General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa

Medusa in General Discussion

    Icefrog pls buff Medusa. 40% winrate is too low. Bring back 120% splitshot dmg pls.


      I would like to see split shot retains atk modifier just like drow's agh

      Potato Marshal

        Does the +2 second stun from her lvl 25 talent work with the petrification from aghs snake?


          Sadly no it doesn't. If it did then aghs would be core late game


            wouldn't that be OP tho

            Use chatwhell=mute

              he's fne early agh is pretty good for him


                needs a buff.

                no one ever said "shit they picked medusa"


                  Dusa is a pick that is always I'm threatening
                  If u lack ways of dealing with her she can be scary
                  How TF do u lane against Mana snake that skill deals like 600000 dmg good shit
                  U just need to itemize properly with her. Like I hit 750 gpm in a 1k avg game with her and just kinda won the game from there.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Medusa is a unstopable force when there's no natural predator against him (AM, troll, invoker, nyx). She's not that hero with a flashy KDA. But she deals a lot of damage in a 5v5 clash. She can push high grounds very well too.

                    But I agree valve should buff her a little bit. Rescale her talent a bit, especially her lvl25.

                    GRANT MACDONALD

                      I find with her you really need a team that will 4 man and just leave you the hell alone to farm. If you have a greedy core, your supports dont stack and an Lc that wants to jungle for 25 mins your mid medusa will struggle mightily

                      O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                        She's still good in low me pubs where every game goes 60 minutes+

                        But something like 6 more damage would be enough

                        Or maybe improve her garbage ass talents

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        Use chatwhell=mute

                          Agh bm medusa is rly great vs physical dmg dealers


                            The fact that nearly every carry can build diffusal with no downside really hurts Medusa. Especially since they buffed the mana burn it does for like 3 patches in a row. As long as that item is strong, medusa is going to struggle.

                            Dire Wolf

                              medusa is like 45%, not 40. I do fine with her idk, pace of game is just faster.


                                Its just over 40% in 5K plus bracket which puts her as the lowest winrate hero in 5K+ games. Her best winrate is at below 2K and is still a crappy 45%. She definitely needs some buffs and diffusal needs more nerfs.


                                  eh diffusal in its current state is balanced.

                                  2 blades = 20 agility
                                  nerfed diffusal = 20 agility

                                  that means the entire recipe cost of 700 gold is the purge ability.

                                  i guess they could up the recipe cost to 1000 gold, but then the game becomes more lopsided towards supports and pushers rather than teamfighting cores because items like Euls, force staff, pipe are all very cheap.


                                    The problem for medusa is the 50 mana burned per attack.
                                    Also I feel like diffusal still does too much considering it counters some heroes so hard. In its current state its 60 damage per attack ( for agility heroes and as long as the enemy has mana left to burn) plus it gives 20 attack speed. It also lets you purge and slow enemies and it takes away their mana. Just on damage alone its brilliant gold value.


                                      sir im not sure if you know how to make an argument or understand how balance works because you seem to lack both


                                        imo she doesn't need buffed. Sure, she has counters, but she's a god-tier lategame siege machine and her laning is decent, what with her snake dealing 3498763846 damage in one hit


                                          Diffusal got nerfed
                                          We might see more of her

                                          meteor hammer

                                            item nerf isnt enough, heroes that pick it need to be bad because nerfed diffusal still SHREDS medusa and is 100% the correct itemization

                                            if ur playing against pl troll weaver mirana sniper etc and they have a brain they WILL build diffusal as item #1-2 becaue it's pretty fucking good in the early game and the manaburn absolutely rapes

                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              You can't first pick Medusa. Like I said above, she is scary when there is no natural counter heroes. Diffusal Blade alone is not enough to stop her. Manta + Stone Gaze can create chaos in a entire team clash and Medusa can split shot the entire enemy team.

                                              In summary, Medusa is:
                                              +A great late game damage dealer
                                              +Strong in lane
                                              +Stone Gaze pierce magic immunity
                                              +Can flash farm
                                              -Mana dependent. Avoid picking her first
                                              -Can be easily kite
                                              -She needs her core items in order to be effective

                                              What I want for her is:
                                              *Maybe buff her skills a bit.
                                              *Buff her talents.


                                                Please don't build manta unless u rlly RLLY need a dispel
                                                It's shit
                                                Dusa is decent in shitty pubs cuz Mana snake can do some fucking stupid shit. Otherwise not good.


                                                  Her lvl 25 talent is the biggest culprit for being rlly bad
                                                  Her lvl 20 one is also pretty bad

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    its a lot better at 125 mana than it was at 165 mana, thats for sure


                                                      Maybe buff splitshot vs creeps. I think this could be legit
                                                      Like 120% dmg But only vs creeps.

                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                        Please don't build manta unless u rlly RLLY need a dispel
                                                        It's shit

                                                        Most of the time, you need that dispel. Since medusa rarely build a bkb, manta + linken saves you from most debuff. The illusion works with Skaadi and Split Shot. The stats bonus is godsend.

                                                        The standard 4 times every Medusa game must have for me are:
                                                        *Phase Boots
                                                        *Linken Sphere
                                                        *Manta Style

                                                        The last 2 slot depends on your enemy match up.
                                                        *BKB if their is invoker or AM. Disarm an mana burn are annoying.
                                                        *MKB if their is PA. Or other blind abilities
                                                        *Mjolnir for aoe magic damage
                                                        *Butterfly for offense
                                                        *Hurricane Pike for movement and positioning
                                                        *Malevolence/Bloodthorne for the silence disable


                                                          The only Item you always need is yasha for mobilty.


                                                            Medusa is fine, but needs to be last pick, when there is no counter. Or at least 4pick.

