General Discussion

General DiscussionTheoretically, what would happen if..

Theoretically, what would happen if.. in General Discussion

    all 10 players stayed afk in the fountain and let the creeps only play the game on their own? which team would win? why would that team
    particularly win and not the other one? win? how long would it take the creeps to push and destroy and other team's ancient?

    Giff me Wingman

      one team would win, there is no draw in dota. There are even games where ancient died at the same time but 1 team still wins despite being exacly on the same time dead.

      I guess it all comes down to ping.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        one of the teams will win because of how the creeps align (i.e. double wave by luck)

        takes some time tho

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          it takes no more than 50 minutes sometimes i forgot i left the lobby running afer testing some stuff only to come back and see one of the ancients destroyed

          < blank >

            there is high ground miss as well

            Riguma Borusu

              Radiant will always win in a draw scenario (when both ancients die in the same game frame).

              As for this, it could go both ways, but I am pretty sure one side would be favored because aside from the fact that there is a lot of RNG, the map is also not perfectly symmetrical.


                Highground miss & towers don't do constant dmg to creeps (that's why u pretty much can't get every last hit under the tower).