General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat support best compliments anti mage?

What support best compliments anti mage? in General Discussion

    Okay, so I despise playing with anti mage on my team generally, needless to say no matter how much I beg them not to people just love this hero. Anti mage spammers who is your preferred support/ highest win rate support?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      nothing in particular
      generally ranged is better, and it rlly depends on the offlaner
      anything that handles the enemy offlaner fine is ok with me, aka ogre against axe is not ok, but lion against bb is.
      also helps to have disables, because against weak lvl 1 offlaners am can snag fb with it


        Any hero that doesnt nuke creep


          Shadow Shaman


            SS, Warlock.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Any supports, who cares about AM?? He's farming on the other side of the map.


                If I’m supporting an AM I pick someone who can make space/plays for him to come online. Nyx, Night Stalker,Bara come to mind. For 5 I pick those who can save his ass if he gets counterpicked, which is most times.


                  AA, Clockwerk, Nyx, Omni


                    Winter wyvern protects you from physical and lanes really strongly. Tbh any strong ranged support is fine though.


                      a hero with lockdown



                        bum farto

                          Shadow Demon is as good with AM as he is against him.


                            Tanky supports that can do stuff while am afks and doesn't get blown up so quickly in fights so am can shine