General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people still jungle??

Why do people still jungle?? in General Discussion

    sure, if i ever catch you online while im watching twitch i'll check it out.


      OP are u a dota renew player back in the days?


        Majority of dota players don't read patch notes


          Majority of dota players don't read patch notes


            Im guessing people dont like to lose lanes, sure you can pull off jungling, hell you can even be consistently good at it. But your team doesent know that you are. All they know is that they are losing a lane. Sure cookie can pull off that “fail” gank bait, not everyone can. Often times people jungle cause theyre greedy, and dont want to support. Jungling is not good, nor is it terrible. But it is by nature greedy. All your team sees after losing lanes are a shit poor support, and underfarmed carry/mid with a few deaths and who will they blame? The guy who was hitting creeps for like 10 minutes while they were dying


              everyone can take a free win, but not everyone can make a guaranteed loss into a win.

              The Struggle.


                I actually did download and watch one of IceTea's replays, because being able to climb MMR purely jungling, like he did, intrigued me, and I wanted to emulate it. And granted, he had efficient jungling, and good enough game sense to split push to victory. But the stats of his last few games before he disappeared says it all.
                For a 5K player to do as terribly as he did in a normal skill game? Wew.


                  But yeah cookie you're right, i was salty and hating on the guy. Still kinda do. Not without my reasons. He was one of the most annoying MMR elitists on the forums, destroying all threads with "you're all normal skill you're all trash".

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Jungling is better than picking a pos 1 carry and contest farm with everyone


                      Isnt that the point of a position 1? To get big and carry the game.


                        If jungle win game its cos of him.

                        If jungle lose game is cos noob team lose lanes gg report my team!