They could just tweak his talents too, his level 10 is awful. 120 gpm if it's spammed, but realistically it's not, most creeps take more than the max to devour. And he doesn't need more health he needs armor. If his talents were 6 armor instead of hp that would be great.
Then the level 15 ones kinda suck too, the issue with scorched earth isn't the value it's the cooldown. If there was a ~15% cd reduction talent there instead that would be sweet.
If you want to get gimmacky how about aghs makes scorched earth cast infernal blade in a 600 range radius when cast. So popping scorched earth hits everyone in 600 radius for a mini stun and that dmg.
Invoker needs buff. His early game laning is allways been bad, but now its ruined totally takin off second forged and also lategame is kinda weird at this point. I would suggest replace lvl 10 dmg talent with +forged spirit and add like 8% spell amplification to lvl 15. that could be good start. also lvl 20 talent is just useless so u might just skill 1 more point ur orbs over it... Invoker has been ruined since 7.00 Patch came out, has no competive success, lowest win rates on dotabuff. I was just amazed that they did more minor nerfs to invoker even after 7.05 i think (alacrity cooldown thing)
Old patch u could go jungle if and when ur laning is fuckd up, but this patch has taken that out too. u just get too far behind compared to heroes who dominate lanes.
I also agree doom is useless hero in game and leshrac needs buffs
I would like a doom buff or UD buff. Offlane heros who don't have a place in this meta with the likes of Earth Shaker playing every offlane. Not huge changes, just some tweaking to make them relevant.
Necro every game, SB every game. Lots of viper!
Enjoyign seeing more pugna now thou
UD used to first-pick material at one point. Then they nerfed the crap out of the hero. And then 7.00 happened and everything else got buffed to the point where UD is pretty much irrelevant.
That hero needs a buff. Reduced mana cost on all spells, and increasing tombstone zombie damage.
doom could easily kill a carry in early/mid game just 1v1, ofc if you getting radiance and maxing Q first on doom you gonna lose every game you play. Doom is fine atm
^no u can't
At least half of the carries can run away cuz of lack of disable, and someone like Ursa maybe troll can just manfight u and u wud lose lmao
Uh yeah doom isn't 1v1'ing shit with his terribad armor, carries will just fight him and everyone else runs away.
Doom is not fine, where does he lane? Jungle he is slow. Cooldown on scorched earth is too high plus he lacks mana for it to jungle well with that, and his bat is awful so qb/iron talon doesn't help as much. He used to just depend on devour and bounce around hard camps but all the creeps got reduced bounties so that hurt his jungling a ton. I'm pretty sure he's slower than lifestealer in jungle right now.
Offlane, forget about it, scorched earth long cd and he dies any time it's not up. He can retreat to offlane camps to devour I guess.
You can't play him as a carry cus again his terribad bat and no scaling dps spells. You can't play him as mid cus he'll lose lane too badly. Idk why anyone would play a 0 armor melee hero as support but maybe if you max infernal blade he could lane support. Maybe with a ranged carry.
Invoker isn't weak, he's still the man at tournaments, he's fine. AM doesn't need nerfs, he's fine too, situational and not good in pubs. Spectre is really fine, just not a meta hero right now. I pray to god they don't buff storm cus that hero is so fucking stupid and obnoxious, just zip zap everywhere. There's a reason they nerfed that piece of shit in the first place.
LD, Warlock Ember and Leshrac
LD ~ Rabid buffs
Warlock ~ Base damage and mana costs
Ember ~ Talents rework for the old school physical dmg meta + Agility from +1.8 to +2.1
Leshrac ~ Talents buffs
Tusk ~ Snowball damage and speed increase
Ur not tanky urself as sf and cold snap fucks ur ass
Alacrity level 2 and invoker gets lvl 2 before u
Invoker is weakest level 1 and 2 and ur picking a hero that is also weak then that needs lvl 3?
If anything u can pick a viper and fuck his ass
Buff storm laning stage!
They could just tweak his talents too, his level 10 is awful. 120 gpm if it's spammed, but realistically it's not, most creeps take more than the max to devour. And he doesn't need more health he needs armor. If his talents were 6 armor instead of hp that would be great.
Then the level 15 ones kinda suck too, the issue with scorched earth isn't the value it's the cooldown. If there was a ~15% cd reduction talent there instead that would be sweet.
If you want to get gimmacky how about aghs makes scorched earth cast infernal blade in a 600 range radius when cast. So popping scorched earth hits everyone in 600 radius for a mini stun and that dmg.
