General Discussion

General DiscussionIm totaly stuck, pls help and give advice.

Im totaly stuck, pls help and give advice. in General Discussion

    So here is the problem. I play dota for a long time now and im still in trench. First calibration long ago was 2800mmr then i raised to 3300mmr and the downfall began. Until 1700mmr. I became toxic as shit cause I couldn't stand rly bad players ruining games, cour feed, hero feed, 4th pick random etc. The list is long. So I brake down cause I give my all to the game and start cursing and stuff and get lots of reports and lows. Fall goes directly to 1700mmr with unwinnable games.

    I got so frustrated that I made new acc, play nice with people and get new calibration. First calibration games were in vhs and hs tier and I played supp. A good support and team commended me, we got hard wins. My kda was great and etc. Then I performed under average in one game and get moved to normal skill game. I pick carry now and wreck them all so they move me back to hs.

    At the end of calibration I get trash tier again. Archon1 lol. I was like cmon. I know im well above this bracket, at least i can be in 3k bracket, but im again in 2k. I played 4k ranked games and did great as supp, hs games were also ok with all parameters. Normal skill is unplayable. If i play support we lose, if i pick carry I got smurf 5k Invoker on mid who wrecks whole team and i just cant get out. Now loosing streak is on just after calibration with rly rly bad people. I mean, Venge who goes support and buys no wards. I suggest him to buy wards and he buys 2 and leaves them in base while he farm jungle and not supporting the game at all. Its beyond explaining how those games look like...

    So please help, I will appreciate suggestions and advice. Ty


      Lmao. No matter what you do the odds are always stacked against you. You know why? Because valve has blackmarked your IP address. No jokes. He don't want you to climb so he fuck up your matchmaking.


        So what do I do now, delete dota? Because I cant play like this. Im just getting frustrated.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Buy compendium. Don't make the same mistake again.


            That thing with blacklisting ip seems to be true cause when seasonal calibration started I played mid against Jugg. Guy was amazing. Such skill, much expirience, wow. Rly. And i downloaded that replay to see again how he played. At the end of his calibration he got crusader hahaha. That play, skill and reflexes were at least 5k.


              Mmr is not accurate. It is also why you are stuck with bad team and play against 5k. Obviously if u have played Dota for a Long time u are at least ancient. But how can valve know it? They can't. And then 5ks are being calibrated as herald. My advice is to keep behaviour good and to buy more compendiums so that your valve give your ip priority for good games.


                Stop blaming other people. You suck. That's why you're stuck. There are literally thousands of players who broke 3k+, not because they managed to cheat the system or got lucky, but because they got better at winning games.

                And if you have to "play nice" with other people, you're probably an asshole, and deserve to be reported/in low priority.


                  go buy a 3k account.

                  If you are as good as you think, you will stay 3k

                  if your dropping, its you. If you get better.. guess what :thinking: you might become 4k !! :)


                    4k is ez as fuck
                    I was 2k in the beginning and that's the hardest bracket i've played in
                    When you realise you suck and become better, 3k is just a breeze and your biggest obstacle is time to grind


                      my advice would be to stop blaming others and focus on what you can do to improve. Your mindset is failing you, instead of focusing on what your team is doing focus on the game - you're hard carry and you need vision? buy the ward yourself... its 50g and saves you dying, easy decision.

                      Be PMA, respect your teammates because they are the same skill and MMR as you are; even if you don't believe so. Lastly, work on playing better, you will gain ez MMR. GL HF>

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Jacked loves fucking with these types of people


                          BY THE WAY.....

                          wards aren't 50g anymore.

                          THEY 80!!!!


                            First of all you have to get out of that trash behavior score, play turbo games only and don't ever use chat 'till you get normal behavior score. Currently normal behavior score is a fucking joke and games feel like D behavior score, but better than nothing. Mute everyone and focus on YOUR playstyle and on fixing the mistakes you usually make as much as possible. You can also use this time to practice 2-3 heroes that you will spam to climb. I suggest heroes that don't rely on team play for shit and that are preferably in the meta. Fuck supporting and fuck gathering, get either a hero that can snowball from early game or a hard carry that can split, get fat and win the game.

                            After this, you will have normal bhs and since you will have had everyone muted and focused on getting a bit better at certain things you will probably feel more relaxed. Giving yourself the time to untilt is very important. Don't ever play ranked when you feel nervous unless you wanna end up like me, periodically stuck with fucking idiots who steal your role/lane, flame you and then report you. And guess who ended in lp after supporting dumbshits for months.

                            Once you feel more relaxed and confident enough with those heroes, go play ranked. Mute all chat from the beginning or, if you wanna try to communicate, mute whoever flames as soon as the argument starts. Focus on your performance and don't rely on the team at all. Imagine you're playing a bot game, there's no point in trying to team up with handless and brainless fucktards. If you really are better you will eventually climb, probably slowly but surely.