General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's going on with ranked??

What's going on with ranked?? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    Lately i feel the quality of ranked has gone down A LOT. Half my games I played this week I had either someone feeding, or had someone abandon 10 mins into the game (4 times in a row). Also had some drunk nub crying in my game how his gf hates him and how he's sad. Very nice timing to que up for a ranked game of dota i'd say.

    Really don't care if people play bad(cuz i play bad too) but this really triggers me.

    Any suggestions on hero's that can solo carry? I tried void but I really suck at playing him. CK is good but safelane AM is still a thing 50% of the time and will most likely feed if i even select safelane. So i need something strong that can function solo offlane and has high game impact. (my games are 2.4k btw)

    meteor hammer

      honestly abandons and feeders become gradually less common from 1 mmr to around 3800 id say

      they still happen but not with the same frequency

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Dark Hunter

        Yey just had another game with an abandon 7 mins in. Honestly. I'm done. 5 in a row is just too much. every time i get close to my goal of 2.4k (needed 2 mmr) i drop back down to 2.2 or even 2k because of retarded reasons like this.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        meteor hammer

          but you aren't dropping because of retarded reasons like that

          i guarantee you any player that deserves higher mmr would get it in a very short amount of time. not even just 5ks or whatever, but even a 3k in 2k is going to consistently be a game winning player

          meteor hammer

            ive won 11/13 of my last 4700 mmr solo queue matches, and id estimate my skill level to be somewhere in the 5300-5700 range at the moment. maybe i "got lucky" but i had 1 intentional feeder and 1 person random sf and steal my mid, then flame all game


              ^ alot alot luck

              @ op yes same shit too bad nothing u can do about that