General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden - magnetic field when hexing? How to use magnetic field well?

Arc Warden - magnetic field when hexing? How to use magnetic field well? in General Discussion

    The question is - if I have SB + hex & I want to get a solo pick off with the clone, should I use magnetic field when trying to kill an enemy hero during hex? Is it worth to cast it? It has pretty long cast animation & I'm not sure if just hexing & hitting don't give more dmg during hex. Same applies to teamfights with clone - should I cast it only when I trade with someone or save ally or should I just cast it in fights for higher dmg output? I really struggle with using this spell, besides sieging, defending or saving people.


      hex him and hit him 2 times than use the field and finish him gg wp ez (use the brain pls)


        Hit him 2 times? Lol. Just why not magnetic instantly? I didn't specify my question. I have a problem when enemy has Shadow Blade/Glimmer, so I need to kill him during hex or he will survive.

        meteor hammer

          start with ur main and hex him twice xd

          meteor hammer

            if ur having that much troble hex with main spawn double hit hit run main away clone hit hit hex ded

            if ur having that much issue

            i cast bubble asap, but only not if they almost in fog already, need to flux/E fast and then dont have time to bubble maybe


              i personally always hex first with the double, then the main arc, sometimes you won't need 2 hex so having a hex on your main arc could save you from a counter gank.

              most of hte time i don't even use magnetic to kill people, you don't need it

              just by your spells you do 1k damage, add in sb/se and right clicks and you'll do another 1k by the time hex is over, the enemies are dead by then.


                I think you guys didn't get my question. I ask if I should magnetic field during hex IF I ONLY USE MY CLONE. I had situations when I hex, use everything on the guy (besides magnetic field) & he survives with like 50-100 hp & escapes with glimmer/Shadow Blade. So I'm curious what gives higher dmg output during hex - just hitting or using magnetic field. Same applies to just ganking in general with SB with only clone. Do you use magnetic field in such ganks?


                  dude if you go magnetic first he can go invis but if you go hex first than magnetic he can ALSO go invis so ST.FU and take your stupid dust. dont wait on your shitty supports. TY and btw hex is 3.5 seconds so think about it


                    ^this literally makes no sense

                    Mode : TOPSON

                      ^^ do you even read bro?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        What the fuck is this 1k SB spammer talking about, how can a hexed target go invis (without an allied glimmer or something like that)? Also I hope your moronic brain could at some point in the future begin to grasp the concept of item slots. An arc warden that has a hex is pretty unlikely to have a slot for detection, and item swapping is a pain for arc warden in general for numerous reasons.


                          SPRMKD! makes a great point guys. He can just go invis after you hex him then what do you do?

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            I have a quickcast key on my magnetic field just for these situations. Saves some precious milliseconds in between presses. You can go either field first then hex and they wouldnt be able to react right away and have plenty of time to hit, initiating off a shadow walk or blink. If you want to make the backstab damage count(in silver edge cases), you walk up as close as you can get to the target and backstab-field-hex and hope they dont have insane reaction times


                              i have everything quick cast cus i have big deek.

                              but seriously, doesn't fucking matter what combo you use, as long as your opponent dies

                              stupid question.

                              the usefulness of these combos can be tested in demo mode by yourself

                              stupid question.

                              what kind of a question is ''does increasing attack speed increase your dps''

                              Lemme answer it in a way an idiot would understand

                              APS(attacks per second) * D(Damage) = DPS(DAMAGE PER SECOND)

                              that is literally the fucking DPS FORMULA

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                ^ I tested it in the lobby & it seems that using magnetic field (from invis, not hitting him for bonus dmg) then hexing seems the most optimal way if you have many items. When opponent has slow brain you can hit him with SB, magnetic & then hex. Hexing after hitting, then using magnetic actually is worse for dps than those two methods (dps during hex time). Cast time animation is just too long. I didn't try with magnetic set on quickcast, it might made a difference actually.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  morons he is scared if he uses HEX first than magnetic.. after hex the enemy can go invis so he is scared of that shit and he wants to know what to do before he goes INVIS.. fucking morons.. and ^ you my friend who is asking this shit.. you are dumb AF.. just go on demo hero and try different styles.. dont be so lazy + you have answer from arc spammer "cookie" so take the advices and dont be boring here