General Discussion

General DiscussionAhah i finally know what it would be for Kaya upgrade

Ahah i finally know what it would be for Kaya upgrade in General Discussion

    Sange has Heavens Hallberd

    Yasha has Manta Style

    Wtf would be for Kaya...?

    It would be temporary cooldown reduction to be casted on allies but cant for yourself

    Lemme call this "Grand Mace"

    Grand Mace


    Active: Cooldown Reduction

    Reduces cooldown for basic abilities at allies by 45% for 7 seconds. Can only be casted at ally heroes and dispellable by basic dispel

    + 16 Intelligence
    + 55 Attack Speed
    + 10% Spell Amplification
    + 10% Manacost and Manaloss Reduction

    [Can't reduce ultimate cooldown]

    Built from: Kaya, Hyperstone, Recipe (700)


    (This shiny heavy weapon seems lighter than it looks)

    What it would be for you?

    (Icefrog should hire me XD)


      kaya + yasha + sange = KYS


        and why exactly does it need a hyperstone?





            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Kaya's gonna get nerfed with the numbers a bit.

              meteor hammer

                to be cast on terrorblade


                  I was just going to ask what will the Sange + Yasha + Kaya be called??? It is coming, mark my words. Sange & Yasha & Kaya. Bump up the Kaya numbers to 16... And it is good to go.

                  Kaya may get a single upgrade to it too. But I don't see this being a attack speed & CD reduction item... Maybe it could throw Kaya and Veil of Discord together or something. Veil is nice, but not exactly an end game item to use a slot on. As is Kaya as well. So you could put these two into a single slot to create an end game item for Int heroes... It could have the Veil active ability with an added bonus of extending existing cd for enemy heroes (like the Void aoe ability) to make it more special than Veil with better stats.


                    Kaya&Sange&Yasha would be called Poseidon's Trident. On cast it would dispell all negative effects from all teammates on the map. Just like the Trident in "Pirates 5"