General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it time to stop?

Is it time to stop? in General Discussion

    I took a 2 week break from dota to calm myself down and to reduce the stress of dota 2 matchmaking and even tho I won my comeback game it just isn't fun to play anymore.
    is it time to quit for good or did someone experience something similar before and returned the joy of playing dota.
    pls don't flame because lich


      suggest you to quit this shitshow.just play with friends.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Play dota with friends
        Mix of what @lousdigirif said


          do whatever u want
          its ur life
          and its just a game


            those are all bullshit, quit dota and stick to real life

            do it while u can


              I'm really emotional when help and support comes from players who play over 10 games a day
              Waow :'(


                ez nob gg

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Emo-san, the new heroes might evoke your interest.


                    Ive not played dota2 for almost 2 months and its been best decission ever. Gona log in for New patch and BP maybe to make some money.