General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you beat 5x chinese stack ?

How do you beat 5x chinese stack ? in General Discussion
mid or safe farm I was brood,check their lineup.How the fuck do you beat them ? Tryharding like mad,and i got 4 turks and tb jungle.Is travels good on brood ? I think i should have bought bloodthorn faster.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Zaza 位置一

      By having your own 5 chinese stack

      chicken spook,,,,

        Chinese in EU server :thinking:


          To beat Chinese deathstacks you must become a chinese deathstack.

          Riguma Borusu

            buy 5 chinese off amazon
            feed them rice
            force them to play dota
            profit but also jail


              You need 4 russians teammate


                They maybe good at gaming,but they have small d*ck.So u can beat 5 of them in real life

                Well, its a truth


                  Hello, may I apply to join your chinese stack? I am Korean, but I believe my Chinese is good enough to join.



                    Cing cong mother fuc.kers


                      with techies.



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                          how tf did your team even lane that?

                          brood mid
                          weaver off
                          pl safe with es support
                          tb jungle

                          how is this vhs???????????

                          Story Time

                            i think you should ask Liquid :D they do it professionally

                            mid or safe farm

                              @stentorian that phoenix was 6.7k,invoker and es both 6ks so its more than vhs.They couldnt rly kill weaver so tusk camped top and tb free farmed jungle.

                              idk what half the champio...

                                Nothing worse then late night unranked on Australian servers vsing 5 stacks of asians, smurfing is much better.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Nothing worse then late night unranked on Australian servers vsing 5 stacks of asians

                                  not if you're the asian stack
                                  I'm looking at you, cnp