General Discussion

General Discussiondid cookie ever make any more guides

did cookie ever make any more guides in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    all trolling aside i actually really liked his last hit challenges. As a non carry player it really helped teach me to CS.

    Also did he ever make any other hero guides? Or is his CM guide applicable to other heroes? If nobody knows what i am talking about it is a really great guide on winning games with CM

    was just wondering if he made others or if other heroes could basically do this.


      Cookies last hit challenges r pointless


        Even if that's the case, which I'm not saying it is, you or me aren't relevant to judge someone 10 times better than us when it comes to Dota.


          im not saying cookie is bad, but who cares abt lh challenges
          his guides r good imo

          Chao Vritra

            I think his last hit challenges are pretty good. Maybe people who main carries do not benefit from them. But I think it is strong. If you can not last hit every creep perfectly without the distraction of other heroes, you have no business playing carry in a real game (this is me so I like the challenges lol i am also a newb)

            Also think it is really nice that a higher MMR player takes his time to teach other players the game. He does not have to do that.


              @ Washed up

              I know that you don't think he's bad, I'm just saying that being good at last hits should help you more than you think, at least from my point of view.

              That's why I think his last-hits gudies are very good.


                it would be nice if some divine 5 players would post a guide of a specific hero



                  chicken spook,,,,



                      Cookies guides were like that bowie Dota 2 guy.
                      For low skill or new players they are great, other than that you should join PROMO CODE:BSJ for 15% your subscription so you may be able to learn Dota from the pros and Increase your mmr


                        Wait, what has" not being a carry player" have to do with last hitting? The fact that you are not a carry player only means that you should give your carry your farm while you are babysitting him, you should however always compete for the last hits when solo in a lane.

                        Also, don't get me wrong, I guess this cookie guy is great in making tutorials, but I am not taking adviced from someone on supporting whose stats say he is jungle farming more than 50% of his "support hero" games

                        take support advices from supports and take carry advices from carry players

                        it is not even that I think a support player is better than a carry player in playing as a support, but he won't give you the advices to compete as a good support

                        also the first premise of his post is simply mindblowingly dumb

                        the reason that this works is that low mmr players have no idea what ganks are nor can they farm
                        and also they keep playing 3-5 man carry lineups which are super easy to shut down.
                        the last 3 people i've shown this to have instantly won almost every game after showing them this

                        how do you even consider this to be a guide?

                        also, it gets dumber:

                        tell someone else to go support

                        he just stated that these are 3-5 carry lineups, why do you think anybody would support if that would be true
                        on top of that, he is making a guide for a support hero where he isn't supporting

                        should I go on?


                          I am so anoyed by the "hurr durr those low level mmr guys can't do shit so I am doing the same thing I am accusing them to do, only with a hero that is not suitable for it"

                          if you are a good support player, the goal is to enhance the value of your carry player, no matter who that carry is. If that carry is an average 3k player, you should make him play as a 3.5k player or more if you know what you are doing, that is how games are won

                          granted, there are players who simply can't do shit, but those games fall under 20% tops of your overall games


                            People still doubting cookie guides in 2k17 lmao


                              i got to 5k with supporting, only lowbies don't farm on a support.

                              the fact that i have to state this in almost every guide is insulting to my knowledge.

                              pos 1-5 system only states that your farm priority is low, not that you can't farm.

                              p.s that's not an pos 5 guide, it's an old style pos 4

                              obviously the guide got outdated and doesn't work anymore due to the map changes.

                              p.p.s the reason i actually made those LH challenges like that is because i used to get like 2-3 new people asking me to coach them each day

                              but then i realized that half of them just want a magical trick that will make them 6k overnight, or they have mental issues that i don't wont to deal with (biases, dunning kruger, or in general being illogical) so i made those challenges as a requirement to get coaching as it'd eliminate the majority of the ones who don't want to actually learn.

                              so far i had like only 10 students who actually put as much work as i did to grind.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Chao Vritra

                                Yeah I know the map changed a bit since that guide was written. That guide was amazing ignore the haters. Just know a lot of people appreciate the help, myself included.

                                Would be really cool if you could do an updated version of this or something close to it.

                                also lol at all the people hating on cookie guide but having less MMR than him


                                  i actually almost never read any guides myself other than wiki, hero introductions from dota cinema, professor fierce's guides and gurupathik's guides.

                                  which you can read/watch of that within a couple of days.

                                  everything else i learned was trough a shit ton of analysis, i lost interest in that after i reached 5k so i went to smurfing

                                  now i lost interest even in smurfing, so i'm slowly quitting dota, as the game is simply not fun anymore. As much as i like my fair share of drama, i'm just a casual scrub.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    eh i learned lh by playing the damn game tbh

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      His guides are basically "hey im g00d suck my dick"

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        As cutnpaste said before, you don't need intense calculation/prediction or repetitive training and whatnot, just play the game and build better gamesense based on common sense


                                          I can make a jungle cm guide but I'm not good with words


                                            If you want to improve "just play the game" is the worst advice you could give. When you first start you'll improve until you hit a treshhold. Than you ll be stuck there no matter if you play 1000 or 2000 games. To improve further you have to train efficently. Like a pro soccer player you split things up. You do last hit challenges to improve your farm (rtz does them so why don't you ?), you watch and analyze pro replays to improve strategy, you go in hero testing and practice skillshots and combos etc. Get the bot if you think you "can" lasthit. It will remind you after everygame how bad you are at lasthitting compared to the elite.

                                            casual gamer

                                              how to play nyx

                                              don’t die for 7 minutes

                                              hit lvl 6 in fog

                                              kill mid with vendetta

                                              kill offlane with vendetta

                                              click your spells for 30 minutes

                                              jaja ez ctmr