General Discussion

General DiscussionValve ruined the game.

Valve ruined the game. in General Discussion
win, win, win

    That's it. I will stop playing. Getting 6-4 on calibration playing sacrificial support, losing 300 MMR; now getting matched with the dumbest trash from 3k, furion going no boots necro3 and meteor hammer rat doto all game, void running into emp dying before using ult, team not going rosh when pos1 and pos2 is dead, and we have slard and solar crest. im done. valve ruined the game. thank you valve, thank you so much.

    win, win, win

      i stand in front of rosh, using solar crest, hitting rosh until i almost die. my team doesnt give a fuck, farming woods, farming lanes, while their both cores are dead. saddest scene in my entire dota life.


        dude its calibration.

        no oke cares about winning, they all want to get 700GPM. ironcally by afk hitting jungle creeps.

        supports rush midas because they need GPM

        everyone picks the greediest heros possible

        in my last game which was an ez win my PA almost threw the gams. bought 2 rapiers and lost both within 2 minutes hah

        typical recalibration shitshow

        wait 1 week then play

        зачем я начал поиск

          Well, at least you've denied yourself to Rosh instead of feeding.

          win, win, win

            what the fuc kis this? am i supposed to steal exp from carry so i get higher xpm in the end even if its the worse play? which dumbfuck had this idea of using xpm gpm for calibration? xpm means shit, gpm means shit, dmg dealt means shit and dmg dealt to buildings also means shit when u play support. dota is way too complex to break it down to even numbers. i can bait enemy team to kill me, i get killed and enemy get teamwiped. THESE are things which decide games, and u get abslutely ZERO from in in calibration. only factors which count are WIN or LOSE (and i thought calibration only takes win or lose), everything else is a fuckin joke.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            зачем я начал поиск

              Win/Loss doesn't have anything to do with calibration result.
              No one is yet sure, how the new system assess performance, but it almost certainly isn't win/loss.

              Go on Pd/ and check people experimenting with smurfs/bot accs.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                don't cry about it, at least you got ancient 1

                we were the same mmr, went 6 / 10 wins and got legend 4

                luckily the very next game i got legend 5 straight away.

                the system is flawed since the games are so fucking terrible at the moment. safelane axe's, PA that doesn't take 2nd spell until lvl 7, etc

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  mmr was deflated,p; everyone lost mmr except the very bottom tier, i think

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    played 6 cali games so far, in none of them anyone tried to inflate their stats or prolong the game and noone fought for core, the quality of games is identical to my usual ranked games pre-reset, even better probably

                    dunno where ure playing to get that shit(or ure lying)


                      I literally don't understand these idiots.
                      The bitch played 12 games in one day yesterday (14 games in one day the most) and 47 games this past week, and hes saying "Valve ruined the game".
                      Its more like Valve ruined your life.


                        @kruelty, typical answer from a member of a toxic community. get your facts straight before you trashtalk

                        I played 12 games cos I was eager to see my medal, before that I haven't played ranked solo in +2weeks.

                        those 47 games you speak off are mostly turbos, which are x3 less length than normal games.

                        so once again, get ur facts straight and get lost. what else to expect from a pudge spammer. The hero should be perma banned from dota anyway for being too OP.

                        as for @urmom

               - axe game
               - PA game
                        so you can see I'm not lying. you can check the lanes and the PA skill build. + fun fact, volvo gave me the same guy (the PA guy) the next game where he also played safelane and failed miserably.

                        ah and yes, another fun fact not visible here on dotabuff

                        I accidentally marked captains mode and went ranked - what happened? we managed to get a captain that was AFK from minute 0, so we basically just randomed entire draft and wasted like 15mins of our life cos we had to wait through the entire draft + first 5min of the game for the game to go into no stats recorded cos of the afk asshole. wp volvo, I boost my mmr fair and square with non standard heroes and u reward me with dogshit games. I should have been ancient 2+ at least. Guess I'll just have to go back to the trenches again.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        зачем я начал поиск

                          Shit happens.
                          Last game I had DUAL JUNGLE Doom + Necro, who fed with me, while I was dc'd.

                          Take it easy.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Yeah, you're absolutely right, my problem here is a random dumbfuck like @kruelty who comes in babbling senseless stuff and inverting the facts while failing to realize the main premise of the statement. He is a perfect example of someone I like reporting in-game.


                              pros lost 2-3k mmr



                                Just get high APM and move your camera around like a retard


                                  I also got Legend 4, having same mmr. So dont cry, its good.


                                    being denied to rosh gives gold to all heroes isn’t? better to die to 1 hero good if from support hero. correct me if im wrong :) i feel you ts. 2-3k brackets is different when you play 4k and above.


                                      I’m waiting a week or two before I play so all the “carry” players calibrate

                                      Justin Weaver

                                        Lol calibration criteria for support and carry and each role is different, doesn't mean if you are support u are supposed to have high gpm and xpm, but kda matters, die less stack , pull buy wards do the support duty and u will still calibrate high with support as well


                                          @good dota

                                          AND they still have good games, I don't

                                          just played a game with SF crying for mid. result - 8 denies at the end of the game(with a shadow fiend, HA HA HA) + he failed mid obv so tinker destroyed us totally

                                 - thats the retard SF. He also blamed entire team, so shitty player. has 5k games, and most played hero SF barely 50 percent winrate.

