General Discussion

General DiscussionGyrocopter

Gyrocopter in General Discussion

    Hello guys.
    So recently I tried to play gyro and found this guy pretty nice, either as supp or as core. I tried to find the guide of his item build and get confused. What is better for him after phase and aquilla? I found some go mael then agha, some go SnY, and some go lance. Pls advise, and thanks!


      Support gyro? Wut?
      Anyway mealstorm and agha seems the best build.
      Dragon lance is situational i think.


        @Lesbolas yea maybe since in my bracket we often see 5 man core so someone need to take supp role, eventhough only for utility. Anyway, yea, mael agha is nice imo too, but sometimes I found it makes him online too late, since after agha he still need other damage item to really make impact. Thanks by the way for the advise!

        El Chivo

          Is veil gyro decent?


            this hero sucks balls.

            his W is horrible.

            his ult is shitballs.

            Gyro used to first pick/first ban worthy back in pre 6.8. The meta has evolved a lot due to changes to the game and buffs to other heroes. Gyro hasn't received much favor from Valve. He's pretty much useless now.

            You'll find the odd game here and there where some Gyro had "700 GPM and 6 items in 30 mins and raped", but those are games where any other carry would have done the same, if not better.

            Dire Wolf

              Actually I think his W is ok in lane, super annoying to deal with and can win mid vs most heroes by spamming it. The problem with leveling missile though is he badly needs barrages and flak cannon to farm so he'll have a sub optimal build by maxing it first.

              Then I think he suffers for same reasons medusa does- just doesn't fit meta well. Gryo has piss poor range, though his base move speed is fairly high. But because of his range he needs survivability in fights which means stats like s&y/manta/skadi and/or lifesteal. Standard gyro build used to be dominator, s&y. Dominator change hurts him cus now he can't get lifesteal and stack.

              But stats and lifesteal are bad with flak cannon cus he only lifesteals off primary target. To maximize flak cannon you really need damage. You might want attack speed too to dish out those flak shots quicker but he's going to get them all spent before it comes off cd either way.

              And on top of all that, probably the best item for him is aghs, adding a free attack every 1.1 seconds. But aghs is shitty to farm since only 1 item gives dps, and not a good dmg item.

              So you can see he has no real clear build. Going aghs + maelstrom for procs is probably the best build but it neglects flak cannon entirely. He just doesn't synergize well with his talents.

              I think they could just buff his range a bit and he'd be ok cus then he could hang back and deal dmg and not need skadi or lifesteal, aghs would be enough.

              They nerfed farming too, ancient stacks. He used to get a lot of mileage out of farming stacks with flak cannon.


                Thanks dire wolf. Yea, kinda suck to hear that his seemly best build is 4200 worth gold that after u buy it, u still insignificant in battle. As for talent, I think the best one is, sadly, the lv 10 magic amp since it synergize with mael. But yea, it only makes him jack of all trades but master of none, capable to give burst and right click, but there are many other that better on it.


                  his missile is fine. The whole issue with that hero revolve arround rocket barrage being a fucking garbage skill.

                  if you use it offensively, you are out of position. If som1 jump on you, he obviously doesn't care of your rocket barrage, so it's also useless.

                  For killing purpose, during laning phase, it's totally outclassed by missile (unless you go roaming).
                  During midgame, both missile and rocketbarrage are horrible skills
                  Lategame, missile shine again, as incentive to outposition people, when the game is more or less in a stallmate (high ground defense/and especially offense).

                  Gyro need slightly higher damage and/or a rework of barrage rocket
                  But more than anything, he needs something to save him from his own talent. 4 flak canon bonus is detrimental to him if enemy builds 2+ blademail as he cann't even outheal those 4x2(+) additional shot with satanic. and the multy missile is also a big no versus lotus orb.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Hero is good
                    But there are better heroes out there


                      ye @matrice i agree
                      its weird how rocket barrage plus his low range incentivises being up close to the enemy, yet he is nowhere near tanky enough to do that
                      rocket barrage really isnt the big problem imo, i think its just that they nerfed his farming too much, with the ancient auras thing, flak cannon cd, etc
                      feels like he needs aghs maelstrom to start really clearing camps, but thats 6000+ gold into being able to farm decently fast
                      it just seems like gyro is in a weird spot rn

                      Dire Wolf

                        I played a couple gyro games and yes, blade mail fucks him so hard, basically wasting flak cannon. Also was vs a tinker so I needed bkb but also needed satanic vs the blademails/march to man fight right clickers. So my build was really screwed up cus I went aghs, maelstrom, needed pike still to escape, then I wanted dmg and bkb, so no room for a satanic. Eventually sold aghs to hold bkb and satanic but really felt my dps drop.

                        Aghs + maelstrom and he farms like a beast and does a ton of mid game dmg, but all enemy has to do is build 2-3 blademails and he's so fucked cus of his spread dmg.

