General Discussion

General DiscussionImbalance Matchmaking - MMR fraud

Imbalance Matchmaking - MMR fraud in General Discussion
Cha Cha - this player is a normal skill bracket on solo que and appears in very high skill bracket game. Thats fine. The weird part is the avg mmr was 37XX and the highlited mmr was me373x so that means everyone in the game is supposedly 3.7k. That doesnt even make sense he is not even a high skill player. Is dota faking peoples mmr and making ranked match making imbalance? Anyone with insight is more than welcomed to share their input

    Cha Cha
      Riguma Borusu


        meteor hammer

          MMR FRAUD

          meteor hammer

            3.7k MMR FRAUDSTER


              If the average MMR was 3700 and the rest were all 3739, he could have an MMR of 3544 (seems to have been 3304 four months ago according to your dotabuff link). You also can just look at the MMR of everyone at the end of the game on the scoreboard and verify for yourself that the math works out.


                What the hell how did this guy cheat the system and slip through valves mm cracks


                  So today I was having a walk through campus when a shady looking person was invited me around the corner. "Psst, over here!" - he called. My mother taught me very well not to trust strangers, but as I'm a high level dotes player my curiousity was victorious over common sense. As I went closer the figure in the shadows became more and more detailed and I would be soon standing in front of a giant Ewok. We all know Ewoks are small of size, but this particular example was one of a kind. I realized my legs were shaking and I was trembling with fear since I would never have expected to see such creature and as I stood there he whispered in my ear: "Your MMR or your life!" I had a quick glimpse at the silvery badge on his cloak stating '2 0 0 0 M M R I N V O K E R' and gave a sigh.
                  I just couldn't let him take my MMR and ruin so many games. I felt bad for my friends who would be paired with him and lost their sanity alongside their MMR so I took the hardest choice of my life: "Take my life Mr.Ewok." - I said with a deep breath.
                  I saw a flick of his hand and a green jet being the last remaining pictures of my life. Within a second I was laying their on the cold ground. I just saw myself dead. A horrible feeling.

                  But it wasn't over, he wasn't done with me. He scammed me! He took my MMR nevertheless and he is now using my account. What a fraud! He must be stopped at all costs! I'm now locked inside the cyberworld and crying out for help, hoping any of you will be able to end this horror. I know my story might sound a bit preposterous but trust me, we are not safe anymore!


                    Fraudulent mmr points flood valve MM system for the longest time, the government is in on it.


                      the average is 3.7k

                      that doesn't mean everyone has to be 3.7k

                      some guy can be 1 mmr and some other guy can be 7399 and it'll average to 3700


                        Cuki pls y u ruin my 2k ranked gaem!