General Discussion

General Discussionyour biggest weaknesses?

your biggest weaknesses? in General Discussion

    whats your biggest weakness in terms of gameplay and mindset?

    I push out waves too often, i often find my self pushing a wave with sb or sk and my team fight somewhere on the map which is quiet bad at times. im also a bit too greedy in that i push 1 wave too far and get killed
    also general orientation/focus in teamfights

    i expect too much from teammates, i get tilted when someone doesnt group up for a smoke or a carry farms in jungle when creeps hit our tower next to him.

    on the other hand while playing i often think that the enemy players play too well. for example i dont join a teamfight because i think there will be ES echo slamming everyone meanwhile he is afk jungling somewhere/they have no coordination what so ever. which leads me too not make plays which could be successfull because the enemy team is at least as uncoordinated/unskilled as mine

    თემა შეიცვალა





          I am 5k, what weakness?


            ^ ur weakness may be not knowing your own weakness


              being a cancer in everygame


                When i lose first ranked i just tilt and dont care for win

                If some1 go jungle i insta abandon thats why i play more lp games but i feel better cause i never play with junglers


                  extreme tilt and inability/unwillingness to focus on the game

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  ma-ku hemburger country

                    Panicking last minute lul


                      Being a stereotypical tight-arsed Scotsman: (as carry) refuse to pay the 65g for an observer for safe-lane river vision then rage at myself when I get picked off alone.


                        gameplay:i want to humilate my oponents in every single way and i die sometimes because of it
                        mindset: i tilt whenever things start to go wrong,and rarely win hard games.This is my biggest problem.

                        ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                          Last hitting has never come natural to me as I've never focused on learning to do it properly, which is ridiculous since it's one of the basics of the game. Related to that there's the fact that my farming patterns are kinda bad, I only focus on being cancer, getting kills and creating space but I know that if I wanna reach 5k+ I need to learn to be more efficient.

                          LOLOL where do I start. Got no patience, can't handle stress and pressure, +25 is life so if we lose it's a tragedy, tilt easily, if someone trash talks me the fight's gonna last forever, can't stand idiotic strategic decisions and lack of game sense, especially if I had to repeat what to do a billion times and people still don't listen, can't bear with afk farmers when we got no late game or when there's the random kid that plays like trash and then tries to blame everyone, support being first on the list of course, or when I have to play pos 6, I'm poor af and people start writing shit like "gg no wards, gg no sentries, gg no help report supp". My weak mindset is by far the biggest ostacle for me, even back when I used to play poker. Should start meditating instead of watching guides.

                          Story Time

                            spamming silencer... also it is my biggest advantage


                              My biggest strength is my weakness i mean if i forced to be carry and having dual offlane cancer im just gonna feed 1-10. Or triple gank on midlane when playing mid

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                GG mid = tele enemy fountain (as nature prophet)


                                  Too much supportive and don't care about KDA just focus on wining the game so I can only calibrate at 2.7k by system.


                                    I miss once uphill/miss a few cs/make some other stupid shit = triggered and tilted gg end ff mid afk

                                    Bill Cutting

                                      I get caught up in early skirmishes and realize I’m behind on farm

                                      Other than I’m basically dogshit at everything


                                        Macro control


                                          Not enough focus on the laning phase - too much autoattacking, not enough creep aggro etc. I just want the laning phase to end asap, get my items & finish the game. I know that when I try I can get like 10 more lh in the lane & like 20 denies. Other weakness is map awareness in laning stage - I rarely counter tp into lanes. I think I fix those & I will be around 5k (my highest 2y ago was 4.5k).

                                          low prio master

                                            I cant carry,i cant support,i can blame,i can flame,my name James,i like Mary-Jane,not many not fenny mate like me.


                                              Not giving a shit about teammates.. xD

                                              casual gamer

                                                the fucking laning phase


                                                  3 people ganking me


                                                    i dont like looking at the map

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      I focus on only the heroes in my range when a fight happens
                                                      I could chase someone so hard my brain stops thinking and the vision shrinks into the target
                                                      Then a second guy comes to save him and I know I'm fucked


                                                        I refuse to spam a small pool of heroes. I revel in picking heroes I have sub-50% winrate with and are generally bad in my bracket, like IO. I expect people in my bracket to pick well-rounded drafts. I tilt beyond reason at small mistakes or losses in the early stage and either flame or all mute because I can't stand not flaming someone back.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          I'm shit at farming.

                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                            -I am afraid of losing. Part of the reason I quit playing ranked is not because I was shit at it, I maintained a stable 60-something % winrate in ranked, but it just stressed me out really hard. Like, I get really stressed by going downhill.

