General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior Score

Behavior Score in General Discussion

    So, I just abandoned the game and for the last 20 games I always get a leaver (either my teammate or enemy).

    Don't ever leave ur game or just afk. Behavior score is true. Beware guys

    mid or safe farm

      yep game is fucked up


        Same. Tried to be nicer lately, muted everyone, didn't ruin. I got ONE abandon 'cause of connection and the shitshow began again, bhs went from C to D+, ruiners and mentally sick retards every game, even tho I got 6 commends. I understand the behavior score thing and its utility but currently it's fucking trash, I'm actually speechless.


          make a new acc if ur score is c- to f tbh

          mid or safe farm

            What Mugen said,im F on main and i get mentaly challenged retarsd every game and i turn into one too when playing.Now on this acc Normal score and hopefully normal teammates in ranked.


              I got from f to d+ with 4 reports and 16 commends on my last behavior report. Long climb up man

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                So is it F, D, C, Normal???

                Riguma Borusu

                  the game is actually completely unplayable

                  this is beyond fucking retarded

                  i have <3 to 4 reports every 25 games and about 15 commends per game and I got to F by abandoning a lot of games that were just a waste of my (or anyone's) time

                  so in order to leave the F bracket that means playing the game where your SAFELANE TECHIES KEEPS DYING is something you have to complete without an abandon

                  well yeah good luck with that

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    ye, if you get down in behaviour score, dota becomes hell, just lost 300 mmr because of that shit, was very hard to climb back.


                      I’ve never played with so many insta pick techies before

                      Story Time

                        and if you party with people who have good BS, what happens?


                          Just finished a game where the whole of my team where just complete retards. I'm no pro at this game but I understand the basics and how to play. These kids I can only assume didn't know what defending was or pushing was. Like what the fuck is this shit. I'm NOT at their level so why put me there!


                            my behavior score is normal
                            idk its not that hard ive never ever experienced this kinda hell u guys talk abt, every now and then if something goes wrong with irl shit or my internet ill get lp but after i clear it, im back to the usual