General Discussion


CALIBRATION : ANCIENT in General Discussion

    Dafuq is this Calibration?

    Yesterday i was calibrating for Ancient, as of now i have 5 wins 2 losses as Support and Offlaner (spamming earth spirit and LD) then this 1 match i was shocked that the calibration went down to Legend [1] me and my teammates was like "I'm 5k why am i at Legend [1]. Is this broken or what?

    Riguma Borusu

      lol is such a great game


        Same as my friend who first match with Legend [5] last night, but now after 6 matchs he goes to Anchor [3] LUL.


          just play, i was matched with archons 5 during my 2nd to the last game
          but after that i got back to ancient 3 when i played my last game


            have you tried destroying the enemy Ancient[5]?


              It doesn't matter, I was vs a Herald 3 in my last game and still got Ancient. They just needed a way to make matchmaking more trash than before.


                LMAO SLQ now thinks matchmaking has become more trash to justify his shitty games when he should instead see a psychiatrist for his shitty personality


                  ? it's getting boring psycho kid


                    Man, they probably have calibrated their pt medal first, i got matched with a legend(5) player a few hours ago.