General Discussion

General DiscussionMedal Drop

Medal Drop in General Discussion

    Sorry for bad english.
    I just drop from ancient to legend 5 after a winning game.
    I played 30 or more game after calibration and read that medals can't drop because it's the highest rank that u reach in the season.
    Can someone explain me how this medal system work?


      Yea that's weird. It shouldn't drop otherwise I would be legend 2 now.

      Jk I'm still legend 4.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        A medal cannot decrease in rank. thats what they say but somehow my medal droped just now


          Could be a bug


            I dropped from ancient 3 to ancient 2 after winning a game aswell. WHats going on???


              Yeah I dropped from divine 5 to legend 3 after winning a game. 0DD


                Maybe they moved the boundaries and everyone's medal changed?


                  it was a bug

                  Player 215168758

                    DO NOT WIN A GAME


                      Maybe it's because of the update that takes party mmr in consideration up to ancient medal? They maybe adjusted all those ancients with low party mmr to a lower medal. I'm not sure tho.

                      Bow River Killer

                        Your rank can go down, but you’ll get to keep the medal of your highest rank attained for the season.


                          i played only solo on my smurf account. my smurf was 5140 (peak) and i had a lose streak on my smurf 4820 (now). and my medal went from divine 0 to ancient 4 after 1 game lol.. most funny part is i had 3 games in a row matching me up with 3 ancient 3 players and my opponent was 3 divine 0. fucked up matchmaking system :)
                          this is my smurf account, i also have screenshot where i was divine 0 but somehow today my medal became ancient 4 after 1 game.. lel