                                                            It's a serious personality flaw it general, as it makes me indecisive, which is a really bad trait for a man to have, but I am not sure what I can do. It prevented me from going 5k, which I am sure I could, unironically.

                                                            -I have attitude swings. I could be friendly and PMA one game, but turn into a tilted aggressive person in a few poor matches/me getting mentally tired.
                                                            And then I ruin my own game and go out of control. I want to say shit in mic, as a result I commit misplays and do shit I wouldn't do, were I to play cold-headed. Playing like shit and dying (ruining KDA, having no farm) perpetually increases my inability to concentrate and I play even shittier.

                                                            It's like a wicked circle, from which I have really hard way out. I literally have to mentally tell myself: "It's OK, I'll comeback, it's OK, shit happens, my team may not be the best, but we'll make it..."

                                                            -I like either having high KDA, high GPM and shitting on enemy players (like that 15-0 or 24-0 recent games of mine), I like not the win itself, but winning my lane, feeling dominant in game OR move around the map, picking off heroes, getting lots of assists, aggressively shitting on enemies, but in another way.

                                                            I don't like having to passively farm/splitpush/comeback by afk farming w/Midas or some shit.
                                                            I like aggressive Dota with either lane domination or map ganking domination.
                                                            I don't like playing passive turtling/splitpushing games, where everyone circlejerks and can't fight, they make me angry.

                                                            When I have no kills/assists, when I have no items I expect to have by a certain timing, I get upset as fuck. I may even smash a fist on the table, just to release the frustration.

                                                            Like, if I have 20+ Radiance first item on Brood (super rare, a really bad game), I mentally go like "What the fuck, it's fucking minute 20 and I have NO ITEMS, NO FUCKING ITEMS, I should already have +1-2 slots over Radiance, but I don't have shit, the game's fucking over, my team is fucking shit, enemies are also fucking shit, bu they win..." etc. etc.

                                                            Then I try to calm myself with "Alright, I just need to farm up, outpush lanes and hope for the best, I won't fight w/o BKB" etc.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                                              What differs unranked from ranked for me: not the difficulty or something, but the perspective of losing/gaining points.
                                                              Winning feels good, but losing feels moreso bad for me. I am very competitive inside.
                                                              I literally ceased playing it spontaneously, when I couldn't take it anymore.
                                                              Like, I have an unranked game with offlanePangolier and premuted Tinker mid.
                                                              I check premuted Tinker's account and he's a shitlord, with whom I've lost games, where I carried his ass going like 20-5 on Broodmother, while he was feeding non-fucking-stop with 400 GPM avg on mid heroes.
                                                              At the same time I didn't check through enemy team accounts.
                                                              They had a Meepo smurf w/700 GPM avg, who last picked him into me having Pangodogshit and a shitstain mid.
                                                              It's not like I don't try my best, I just know it's fucking over from minute 0.
                                                              I go Enchantress roaming/jungle, but try my very best, I go 4-0 ganking enemy offlane non-stop with good creeps, I don't sit afk or some shit, I move around the map and kill heroes, 4 fucking kills at minute 10 as jungling Enchantress, then get a 6 minute Midas and try to be as impactful as possible, nevertheless, I know it's fucking over no matter what I am going to do.
                                                              In unranked it feels tolerable, however, be it ranked smth like ~4700 avg, I would fucking go apeshit and be on the verge of quitting the game, without saying a word.
                                                              I don't harass my teammates or tell them anything bad. These are just the thoughts I get.
                                                              I see Pangolier going 0-4 as expected, because it's a non-hero, but I don't tell him anything bad.
                                                              I just feel inner desperation.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                ^typical anime watcher ROIFL

                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                  I am self-conscious about it though.

                                                                  I remove the mic in most games, so I won't be able to tell anything to my team, be less likely to distract myself.
                                                                  I try to control aggressive impulses and remain calm by self-reasoning.
                                                                  I try to speak very politely, until I can't.
                                                                  I try to abuse my attitude pros by playing heroes, which fill my traits, as I result, I win alot.
                                                                  I try to mentally prepare myself for every loss I am expecting from minute 0.
                                                                  I try to make it a joke to myself.

                                                                  I feel nervous to return to ranked matchmaking, I would like to do it, I really want that division 5-6, I am sure I can be at least divison 5, if I just try and play.

                                                                  At the same time, I am not sure, how I'll be able to mentally cope with ranked losestreaks.

