General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is phantom lancers power spike?

When is phantom lancers power spike? in General Discussion

    Usually I’ll go treads, Aquila into difussal but even then in the average game With decent item timings I don’t feel like I could snowball with the hero.

    Is pl just not good or am I missing something?

    Story Time

      he is not that good unless the whole team is working for creating space for him OR enemy focked up and has no counters AT ALL

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        He power spikes when he is full slotted

        Riguma Borusu

          his power spike is diffusal but the thing is you have to consider one thing:

          can I just build diffusal first, run into the enemy and not die?

          if so, it's your power spike

          if not, you need more items which is pretty bad and I wonder why you picked PL in first place


            You have two power spikes. First when you get diffusal. Second when your illusions get enough hp that they don't die to enemy aoe spells.


              Dont buy treads


                CUTNPASTE got it.

                Diffusal and heart.

                i have 5 reports to use

                  First spike is when u get lvl 2 when u have rush and lance with oov and pms. the coming spikes would be when you get to lvl up your lance even more. Another spike comes when u get a new item eg Aquila wand drops diffusal etc. also you are never too tanky to not die. He's basically a poke kind of hero.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Shockingly PL is over 50% in every bracket except 5k. Maybe not as bad as I thought.