demolish really? he is talking about sub 5.30 throne and you are saying "demolish on the bear". you know you get that thing on level 7? huskar is good because he has super good dps on low hp and he can endlessly tank towers with armlet. another hero that could possibly be good is troll but he gets less damage from armlet so i dont know.
When u follow ur coworker that u dislike around the entire day everywhere they go so you can insult them
I never thought about armlet toggling like that before. I'm assuming you're allowed to micro your team as well? One guy tanking tower with armlet, one guy cutting the wave, then the rest of the team would be auras or nuking the tower like Pugna or Jakiro.
Couldn't you just repeat what that guy did in the video but slightly more efficiently? There were times when he unnecessarily let creeps get hit by the tower when he had armlet, he missed a few last hits, and he could've been more efficient about keeping his health below 10% to maintain berserker's blood max attack speed.
isn't the midlane shorter than the other lanes? or does the speed boost cancel that out?
i won't play, I'm not mechanically good enough to grind, but can theory craft
also maybe is ench a good idea? with the right spawn at the start she should be able to do about the same damage vs. building also she can quickly push creeps with stomp/satyr aoe. by using glyph shortly before 1st wave reaches tower you should be able to use it again while pushing the final tower
when i stop hating myself to actually finish at least one playthrough without cringing at how bad i am
Who is able to deploy as much tower damage as possible as early as possible?
Bear is out of the question, you won't manage to get 7 fast enough for demolish
Pugna is probably the best contender, but can you sustain your mana enough to keep yourself constantly going? I don't think clarity regen fast enough to not eun out of mana if you spam blast when off cd. Maybe if you can get soul ring fast enough, I'm not sure it would be enough
Drow also comes to mind, but she can't clear the creeps too fast before 6
I think that the hero that has the biggest chance to do that is enigma, he can get soul ring very fast, gst maybe basi and some clarities
You than need to get armlet on a reasonable timing inside that 5:30 so you have enough time to actually make use of that armlet to justify going for it on first place
You want a hero that can efficiently take as much farm in the first minute to get small jtems that would help him run towers, and has abilities that can help him early on performing that
I think enigma is best suited for that, but I highly doubt on his ability to finish the game in that short window, maybe get t3 if he does that really efficiently
If you give us like 10 minutes, that would be more reasonable, since we can make use of the 7 minutes catapult. In that case I'll get a drow, build dom, Aquila and maelstrom. On 7:30 t3 should be down woth your catapult alive and maybe kobold or wolf. Sadly I don't know how would you take the t4 since the wave would hit the racks. So i think you need to reserve a minute for taking rax before you approach the ancient. So I highly doubt if you can do it before the 9 minutes mark. But drow is probably the best suited to do that
But in 5:30, you won't be able to do much since without your ult your e isn't really a tower threatening tool, enigma is again, probably the most effective in this time frame, and I still don't think hell be able to do that
Btw enigma+drow would be great for that, because the aura would affect the idolons, but we said 1 hero
When I think about it, maybe Jakiro
Liquid fire will help tge creeps tank the tower, so you'll get t1 very early
Dual breathe can help clear the wave
Get something like blight stone and Aquila, let the creeps do their job
I still don't know how would you take rax on time, since again you rely on them taking the towers
In sandbox lp removal where people feed with 5 heroes and tanks to stack the creeps for pushing it's common for the game to take 5 minutes to end. How would anything other than huskar end faster when he's used in every throning record?
bless my brain
Tho maybe troll or bm might have some potential.
I really love Eddie, keeping 2k's in their place. Seen a majority of the posts between the two haha.
But you forgot one thing - OP said
no enemies or allies allowed
I don't think huskar can manage 1v0 to finish the game in that timing
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
without cheats
all pick lobby, no enemies or allies allowed
no bonus items from randoming
you can pick both sides
video required.
strat: or
it doens't matter if you follow the strat or you play something else, i care only about ur time.
you have time b4 17th january.