General Discussion

General DiscussionGoing to make a new account (smurf)

Going to make a new account (smurf) in General Discussion

    Is there anything I should know?
    Like any tips or I gift items to the other account?
    Would i be an asshole if i do that?

    თემა შეიცვალა


      зачем я начал поиск

        You just create an account and play.


          A new account isnt only about the statistics.
          Its also a mental thing, you play more serious and stop goofing around.
          Fresh start


            theoretically you will ruin the newcomer who know nothing about DOTA by stomping them but in reality you just play and queuing with another smurfing account and talk shit to each other.

            Potato Marshal

              They're usually pretty quick about calibrating you where you belong. It's not that rare for smurfs to shoot up to vhs bracket within as little as 3 matches.


                smurfing is a waste of time
                if it isn't about stats there is literally no use of it

                unless you are trying to get rid of some friends, then I understand you 100%


                  Not doing it I guess...just a waste of time and mmr it seems


                    The lies you tell yourself

                    lone dog

                      People who make smurfs and then ruin 3.5k avg games by stomping are losers tbh.

                      Story Time

                        i use smurf for when i am tired and dont wanna sweat, why else.

                        TIPS: pick versatile heros since u probably will not have a good team composition, neither team play... I ran into a situation with 3 supports after i first picked one and asked to pick carries :( who could think it happens in 3k

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          I have 3 accounts, one of which I use to test bizzare shit, so I won't get behaviour score drops on my mains.
                          Like I wanted to play offlane Jakiro, offlane Naga, etc.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Creating a smurf today is nearly pointless. Wait for the ranked season update in three days and your main account will have the chance to recalibrate.


                              Make new account only if your behaviour score is bad,i dont see why would you make for anything else.Unranked is so boring,i cant wait to play ranked.