                        So idk what to do with him really, it's kind of like countering sniper with blade mail except gyro is all aoe while sniper is single target.

                        It would probably help him immensely if he had a lifesteal talent like 15% lifesteal at 15 instead of magic resistance.


                          I think the hero is a bit like dusa. U kinda need rapier to win

                          Dire Wolf

                            No he's not like medusa at all, medusa can tank blademail with mana shield and 25% lifesteal talent at 25. If gyro gets rapier, enemies just need 2 blade mails and as soon as he pops flak he cannot shoot at all or he will die.

                            He's actually more like an aghs + maelstrom drow in that regard but with piss poor range.

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Nerfs killed his farming and snowball potential
                              Any hero can do whatever he can do now, but better


                                I played with gyro once and it was roamer (in AR) and it was awesome. I was mid and this gyro helped me to.completely dominate it, as well asa completely shutting down enemy offlane.

                                He went for soulring, urn, force staff. As soon as he had urn, he could with some help kill anybody, as the dmg output is insane. Loved the game. Long stun, dmg, heal, lvl6 slow and more dmg.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  inb4 he gets a huge increase in nuke damage/magic dmg talent and everyone starts playing him like magic ember

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Inb4 4401 build

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      If you can force the opposite team to buy more than two blade mails which also take up 2 slots just to counter you isn't it a good thing?

                                      Remember Dota is a 5 man game....


                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Not really, blade mail is a great item, cheap, good on many heroes.


                                          Blade mail is good but not the top tier item in terms of value. It means two slots that is not optimized in terms of net worth late game. If any single hero can force this type of outcome and all things being equal you will get the upper hand in the long run.
                                          Not to mention you can also bait out the blade mail.


                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            first dont ever build aghs on gyro... can be played as roam but its carry hero... build is simple phase aquila lance sny bkb mkb satanic butterfly. I played with aghs maelstorm gyro and its fucking useless we have lost the game cuz we had no carry!


                                              ^ur literally retarded


                                                @FeelsBadMan u talking with me ?

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Aghs is great
                                                  Building Maelstrom might be not


                                                    if they are heroes who already have blademail in their item list you're pretty much fucked


                                                      if ppl have bm u can build satanic and u dont get fucked u fuck them ... changing items like aghs on gyro isnt meta anymore its trend and its bad believe me !

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        It's good! You gotta try it out!
                                                        It's amazing!
                                                        Get Phase Aquila Wand MoM(optional) then Aghs, just dont buy Maelstrom
                                                        Get SnY BKB MKB Butterfly Satanic

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Aghs is kinda like midas on this hero. Sometimes you need to get some items that allow you to really kill people faster, but that don't have a 4200 gold shit buildup.

                                                          However, in games that can turn into farmfests, and the enemy doesn't have shit like Sven, AM, TA or Alchemist, the aghs is amazingly good, because it allows you to farm really fast and as you build damage items they actually really start dealing a fuckton of damage.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            im trying roaming gyro this weekend

                                                            4 reports incoming IDC


                                                              U don't always have to go maelstrom with aghs however, aghanims on gyro is the biggest effective attack speed increase item he can get, it's literally impossible to be bad.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I've heard it's like 220 attack speed compared to gyro's bat or something like that. And it fires longer than your range automatically so you can just run around shooting people.


                                                                  Gyro used to be my go-to pick when i played captain's mode with friends, then was told to play drafter.
                                                                  Well tbh, he was everyone's go-to as well. He's fine now, blending in perfectly with the versatility of this patch. I kinda hope the frog gives him one last patch of dominant glory, but that would be bad for the game... So why does Necro still roam freely. lol


                                                                    people telling agahs is garbage, and then tell to go for sy...
                                                                    Do you even have basic math skill ? Or are you a sheep from the old day ????

                                                                    Agahnims's side canon = 154 as (yeah even better than moonshard). And with flak getting ride of creep, it's a 154 ias only on hero, even if stunned. However the mjolnir agahs is bad for two main reason :
                                                                    • over attack speed (if you have low as you want more damage, if you have big damage you want more as to be efficient.
                                                                    • not enough damage to make use of the side gun (which will often shoot on creep during fight since you cann't clean them fast enough with flak).

                                                                    If you make a tanky build à la old school, then replace sy by agah and you'll be fine. the agahs mjolnir build is bad, unless you can really make use of mjolnir's activ (against venom for example) but you'll be neither tanky nor really bursty. Personnaly i'll prefer to go agahs' as 4th item (bkb butter sata agahs) but if you don't want to make madness on gyro, you can consider the agah skady / agah butter bkb / agah sata skady.

                                                                    Anyway, the main issue with early agah, is the fact your flak canon is pratically worth less midgame, and that's your best skill, but if you can drag the game till your next item before you need to show up, then go for it, it's safe with all the hp it provides, and it remains one of the best item to flash farm