General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith king item builds

Wraith king item builds in General Discussion

    I just curious what builds are good on this hero even though no one plays this anymore.


      my opinion is treads blink blademail core then situational after that but usually armlet bkb ac


        but you will get counter picked by am or ck if u take him too early


          There are two standard builds, both begin with power threads, harmlet.
          Then you can build radiance into blink to become a tanky intiator or you can build attack speed and damage items .
          Both build are really good and in the end you'all always build an AC and a BKB, so just go rad or maybe deso/echo


            aghs refresher 4head


              you forgot octarine for 100% cancer


                Wraith band for wraith king ofc


                  Treads wand midas radi blink bmail.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Treads Aquila MoM Armlet SB

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Arcane solar blink BM


                        U go either radiance bm build or armlet Deso build
                        Both use blink
                        Both use armlet


                          I Miss 2 min jungle. Ez wk back then when jungle is 2min


                            If u go blademail get radiance as well.
                            Otherwise it's something like armlet blink ac bkb


                              I go echo or armlet, sometimes both, into maelstrom. WK is a weird kind of hero who can carry merely on 3 2-3K gold items as opposed to those carries who need 1 to 2 4K gold items. Blink/SB, echo, armlet, maelstrom... thing is he farms insanely slow unless maelstrom first, or you midas , delaying your fighting items even more


                                Actually I just thought about it again. Just stack all sub 3K gold items. Treads, Maelstrom, Blink, Echo, Armlet, and the damage is underestimated so hard, you walk away with at least a triple kill every timr


                                  I feel like getting maelstrom on wk is like getting maelstrom on Dusa. Only 3ks seem to do it.


                                    shdow blade is better than ppl give it credit for.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I hate radiance on wk personally but most people love it. I just think it takes way too long to farm up on a hero who doesn't farm fast and wants to fight early. Just with armlet he is a beast but if you go armlet it delays radiance too much.

                                      Other than that it kind of depends. If you need to be like the farming hard carry I'd go armlet mjollnir right away so you can keep up in farm. If deso is good vs enemy heroes (like a lot of int or str ones) then get it. Basher is really good if your team lacks lock down. Most people hate echo now but echo + basher is guaranteed to stun someone after initiation. The only problem with going a build like treads, armlet, echo, blink, basher is you fill slots really fast, but you'll hit super hard at ~20-25 mins.

                                      You can kinda build almost anything on wk tbh, heart works, ac is really good, halberd is good, even s&y, solar crest and silver edge aren't bad. Just stay away from more crit items like daedulus/bloodthorne and only build mkb if you need truestrike.

                                      Story Time

                                        itemization of WK with respect to time and item-order is mostly situational, as zou can read above. But i would suggest, not to go with desolator. All stat items are good actually, and radiance is always a choice, but do not hurry, i buy it after the team is already snowballing (after min 20-25). Any hero with crit passive enjoys attack speed that is why both desol and radiance are suboptimal early game


                                          wk doesnt rlly need basher, he doesnt lack disable
                                          he just needs dmg

                                          also unlike ur nagas and shit, wk radiance is a fighting item, u literally are always in the middle of the fight, burning for a lot cuz ur hard to remove

                                          Any hero with crit passive enjoys attack speed that is why both desol and radiance are suboptimal early game

                                          hello pa?
                                          hello wk?
                                          crit is just an overall dps increase, u can increase it with either dmg or attack speed, u can get either
                                          deso is a snowball item on wk, if ur already ahead it allows u to 3 shot people at 20 min and clean up buildings
                                          yes he needs attack speed, but ull get that come late game, its not as crucial early imo

                                          the build is almost always blademail/armlet radiance or armlet blink deso and shit
                                          ive literally never seen anything different from high mmr players


                                            Blink usually after deso if im not mistaken xd at leadt by pro player
                                            and thts not necessarily an item you buy when ahead i recall burning going armlet deso against team ljquid and winning from behind. It was the spectre meta tho.

                                            Burning got roshan immediately after his desolator so that too.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Soul Ring, BoT, agh n 3 rapiers, or bkb n 2 rapiers