                                                            I have 70% winrate with over 100 games.

                                                            Lately Iam going phase, aghs, orchid, skadi, bloodthorn. It gives additional disable, silence, slow, hp. With +600mana talent you are unkillable if there is no AM or 2-3 people with manaburn abilities/carriers diffusals. And even than you have decent chance - they need to jump on you all to kill you and once you have a second for ulti/snake, it is complete counter.

                                                            Manta/linkens are situational for me. For early/mid game you are not a threath for enemy at all without some dmg item. For late game, you are usually better of with bkb/evasion/mkb, depends, what you need. I am thinking about adding as well MoM to add up some dmg.


                                                              Medusa is like an aircraft carrier. You move forward and around you are your allies protecting your rear. To squize some extra ms for that price? I would better go for MoM for the ms instead.


                                                                I agree with FeelsBadMan. Her lvl 25 talents are terrible and the +1 split shot at 20 is pretty bad too. Considering she's mean to be powerful lategame you would expect her to have some half decent talents but no.
                                                                If they buff it to +2 split shots at 20 it might me useful for dealing with illusions or mass summons
                                                                The lvl 25 stone gaze thing needs to affect her aghs (maybe drop it to +1 second in that case)
                                                                The lifesteal talent needs to go and be replaced with something medusa actually wants.


                                                                  more stats maybe?


                                                                    +20% splitshot dmg

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      holy shit no wonder you think medusa is bad if you consider linkens and manta core. Ayse I checked your last 4 medusa wins, you got carried hard in every single one by troll, slark, TINY and weaver, od. Jesus christ it's like you're an afk farm bot, any medusa will win with that space.

                                                                      Linkens rush is garbage unless you need to block like bloodseeker ult or lc ult and even then you should be able to just stand and fight them. Manta is trash on medusa unless you need a dispel and don't want bkb like vs tinker laser or some shit. It doesn't give enough offense, nor does it give enough defense for what it costs. If you need mana and stats get linkens. If you need attack speed get mjollnir.

                                                                      Only core items on medusa are skadi and super late game bloodthorn. Bloodthorn stats are perfect for medusa, but most games end before you get it.

                                                                      Yasha can be useful for mobility and some dmg but the upgrades suck so it's kind of a waste slot you will want to sell later.

                                                                      Maelstrom into mjollnir is like doubling down on her aoe, it's nice, not required though.

                                                                      Dragon lance into pike also helps a lot with mobility and makes her super tanky early if you want to take fights.

                                                                      Mask of madness is very overlooked on her but really helps out with early farming and she doesn't cast a lot of spells. Pop ult and run in and mask and you get free shots on everyone.

                                                                      Linkens is a good item but no means core, it's super defensive and if you have at like 25 mins linkens and skadi and nothing else you hit like a wet noodle. Rushing linkens is expensive and won't help you farm much at all. If you want to be tanky early just get a cheap dragon lance and aquila, then build yasha or maelstrom or mask of madness. Mid game you'll actually be able to farm and hurt people.

                                                                      If they want to buff medusa just fix her talents. They are underwhelming. Make 15 dmg like 15 agility and 12 int like 15-20 int. Gid rid of stupid evasion, give her 8 stats and buff attack speed to like 30. Split shot target is awful, instead have it reduce split shot penalty, not sure how much, maybe make it 90% dmg vs 80%. Change gaze stun to gaze duration instead, change lifesteal talent to attack range which also increases split shot range like +100 attack and split shot range.

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        I don't think Phase Boots is a superior item choice to Treads. Medusa is unique in the sense that she benefits from any kind of attribute, and I read somewhere that tread switching during Mystic Snake does a lot (if anyone can clarify on this I'd appreciate that)

                                                                        Act IV Waiting Room

                                                                          ^I think the tread switch for snake lets you restore comparatively more mana in absolute terms; switch to int, cast snake, switch to agi/strength before snake returns, after it does, switch back to int again. This works because the increase in attributes maintans the percentage of health/mana.

                                                                          As an example, I went to demo mode, spawned a level 7 Axe with no items, and had a level 7 Dusa with treads and aquila cast a level 4 snake onto Axe (so it's one jump only). If you have strength/agi treads with no switching, you start with 449 mana, and after casting you'll have 355. If you as outlined above, you will have 559 at start and will end up with 488 or so.

                                                                          Act IV Waiting Room

                                                                            ^or no jumps, rather. Basically snek hits Axe and returns right after.


                                                                              Btw i would love to see buffs on her. But based on 81%wr from ti7 it is not really going to happen.

                                                                              If those buff like dire wolf wrote happened, I would go probably up to 85-90% with dusa.

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Thanks PB.

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Doesn't she have like a 600 mana talent? And at level 15? That's like 1500 HP. That shit needs to go before other changes are made.

                                                                                  Act IV Waiting Room

                                                                                    It's actually about 900 hp, because one point of mana absorbs 2.5 damage, but only 60% of damage is absorbed, so it's 600*2.5*0.6=900. But still, it is essentially the only good talent Dusa has.


                                                                                      manta illusions split shotting is useless cuz the illusions hit for like 3 dmg
                                                                                      and id rather have a bkb if ur having trouble.
                                                                                      usually u dont wanna rush linkens, u want some intermediary item for farming, this is either MoM, or yasha

                                                                                      also in regards to treads, u can restore all of ur mana if u go to the mud golems camp, get the papa golems low enough on hp to die to snake, then switch to int, cast snake on the golem, and switch to agi before it returns. what happens is snake bounces between both parents and all 4 children golems, and gives u an assload of mana.
                                                                                      i like phase a lot cuz dusa lacks dmg, and is super slow and kitable, but treads with MoM sounds good so u can save mana and sustain jungle farming.