                you also have to remember, once you graduate and start working, and I assume you not super ugly mannn, you get dem ofis gals :] just hang in there and be ready for worklife after grad

                                                what location are we talking about here btw


                                                  it sucks man, i pass throught it some months ago and i can say it really hurts. And look that was me who finished our relationship. Well, I say to you that only time heals , although it works like a scar: everytime you remember, will open the wound. Just try to get surround by your friends, play some dota (plz do not feed hahaha) and watch netflix. get distracted and don't open the scar, let it heal! best regards, my friend!

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    Growing up helps.


                                                      Thank you guys, im Filipino so don’t flame me haha.


                                                        Thanks russovsk and proweaboo.
                                                        I’m Filipino btw don’t flame me haha


                                                          grils at the age of 18 like to test out alot of stuff. and they like guys who are 2-3 years older. at least in europe. oh and they start to drink alot.
                                                          i'd quit dota for a while if i was 20 again

                                                          i broke a 3 years relationship when i was 21, went to at least 2 parties a week for a while

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            Ty melt, I think it’s helping me to have a place like this to talk. Well I used to party a lot too, I got injured during a game and was gonna be sidelined for a year. I needed something to take my mind off of my sadness so I played a lot of dota, went to a lot of parties and had a lot of “relationships” but none of them felt good. Then she comes along and made me really happy, now thats gone and I plan to go focus on playing sports again, and nothing serious, in terms of relationships because It really sucks breaking up.

                                                            Thanks for listening guys, Even if it its just taking time to read this post makes me feel better


                                                              Maraming babae sa dagat pre, relax lang, 20 ka lang diba, may oras ka pa, aral muna hahaha


                                                                Salamat idol

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  Philippine? mann you be fine. I see a lot of good looking sexy office girls there. Just dont be super ugly and fat and you get them at work.


                                                                    Im in college brah.


                                                                      a heart surgery

                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                        Once ya graduate or yolo get some office gals man while in college :]

                                                                        kädili somsa

                                                                          how to get gud at broken heart lessons from cookie

                                                                          kädili somsa

                                                                            by destroying exgirlfriends heart?


                                                                              Rofl thanks cuki and btb


                                                                                never give a fuck

                                                                                Yung Beethoven

                                                                                  @kara same thing just happend to me 2 months ago. But instead this relationship was 4 years long + she used to live with me together.
                                                                                  So it can be worse, i tell you that. She was the most important person in my life 2 months ago. Now we are never going to talk to each other again. Life sucks sometimes.


                                                                                    Thanks model and zab

                                                                                    Model I wish I could man, I wish I could

                                                                                    Zab that sucks dude. I can only imagine how worse it was if it was that long. How are you coping? Would like to know

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      A broken heart means you have loved something, you have tried for something, and you have let life teach you.

                                                                                      Marami pang mga babae bruh.

                                                                                      TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                                                                        well OP
                                                                                        Im in a relationship dilemma as well
                                                                                        but i dont mind
                                                                                        been single for as long as i can remember nvr in a relationship just daily rutin of working and studying
                                                                                        so...if u think ur life sucks right now
                                                                                        i mean in terms of relationship?
                                                                                        imagine me
                                                                                        hahahah FML feelsbadman gun

                                                                                        Yung Beethoven

                                                                                          @kara well im kinda putting all my time into productive things atm. Going to the gym / visiting friends / going out and getting to know new ppl. But well, obviously its hard to not think about my ex sometimes, but as time comes it gets way easier. First month is already over, so im through the hardest part.

                                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                                            Also OP, what am I about to ask is critical.

                                                                                            Did you or did you not have sexual relations with this gal?

                                                                                            Please answer honestly because its a big deal


                                                                                              Thanks guys

                                                                                              Yes Bad Intentions I did, I see no reason to hide it

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                Ah well.. that will definitely make things more tough man


                                                                                                  break something, for example a finger

                                                                                                  you will stop feeling broken hearted and experience real pain


                                                                                                    do you like anime


                                                                                                      Zemo san E D G Y hahahhaha

                                                                                                      Arinki sadly I’m as casual an anime watcher as can be haha but I don’t hate it


                                                                                                        How many ex do you have