General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 update

7.07 update in General Discussion

    The update better be more than just the 2 heroes and buffs and nerfs. I better see map changes, new items and possible reworks for hero abilities. What do you guys expect?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      icefrog is def going to change the map now even if he wasnt going to before, because you threatened him


        i think some things will get changed around here and there


          Hopefully they include pudge arena and also new heros' :)


            MoM nerfs


              I would say map changes will be there. At least small once to balance radiant x dire side of the map. I guess few heroes will have reworked abilities as well.


                pudge arcana for sure , silth breaker act 3 ( not so sure about that )
                map change a bit , balances and all those shits
                maybe new items as well , who knows


                  No pudge arcana this patch, remember jugg's one
                  It will be either a pangolin or a sylph arcana, maybe both

                  low prio master

                    I expect :
                    - map change bigger than just rosh move
                    -new features,stats ingame,mvp of the match voting
                    -new items
                    -meta shift buff/nerf
                    -mek buff
                    -new mode captur the flag (no kappa)
                    -io buff
                    -elder titan (unspecified)
                    -invis nerf
                    -dust 5s cd
                    -pudge buff,talent tree buff (can carry lategame now)
                    -omni somehow first in global WR sitting on 60% next few decades
                    -new ranked mode (role matchmaking)
                    -scroll chat sounds


                      -pudge buff,talent tree buff (can carry lategame now)

                      What?! Pudge is already insane in the late game. He is actually stronger late than early. One good hook can win u the game in the late game. It's a nightmare to play against bkb+blademail+blink/force+lens+hex/shiva Pudge with 4k hp.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Wow, you expect a lot.

                        low prio master

                          He can't carry,since 7.07 he will be able to.
                          Again blue star have a problem to understand human conversation.
                          Return to icefrog pls he gave you part of your soul back.


                            A good pudge can literally change the late game, one good hook, as Imprecis said, can win you the game. Cant believe a "normal skilled" player is criticizing a "Very High Skill" player. Good pudges do not exist in your shitty bracket.
                            Pudge is probably by far the best pos 4 "carry" in the late game.


                              dude pudges lategame is so strong
                              he is guarenteed 4-5k hp with one talent, has a game winning spell in hook, bkb piercing disable, is super hard to kill, and can split push with rot and farm utility items ur team needs


                                i am blue start i dont care


                                  New battlepass

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    every hero is getting a new talent so we are going to see major rebalancing for sure

                                    low prio master

                                      Pos.4 carry he said 😅😅,idn why everyone keep saying one hook win game,that was always like this,its nothing what make him carry,you will see at 7.07 what means pudge carry


                                        ^You clearly have some brain issues. GL in your 2k bracket.


                                          Buffs to dire hopefully
                                          Nerfs for roamers in some way hopefully

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            I'm simply hoping they stop with their 7.00m 7.00n 7.00o patches and finally make an actual patch


                                              lmao this bitch is bragging how much a retard he is, gave me a good laugh


                                                I just wish to read the changelog before the damn patch comes.


                                                  it is possible that there will be big talent changes and all heroes will have aghanims

                                                  Bob Johnson

                                                    Dusa buff inc

                                                    Brünk Hüll

                                                      I'm expecting a few more options for utilizing special status effects like mute and break. Runes will be messed with a little, perhaps there won't be bounties at horn anymore. I forsee a change to dragon lance again, as it is a bit too much relied on by every ranged carry. Drums is likely to see a buff, as is aether lens and orchid. It's pretty possible that we will see just a little more gold given for creeps.

                                                      If I were predicting the direction of the game in a years' time, I'd say we will see level 30 added to the game.

                                                      If I were hopeful I would say some forms of discouragement to the ultra aggressive expectations in the game. It's a little kill happy right now which really makes every kill much less impactful in the long run. I'd like to see it a little less rewarding to kill, and a little more punishing to be killed. Basically make everyone play a little safer, make it more rewarding to farm and prepare.


                                                        Kormo gz on 5k lmao now u can finally be a blue star elitist


                                                          If level 30 is added to the game, imagine the last talent. It would be like:

                                                          Invoker level 30 talent:

                                                          2 Charges of Chaos Meteor OR 3 Charges of Sunstrike

                                                          Warlock Level 30 Talent:

                                                          +1 Golem OR Golem attacks apply current level of shadow word


                                                            I just hope I get 60fps in low after the update cause with every update the stress on my potato is increasing continuously so.... thats my hope....


                                                              ^^dont worry...icefrog wont mess with the Zohan


                                                                ELEMENTAL MAGIC

                                                                each hero has an element

                                                                e.g :
                                                                ice : lich, ww, cm
                                                                lightning : razor, zeus,
                                                                fire : lina, dk
                                                                water : kunka, slark, tide hunter,
                                                                earth : earth shaker, earth spirit, meepo
                                                                light : omniknight, chen
                                                                dark : undying, life stealer,

                                                                heroes deal/receive reduced damage to/from similar element and deal/receive amplified damage to/from opposite elements


                                                                  Change diffusal so it doesn't give agility but instead you get infinite charges with a longer cd

                                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                    I expect a nerf to creep experience, making the midlane less priority for the supports (since the extra creep, it means that the mid loses more value compared to the other lanes) and also makes solo experience on the side lanes less tempting, so the safelane would be more contested. Maybe that also means nerf to the passive offlaners and the offlane jungle

                                                                    A buff to lane creeps magic resistance may also be in demand. And maybe lowering their armor, so physical damage carries would have more value

                                                                    Also some sort of a mechanic to punish roaming, it's pretty much defined now that a team needs some form of roamer. Maybe bounty runes nerf
                                                                    Also a big nerf to OOV, I expect them to halve the damage of this item

                                                                    Abd of course MoM and diffusal

                                                                    Individual heroes,
                                                                    I want to see a buff to gyro, he is kind of forgotten at this point
                                                                    A nerf to AA and lich they are way too relevant to the metagame and needs nothing, same goes with spirit breaker
                                                                    I think veno'd wards armor is going to change, maybe make them also damagable by spells

                                                                    Nerfing vengeful stats

                                                                    Nerfing death pulse passive

                                                                    I think that those are the main anticipations of mine


                                                                      The new heroes and a balance update are confirmed.

                                                                      Other likely things are:
                                                                      -Rework to Talents (there are rumours of an extra level of talents being added)
                                                                      -New items plus item build reworks
                                                                      -Hero reworks
                                                                      -New aghs upgrades and possibly aghs upgrades being reworked
                                                                      -Map changes
                                                                      -General game mechanic changes (likely tweaking of creep and neutral gold, etc)
                                                                      -Updated guides system (this is something that has apparently been in the works for a while)
                                                                      -Techies added to captains mode
                                                                      -Quality of life and interface/client changes
                                                                      -New comics and possibly sets to go with the new heroes.
                                                                      -some bugfixes (don't expect them to fix everything)

                                                                      Possibly but unlikely:
                                                                      -new battle pass
                                                                      -Pudge arcana
                                                                      -the return of chatwheel sounds


                                                                        I mean if I could kill any one choice person, I'd probably pick this shittard developer.