General Discussion

General Discussion[Matches Played] now plays an over-large part in calculating a player...

[Matches Played] now plays an over-large part in calculating a player's Hero MMR in General Discussion
Noteam To Stay

    Well, as I'm a Jakiro user, I search quite often about Jakiro Hero MMR rankings.

    Which confuses me much is that, a Southeast Asia player called Zsxza currently ranks 8th in the Jakiro ranking list.
    Yeah, he ranks 8th, with a terrible winning rate 51.12%, a normal KDA of 3.47,a normal solo MMR of around 5300 (and also be reminded that he's in SE server), merely because he played Jakiro for over 1500 matches. While the overall winning rate is 52.84%.
    Or in other words, his winning rate is 1.7% below average.

    Please you Dotabuff staff, do you think it reasonable that a guy with a below-average winning rate could rank top 10? Appearantly, he's not that good, and he's quite far from "that good".
    If someone plays like trash as a certain hero, it's no help to continue playing 1500,15000 or 150000 more games without improvement.

    So the title is just what I want to say. Matches Played now plays an too-large part in calculating a player's Hero MMR. Do U think so?


      23 minutes ago
      Diamond 9
      41d 17h 14m

      17 hours ago
      Professional 5
      2d 7h 56m
      the guy ur debating about got 1.5k matches with jakiro while 6th guy got only 90 matches and the guy at 4th place got only 30 matches but we can see them cus they own dotabuff plus?.
      i think %51 win rate is good for 1.5k matches.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        also ana is at 1st place for weaver hero rankings while we got same matches and i got better win rate than him and kda. but hes at professional league and dotabuff says me im qualified but not at top 100.
        dont mind hero rankings on dotabuff not telling much truth.

        Noteam To Stay

          Yep, you can say that this guy is experienced in using Jakiro, but he's not good at that.
          He owns the lowest winning rate among the top 50, maybe top 100(didn't check though)
          Myself is another example. My solo MMR is around 5000 and I played over 500 matches as Jakiro, with my winning rate never lower than 58%.
          I clearly know that I'm not even a little bit qualified to climb up to top 10, and neither is this guy Zsxza.


            dotabuff needs to prioritize mmr and recent matches rather than games and divison(pro vs diamond)


              well i believe u or him u both deserve to be better places than this 4th or 6th guys cus u guys have more matches than them, just bcs they are pros only 30 or 40 matches shouldnt be excuse to show them on hero rankings. at least 100 matches needs to be played imo.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Noteam To Stay

                Thank U for saying that.. I dont think I deserve the top 10s, the 6K and higher guys are fast and much better than I at controlling. If there's anything that I'm better than them at Jakiro, I think it's knowledge and details about this hero. But these can't help me perform better than those 6K+ players as Jakiro.
                I can understand that someone ranks top10 or even 1st with only 50 or 100 games. But 1500 games with 51% proves nothing.

                meteor hammer

                  r u trying to say ur a better weaver than ana or what lmao


                    lol ofc not but the statics im saying on paper looks better LUL


                      Don't back track , I know you are just being humble .you would shit all over Ana's weaver .


                        The ranking system is just really unbalanced. When it considers your skill division, it puts recent games at a higher priority than anything else.
                        I was ranked 92 ld and diamond 10, and I decided to pick ld in one of those dumb faceit matches (which is like 3.5k avg), and after winning it suddenly my ranked dropped to 132 and I am now diamond 2.

                        It makes no sense and it makes me wonder how they actually do the calculations, because its pretty unreliable at its current state.

                        rip top 100.

                        Friendly Gaming Community <3

                          this hero ranking is bullshit anyway, if you believe that then ana is the best player at all the heroes


                            why should you care about hero ranking? it doesn't say much honestly. I am top 100 in Riki and I feel I have surpassed all the top ranked players and that is enough for me. what is the use even if you are 1st in dotabuff?


                              It's a nice thought to have something to show for my hero spamming autism, though.


                                It's something you rag to friends to make you look like alpha. But you are beta

                                Noteam To Stay

                                  look guys, now this zsxza's winning rate drops from 51.1 to 50.9%, and his ranking is even higher..

                                  come on, Dotabuff, look at this!

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    It's okay nobody cares about db hero ranking because of how fucked up the system is

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა