General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM dk?

MoM dk? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    You should not be sitting there for a long time, you need to learn proper farming patterns to push out the waves, farm the jungle, stack ancients, etc.

    The issue is that your logic is kinda binary, when the things are way more nuanced. You only use MoM when there's no way for the enemy team to focus you and kill you - this falls under game sense and knowledge. If enemy has more slows than harder disables or damage, you can activate it to run away.

    MoM is worth it even just as a farming item, if you aren't immediately going blink to initiate and create space. As is said, it's a midas on steroids.

    You don't reeeally need the sustain, but it lets you kill stuff way faster if uninterrupted, and it adds enough sustain to make it possible for you to farm with armlet all the time, and knowing how games in sub 3k go, you are going to have a lot of opportunities to kill people and towers from your dragon form with minimal rotations or during the stun duration which would let you activate MoM.

    But yeah, while it does not take much more skill to use MoM, recognizing how and why to use it is a skill in itself.

    I used to think it'd be complete shit on dk, but now I've changed my views and I think I should try it first.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
    meteor hammer

      20damage/10ias/lifesteal is a lot to get passively from a <2000g item where the main attraction is the active


        Actually the farming with armlet is another good point
        But which to get first?


          Also 5 armor rlly doesn't make difference when ur a 15 armor hero at lvl 8-9, more with the armlet

          Riguma Borusu

            Armlet has a better buildup in lane, and DK doesn't NEED mom to farm the jungle (he just benefits from it) so I'd say you should go with armlet first. Also DK has piss poor damage, so getting attack speed before getting damage from armlet is kinda shit, on top of not providing HP + Armor that armlet does. And obviously MoM active hurts less when you have an armlet, whether you're battling woodland creatures or player controlled entities.

            Another point is that DK suffers from a huge lack of attack speed, but with mom + armlet you can kinda mitigate that. Meaning, you could go brown boots -> armlet -> mom maybe. You are going to miss the attack speed and tread switching (even 200hp is no joke on a hero with so much armor) but this allows you to go for earlier travels if you need to and you can still complete treads just to get all the benefits.

            That being said though I'd still go treads every game, I know how sven with brown boots feels, even if you have MoM, it doesn't have 100% uptime and watching your sven hit so slowly with his 1.8bat when MoM is not online makes me just want to kill myself, so probably just complete treads I guess.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              hood is quite important in this meta but if you get mom you wont get hood and will be forced into a bkb which is fine but it doesnt really make you tanky like hood does, it just gives you a good powerspike in teamfights. you should probably skip mom to just get shadowblade/dagger. dk is an objective hero (kills/towers), farming with him is just pointless. yes, that doesnt mean you cant do it, but if you wanna farm just pick something else.

              Riguma Borusu

                ^the hood thing is a good point, I've had so many BS games where I just had to get the hood because I can't afford a bkb 10 minutes into the game, but green hero cancer is already strong at that point

                So I guess that's an important point in the current meta as well.