General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter TA as invoker in lane

How to counter TA as invoker in lane in General Discussion

    As an invoker player, I've learned how to deal with pa (get an aquila + wand), SF (coldsnap when he right clicks you + another null), zeus (salve, deny all his shit, wand), etc.

    Still, I have no idea how to counter TA in lane. I find it difficult to dodge the psi blades (280 movespeed) and sometimes find myself forced to go onto her just so i can last hit. Also, having 1 armor doesnt help and coldsnap just doesnt cut it because of refract.

    After laning phase I don't really find it difficult but yeah, laning with her is hell.

    Should I just get boots after getting aquila (pre-midas items are boots, null, aquila) then after aghs get force staff? or should I just give up quas exort and go quas wex instead to secure my lane.

    asking this because my team doesnt respond when she dives me (2.5 mmr bracket, dotabuff just hast updated :P)


      rightclick her rightclick her with forge and use meteor coldsnap


        ^ tried that but what usually happens is she moves forward -> meld -> bam, 50% hp in one hit. Plus, that combo is too mana contraining. If that combo fails ill be left with less than 200 mana

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        supp0rt picker

          you need sp help till lv 3 so u can last hit with aclarity and buy regen to stay land . that the way i see people in competive played .

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          The Illuminati

            if she can hit you for 50% of your hp with a single meld hit in early game, then you already did something wrong.


              matchups are irrelevant in 2k mmr


                ^yes i picked ta 2 times this week i got matched against viper still won so ez 3k

                i have 5 reports to use

                  Quas regen. Tornado dispels refraction iirc.

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Refraction cannot be dispelled.

                    If it's pure 1v1 lane, Invoker can only embrace his doom.

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      And Quas regen is dog shit versus Psi Blade which deal ~100 (150 at lvl 3 Ref) pure damage per hit.

                      Best thing you can do is catch her out with Meteor, Snap and Alacrity, but it's a stretch and if you fail you will be at like 20% mana or smh.

                      Nervous Bakedown

                        (im not very good, but i understand the mid lane from a spectator point of view) you can kind of counter TA as an invoker in lane, but it limits what you can do the rest of the game. (just lanning mechanics because i dont know invoker like at all) invoker deals a massive amount of damage with exort. you should level that lv 1 a lot of the time so you get that extra boost in dmg. So lv 1 you deal a ton more damge than she does unless she scales her Q which is easier to deal with at this stage. basically lv 1 you should focus on harassing her so she feels unsafe to walk up in later levels unless she has refrac up. I think it makes the most sense to immediately start right clicking the first creep in lane so you can double wave her. If she scales Refrac first there is a way to salvage this, but its still not good to be under tower with that many enemy creeps to deal with. once she reaches about lvl 3 or you are afraid to get ganked i think it makes senses to pull aggro at least so that the creeps are facing the opposite way (your creeps on her side her creeps on your side) I learned this from the Open AI bot and what it does is basically make it easier to last hit your creeps while not pulling aggro all the way to your ranged creep which ends up allowing 3 creeps of both sides to run under tower and both ranged creeps denied. The main problem with doing the full aggro pull is psi blades makes it so TA can last hit your ranged creep through her own deny (A clicks her own creep which causes her attack to go to the ranged). Realistically unless there is a significant difference in skill TA should come on top, but these are some ways you can try to edge her out at certain points and optimize your farm. Keep in mind that everyone in dota would pick viper every game if every game was decided from the one v one match mid. "Tornado can dispel refraction" XD

                        Nervous Bakedown

                          good lord that was long! the TLDR is TA will win and if you want how to increase your in-lane farm read the NotTLDR


                            It strange because i scared picking ta against invoker


                              ^ that's actually kind of true. If invoker saves his mana or just use limited like coldsnap and alacrity untill he's level 6 with meteor and ice wall then it could cost TA life at level 7 which has the longer death time compare to the death at lvl 2/3.


                                try ice wall meteor coldsnap
                                idk if the mana sufficient


                                  Its ez dude, from wha ti have observed in playing at 300 mmr(smurf acc), you just harass her as early as possible, before you hit lvl 2, push the creep waves


                                    Make sure ur wave is pushing


                                      Meteor snap will rekt her
                                      Also @pickle rick, invoker lvl 1 dmg isn't that high, he gets a lot from exort but his base dmg is low, at least know what ur talking abt.

                                      Idk if u want to get aquila, I think 2nd null is better cuz psi blades is pure. Maybe casual basi, but idk
                                      Maybe drums to help u early and run out of the traps? I know drums invoker hasn't been a thing for a while but idk.


                                        I play a lot of ta and invoker and I can say that its pretty difficult for invoker to win that lane.
                                        when i see a 3k invoker picker ill just pick ta and make him cry. The thing with ta is that if you can land the psi blades proparly you dont have to deal with forge spirits. You deal more damage then he does with charges and you can easily denie everything. As invoker what you should do is ask for a gank and try to meteor cold snap him. Otherwise the lane is probably not gonne go well for you. After you get aghs on invoker you can actually kill ta pretty easily if she doesnt use reflaction and blink proparly. But after she has bkb you dont stand a chanse anymore


                                          ^ pretty sure i can just outrun you or something if you just got a bkb


                                            What about a simply ice wall alacrity cold snap pressure?
                                            Not so much mana waste , ice wall take off refraction whit alacrity and than u can cold snap and maybe ss\ meteor for secure kill.
                                            U can add forge spirit gank pre summoned from behind for vision and extra damage.
                                            I personally find tinker the worst of matchups... But im a trash 2.7...

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              What about a simply ice wall alacrity cold snap pressure?

                                              you cant have them up all the time tho


                                                keep the creeps on your hg, and when she wants to last hit, give her rightclicks, also meteor + coldsnap is legit when you spot her out of position. Play with alacrity and forge spirits for last hitting and harrasing.


                                                  ice wall is pretty good too