                                                                  My biggest grind was 2100-4700 on my previous account, I enjoyed the result, as it was very nice to feel superior than I was, however afterwards I got really mentally unstable and decided to quit for a while. Thus here I am.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    I have no patience when I'm a safelane carry and I have a hard lane. It's triggers me too much when I miss lasthits or I can't be able to come close to the creeps to try to lasthit.

                                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                                      Mindset: I am a bad mental attitude player. I am afraid to lose. I am a dominance freak. I am a nervous player. If I fail to be dominant in the game, I don't like playing it.

                                                                      Gameplay: I feel out of place in split-pushing/turtling/"let's farm for 30 minutes" Dota. I always need to either kill or assist in killing stuff.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        I suck at laning and play too scared.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          I don't give a shit @ trying to improve or win the game so I will never improve because that'd require effort from me which I am not willing to put in.




                                                                              my team Kappa


                                                                                I tilt soemtimes. The one thing that tilts me the most is when dumbass teammates say stupid shit blaming me for things they have no idea (a common one is why didn't I stun. Mofo if stun was off cd I woulda stunned. Not like I wanted to see you die there). Ruins all desire to try and win those games.

                                                                                I'm too gung-ho sometimes. Diving behind tower for a kill and then missing 2-3 waves of farm isn't worth it.

                                                                                I choke from time to time. Like that other day I ulted Visage's bird instead of Visage.

                                                                                I overthink item choices sometimes, and get really weird items. Like that other day I was WK and I farmed midas rad AC bkb blink butterfly against a LS, who simply went armlet abyssal ac and killed me twice.

                                                                                I haven't played any of the new heroes since 6.80. I have no idea what Oracle does.


                                                                                  the enemy ancient, it draws me


                                                                                    sometimes i tend to suck dicks


                                                                                      Give gold to the enemy heroes
                                                                                      Don't get gold from enemy heroes

                                                                                      ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                                                        @Stentorian who's Oracle?


                                                                                          Feeling obligated to team fight when I play a hero who needs to get a few items before being relevant. Recently had a troll game where my team was getting smashed and I decided to jump in and got wrecked by the OD. So went to vacant lanes and rat doto ftw while my team was fighting them half way across the map.

                                                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                            I also mute my whole team 90% of the time and communicate through chat wheel.
                                                                                            I don't argue over decisions.

                                                                                            Some of you may consider that a sign of a bad teammate, but this is how I am.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Really shitty lane mechanics and just slow clicking reactions. I still miss a ton of cs in lane, on supports I misclick or click too slow all the time. I can't play heroes like invoker cus of this.

                                                                                              I'm sure my overall game sense sucks too but mechanics are more noticeable.


                                                                                                die chline schokikugle vo lindt

                                                                                                Chao Vritra

                                                                                                  i honestly feel i tilt too hard and it affects not only my gameplay and my team mates game play, but my matchmaking.

                                                                                                  also i am guilty of muting the entire team right away whether they are being rough or not. Trying to learn to work with them though. Very tough.


                                                                                                    cant lane

                                                                                                    thinks that everyone that types "gg team" or any phrases below 4 words has literally no brain and cant speak english and can never be good at dota

                                                                                                    ĐĒÆŢH 死亡

                                                                                                      My biggest weakness is I often try to fight 1v5 fight and I always jungle at enemy part of map buying 1 then jungle like it's my own personal gold mine.

                                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                        I never play serious, I don't understand the people who do.

                                                                                                        Even considering this, I get mad seeing very small misplays that might not even be that noticeable to the major part of the players. The misplays don't even have to be on my team, it just triggers me into oblivion when it happens and I see it.

                                                                                                        Some might ask why aren't you then playing serious -> I don't see playing serious as playing with a lot of misplays. I can't even explain this to myself tbh. It's more about playing casual as in "trying new unpredictable things" to confuse the enemies.

                                                                                                        I get the feeling that a lot of people think that playing casual means right clicking with a CM or something similar. That is just being incredibly dumb, as in a moron. I am not even exaggerating, I really mean that.
                                                                                                        If you take an average of 40 mins of your life to play a game that you are not good at and don't know what you are doing, either learn what the game is about and become better or drop it for something else. Literally do anything else it is a waste of your time and the time of the other 9 players.

                                                                                                        I remember when I started playing dota(back in 2008) I did nothing else in my free time because I wasn't the best and always could learn something from other players on the Garena servers back then. It wasn't pleasant, I even remember it being stressful since I didn't sleep or eat healty because of the gaming habits, but the regular games where there was a 5 on 5 match where everybody did their best were just the most enjoyable thing ever. I didn't get this feeling on dota 2 for like a year now.

                                                                                                        And that is why I don't play it anymore.