                                          thank you VOLVO once again. He is legend 5 same as I am... JOKE.

                                          you know I might not have said anything if he kept his mouth shut, but no, first lets blame roamer, then blame support, then blame offlane and finally blame safelane carry. Toxic trash player who blames everyone but himself - the guy who gets EIGHT DENIES ON SF

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            It is pretty simple how calibration works - valve simply compares your performance on that hero in that role to what everyone else playing that hero in that role gets. it doesn't matter what hero you pick or what role you play. If you pick and play as support Valve doesn't care what your GPM is. If you pick and play as carry Valve doesn't care how many wards you buy.

                                            Also, AFK farming doesn't get you a high calibration because you will have low hero damage, kills and assists and tower damage.


                                              the classical echo sabre spirit breaker crying

                                              if anything you also dont belong into your bracket


                                                @unhealable damage

                                                you're just another random spilling out toxic waste without any concrete arguments. Of course I make echo sabre since it's the perfect item for him. Not that it matters in a game like that, where one guy ruins entire game.

                                                Your stats:

                                                Solo MMR

                                                I'll just stop now. You are everything what's wrong in this community. Lowdog who plays normal bracket and thinks he is good.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Another shit game played, this time we won but regardless it was crap.


                                                  so first during draft both me and pango marked mid, even though I was clearly first, I recommend a roll, he immediately goes away and calls me an idiot and typical midder. Hmm nice attitude buddy, he did play good later on so I chose to not report him, regardless, a toxic shithead.

                                                  As for the game itself, as you can see their draft is completely horrible, and the game was frustrating for both sides. First we had a spiritbreaker who is incapable of charging mid @ a sub400hp hero on multiple occasions. From his profile I see he spams his hero a lot, and yet he was so terrible with him and fed weaver 7-2 early game. As for how we won, well THEY were even worse than us, they left dusa alone on safelane so she got absolutely destroyed by pango, and I won't even comment on a mid ursa that kills roshan @ 22nd minute

                                                  When they lost the game, earthshaker said nice medusa... what a dumbass, he leaves his safelane carry alone, doesn't buy wards and then starts blaming.

                                                  THIS IS THE NEW MMR @ 4k FOLKS, THANK YOU VALVE.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Shut the uuck fp and stop complaining. System is the same but this time, you get badges.


                                                      You need to wait 2-3 weeks until everything stabilize, It's quite chaotic rn





                                                          It's not the same since ppl from 3600-4400 now play together. You're being ignorant.

                                                          @megumii yea you're right, best is to not play ranked for a while so that shittards drop in MMR where they belong.


                                                            git gud you megacuck

                                                            you're the one that will drop, waiting doesnt help you

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              I guess dota isn't the only thing I should be avoiding now...

                                                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                Same with my first calibration match. I'd played as position 5 (Vengeful Spirit), I stacked so many netural creep. At the moment I saw my team yolo at Radiant - top jungle, I tell them back. Jug behind me, I tell him go take stack and farms safe first. And what do you tihnk ? He don't listen to me, he yolo 1vs3 with enemies, die, and repeat 3 times like that.

                                                                Fucking Valve, the old system is already fine, the change is unecressy. Although, I know at old system MMR, people was used it to be more cancerous, and toxic players. But at least, keep it. WTF !


                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                Salt King

                                                                  It is pretty simple how calibration works - valve simply compares your performance on that hero in that role to what everyone else playing that hero in that role gets. it doesn't matter what hero you pick or what role you play. If you pick and play as support Valve doesn't care what your GPM is. If you pick and play as carry Valve doesn't care how many wards you buy.
                                                                  Also, AFK farming doesn't get you a high calibration because you will have low hero damage, kills and assists and tower damage.

                                                                  I don't know how to quote on here, but just to clarify your statement, are you saying it doesn't matter whether you win or lose as long as you do those things? I.e. if I play support and lose, but my performance on that hero is equal to or better than most people, I'll calibrate higher? Just want to be clear.




                                                                      I like how people blame Valve for ruining the game when it's incredibly obvious it's the player base doubling their toxicity and halving their willingness to actually win that's making things hard.

                                                                      I mean, every single topic about the game being ruined turns out to be players complaining about other players. Nice.


                                                                        On topic. Sumail who was an 8k player is now a 6.7k player. They just reduced the cap like how it was when mmr first got here. 6k was like the highest mmr ever back then.


                                                                          arteezy lose 6 games and get 5 divine star, calm bro


                                                                            It is the same for every one... No different to you or Sumail or Purge... If you get lower than you were, you didn't performe the way the system has setup to be the "good way"... Which is more than likely a more complex operation than any of us could imagine. But it sure isn’t your win-loss only...

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                            win, win, win

                                                                              As i said. There is no system which can evaluate performance by an algorithm. The whole idea is batshit. Only win ratio counts, sounds stupid but its true.


                                                                                Classic autism whine thread
                                                                                Waaaaah some dumb shit happened to me and I blame valve even tho this happens to everyone once in a while BabyRage
                                                                                Most pointless retarded thread


                                                                                  Just win your lane, otherwise they will all said gg. Unless you're the support


                                                                                    I'm in the middle of exams, which is good timing, I'm staying away from dota while all the rabble thrash it out for their beloved MMR. I'll start my calibration matches when im finished with exams and when i see the number of whining posts dwindle, which means ranked will have stabilized by then