General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Sven now balanced?

Is Sven now balanced? in General Discussion
Rogue Knight

    +40 STR bonus on lvl25 which means 52/64/76 no change in GS bonus damage still 80%/120%/160% then what is his current maximum damage or his max potential?


      sven is imo rlly good rn

      Rogue Knight

        There are more heroes who can kite him tho...but as a Sven spammer and then this...FeelsRogueMan

        Riguma Borusu

          sven + io with tethered scepter and tethered attack talents should be insane if it works the way I think it does

          io can get to lvl 20 with sven in a game if he is closely tied to him and shares a lot of exp


            Deals more and more damage than before, can take a lot more damage from carries or supports either magical or physical, and that 76 str bonus is a real deal and a no joke talent,it's like 2 tarrasque is on your hands for free,literally free


              Not to mention, his new talent build is 8 str,30 dmg,25% life steal and 40 str bonus


                he has a talent that counters necro/ghost shroud too
                io + the big boy urn is insane btw


                  Its also slightly harder to kite sven now when he doesn't have bkb because of the new strength attribute resistance mechanic :D


                    Storm hammer dispels means fuck you ghost forms 👊🎆


                      Totally broken. Hero needed nerfs, not buffs. The biggest buff is diffusal nerf.

                      white boy summer

                        sven is the best hero rn.
                        pms removed, making him one better choice since he doesnt go for it
                        status resistance from str, taking lvl 25 talent sven has close to 25% (with some items) resistance
                        denies being so fucking important and sven has a high base dmg to deny
                        bounty runes close to hard camp (yea every other carry benefits from this but sven especially likes to stack and shit so he picks it up almost always)
                        storm hammer dispells, say goodbye to most kiting mechanics (ghost, haste and shit)


                          from reading the title
                          and the patch notes
                          you're saying that sven was not balanced before this
                          and since it added strength, you're saying that he was underpowered
                          did i read that wrong, or are you insane?

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            So sven was finally nerfed down from being cancerous strong to just being a strong solid hero then I’ve frog said f that and made him cancerous again ?


                              So sven was finally nerfed down from being cancerous strong to just being a strong solid hero then I’ve frog said f that and made him cancerous again ?

                              not quite
                              he just deals even more unholy amounts of damage now and is even tankier
                              this hero needed a nerf, not a buff.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                I always found his +65 dmg talent to be weird (but it mainly compensated for his lvl 3 ult that gave 160% instead of 200% str damage) but this new talent is very fitting and looks very... eh.. sven like.

                                You know what would make this hero OP? An anti kiting mechanism. More strength doesn't, at least I don't think it does.


                                  The new Nullifier just kills Sven. I'm sure high level pubs will just buy that item to counter sven every game.


                                    inb4 AEON DISK