Invoker needs buff. His early game laning is allways been bad, but now its ruined totally takin off second forged and also lategame is kinda weird at this point. I would suggest replace lvl 10 dmg talent with +forged spirit and add like 8% spell amplification to lvl 15. that could be good start. also lvl 20 talent is just useless so u might just skill 1 more point ur orbs over it... Invoker has been ruined since 7.00 Patch came out, has no competive success, lowest win rates on dotabuff. I was just amazed that they did more minor nerfs to invoker even after 7.05 i think (alacrity cooldown thing)
Old patch u could go jungle if and when ur laning is fuckd up, but this patch has taken that out too. u just get too far behind compared to heroes who dominate lanes.
I also agree doom is useless hero in game and leshrac needs buffs
600 range radius is huge...
Leshrac is still pretty tough to deal with when used as a core
You can't buff Huskar as it's a niche pick, if he gets too strong, old line up using him will become too op
Buff lone druid I want my old rabid cd back tbh
I would like a doom buff or UD buff. Offlane heros who don't have a place in this meta with the likes of Earth Shaker playing every offlane. Not huge changes, just some tweaking to make them relevant.
Necro every game, SB every game. Lots of viper!
Enjoyign seeing more pugna now thou
I do enjoy seeing less of jugger and slark.
UD used to first-pick material at one point. Then they nerfed the crap out of the hero. And then 7.00 happened and everything else got buffed to the point where UD is pretty much irrelevant.
That hero needs a buff. Reduced mana cost on all spells, and increasing tombstone zombie damage.
shadow demon
ogre magi (give him mov speed to make him bettee as a roamer)
yea no FUCK ogre magi this hero can go to hell
tbh i want ogremagi become a decent nuker again with his fireblast. seriously, fuck buffed ogre magi , make nuker ogre magi great again
@flat 550
r u dumb?
saw no competetive success?
invoker has a low pub winrate cuz he is hard, not cuz he is bad
i think doom will get infernal blade buffed over and over till it becomes a retarded spell
Nerf: Necro, SWM, Earthshaker, Sandking, Bloodcyka, Pugna, Sven, AM, Nightstalker, Bara, Enchantress.
Buff: Storm, Spectre, Oracle, Monkey King, Tiny
Rest is fine.
Ghost shroud should be nerf..necro too strong on every stage.
cm movementspeed !
dude what ogre magi is a purely skill based hero
haters gonna hate
doom could easily kill a carry in early/mid game just 1v1, ofc if you getting radiance and maxing Q first on doom you gonna lose every game you play. Doom is fine atm
^no u can't
At least half of the carries can run away cuz of lack of disable, and someone like Ursa maybe troll can just manfight u and u wud lose lmao
Uh yeah doom isn't 1v1'ing shit with his terribad armor, carries will just fight him and everyone else runs away.
Doom is not fine, where does he lane? Jungle he is slow. Cooldown on scorched earth is too high plus he lacks mana for it to jungle well with that, and his bat is awful so qb/iron talon doesn't help as much. He used to just depend on devour and bounce around hard camps but all the creeps got reduced bounties so that hurt his jungling a ton. I'm pretty sure he's slower than lifestealer in jungle right now.
Offlane, forget about it, scorched earth long cd and he dies any time it's not up. He can retreat to offlane camps to devour I guess.
You can't play him as a carry cus again his terribad bat and no scaling dps spells. You can't play him as mid cus he'll lose lane too badly. Idk why anyone would play a 0 armor melee hero as support but maybe if you max infernal blade he could lane support. Maybe with a ranged carry.
Invoker isn't weak, he's still the man at tournaments, he's fine. AM doesn't need nerfs, he's fine too, situational and not good in pubs. Spectre is really fine, just not a meta hero right now. I pray to god they don't buff storm cus that hero is so fucking stupid and obnoxious, just zip zap everywhere. There's a reason they nerfed that piece of shit in the first place.
Tusk really needs a buff and Techies could get another rework.
Tusk could use a bit of a buff.... also f*ck invoker. That hero is stupidly powerful.
add techies to captains draft
^ xd how is voker powerful
his armor is so low hes laning is garbage just pick sf get lvl 3 before him and rape his ass
his armor is low thrrew all stage of game so he can be easy killed
LD, Warlock Ember and Leshrac
LD ~ Rabid buffs
Warlock ~ Base damage and mana costs
Ember ~ Talents rework for the old school physical dmg meta + Agility from +1.8 to +2.1
Leshrac ~ Talents buffs
Tusk ~ Snowball damage and speed increase
Ur not tanky urself as sf and cold snap fucks ur ass
Alacrity level 2 and invoker gets lvl 2 before u
Invoker is weakest level 1 and 2 and ur picking a hero that is also weak then that needs lvl 3?
If anything u can pick a viper and fuck his ass