General Discussion

General DiscussionAether lens

Aether lens in General Discussion

    Seriously, this item is currently so OP now.

    With SD, it feels like the 5k item - you can initiate with Q on 850 range, what is higher than night vision, with R on 1050 range. So amazing. Same with WD - without this item, you need to get fairly close to cast maledict and having ward further away is always a big benefit.

    Generally, with the addition of kaya and rework, this item is much more interesting.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      it only got like 30 extra range compared to the old one. higher mana pool is nice, but the item is pretty much the same. also buying this item means you are not buying force staff/glimmer cape or some other items that are actually helpful for your team.

      par73 KB24 | GTUBE

        I love this item on Dark Willow. There is a higher win rate with increased cast range, which no doubt helps out Aether Lens, but the increased Damage talent pairs very well with the level 25 talent +200 attack speed. Grabbing Aether Lens will provide a bit less cast range when skipping the talent, but opens the windows I prefer!

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          I think it’s a good purchase if you aren’t a solo support. If not then glimmer, force and Euls are more important imo

          Il Separatio

            Aether Lens was ignored since its introduction... literally an Iron Branch was better than this long time ignored item until now.