General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen people type in game why do they always send three words at a time?

When people type in game why do they always send three words at a time? in General Discussion
Gaming is Dead

    Instead of just
    typing out
    one sentence
    they press enter
    and send another
    2-4 word message
    like this
    why? ^_^

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Typing out the first words of a sentence gives you an idea of what will follow.
      go rosh
      they have no rp
      go rosh, they have no rp
      With the first one, you will actually start to do something faster.

      Riguma Borusu

        Because if they have to type, they already have delay in communication, and at that point it is better to send your ideas in parts so that you can read them as fast as possible.

        If the enemy has smoked and is about to take rosh, imagine writing this while standing close to the rosh pit:

        "They are smoked as five and are going to Rosh, black hole is still on cooldown, put a sentry in front of the rosh pit, and possibly an observer here (ping)."

        You could die before you complete those sentences.

        If you ping rosh, then say:

        "they smoked"
        "enigma no bh"
        "put sentry at rosh"
        "observer here (ping)"

        You have an advantage over someone who types whole sentences and takes more time to relay a message. But someone who uses a mic has an advantage over you, as well.

        EDIT: well, fuck, I started typing a comment and didn't see the reply

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Act II Enjoyer

          reaching out for punctuation marks is haaard
          so people press enter


            Why not use mic way faster .


              ^not everyone have decent mic


                i always chat like that haHAA

                i think smart people like me do that

                Dire Wolf

                  Take breaks between entering commands. So I am hitting creeps, type a couple words, issue move command type a couple more


                    In sea, the case is you cant type "putang ina mo" in less than or more than 3 words