General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me to carry

Help me to carry in General Discussion

    I suck at Carrying .. tell me some techniques/mechanics to improve
    Any tips or ADvice?


    Potato Marshal

      Don't go battlefury on troll.


        lol what


          and dont pick sniper at hard


            go battlefury on sniper


              go battlefury on sniper


              chicken spook,,,,

                dont say lazy


                  The carry is the easyest role in dota.
                  Just get knowledge of all the items an learn to last hit.
                  After u can go for farming patterns and creep aggro.
                  Congratz u are a good carry.

                  white boy summer

                    literally gained 500 mmr by buying AC since that item counters any low mmr

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Just get knowledge of all the items an learn to last hit.
                      After u can go for farming patterns and creep aggro.

                      After that you afk farm every game and feed 800 gold diebacks :')
                      Congrats you're now fx :')


                        Just shove sidelanes and don't die, if you do this for 30 minutes below 5k you will be the most farmed hero on the map and you can walk down mid and collect your points. Above this mmr it's harder but the same principle still applies in my experience.

                        Mlada i Luda

                          git gud at lane mechanics , early start , what you get from laning phase and waht you dont let the enemy oflaner take is crucial for a carry. cause sometimes is almost imposible to recover from a bad start.


                            just shove sidelanes and dont die. lul. im gonna try that

                            ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                              You should be aware that this meta is very oriented to laning stage. So if you won't have a dedicated babysitter try to avoid picking heroes with 0 early game potential like AM or spectre. Coordinate with your team to get some space after laning stage but ALWAYS have a tp:you cab use it to join your team in a fight or to push empty lanes if you can commit to fighting.


                                i like shoving in the midlane + a sidelane, more creeps $_$

                                Mlada i Luda
                                  კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                    i'd like an example of that, because that statement is simply not true

                                    Mlada i Luda
                                      კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                        i literally do that to win, that is simply not true

                                        if my team is feeding im double farming, not farming less, not counter ganking, not smoking, not teamfighting etc.

                                        but farming like my life depended on it.

                                        so again, give me an example of a 650 gpm player who isn't winning mmr

                                        otherwise you're lying to yourself again and i'll just ignore it like the last argument because it's too stupid for me.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        Mlada i Luda
                                          კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                          Mlada i Luda
                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                              yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol

                                              Mlada i Luda
                                                კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                  what? wtf is this ? since when a sentences of mine trolling you and trippleshit has become a ' MEME' looooooooool. holy shit that was a rly long time ago as i remember .omfg waht have i done , i had no intention on hurting someones feeling that hard , or brain damage him that much as to remember my words for the rest of his life . rly sry kid honestly .


                                                    And sometimes i get newly created teammates with below 350 gpm then instantly pick mid

                                                    Player 404335202

                                                      Give me 300$