Yes she is a solid mid lane hero, if the lane doesnt go well, i suggest you farm the jungle instead of struggling to lane, your gonna get your butt handed to you a lot, just be ready for it.
The popular build iirc is Bloodstone into shadowblade into whatever is needed at that point. bloodthorn is probably fine if you like that item, I suggest BKB because she is very fragile
@korm, not retarded, an eager new player, no need to be a dick.
ok, edit. not new but trying to learn and ask questions.
the best mid ATM is CM. she is so squishy and slow you can take money from killing her like atm
Lina might look good but doesnot work most of the time, needs some buff like drow or cm on the team
How about jakiro as a mid/utility core?
I love the idea of Jakiro mid. Great against greedy mids. Destroys the likes of Invoker. Even one of the few that can deal with TA easily.
lina is a good mid on paper
until she gets ganked mid
or is against a viper
a lot of buts and ifs for it to work out and translate to +25
I was wondering about that bc there was this match I supposedly went jaki supp but they threw me to mid at the last min.
What kind of heroes synergize well with lina as a mid?
Yea there was this one match I was having a pretty good early game and getting early kills until they all kept ganking and shutting me down :/
Speaking of which, if you're playing a particularly squishy hero and keep getting picked off first, what's the best way to turn the situation around before everything gown downhill?
^kunkka synergize well with lina
pudge roam.
i think many hero with good stun is synergize well with lina
the best way to not get shut down as squishy hero is to learn positioning which mean where basically you must stand etc.
lina is a good mid on paper
until she gets ganked mid
or is against a viper
Lina is one of my comfort mids
U need to abuse ur farm rate, in low MMR u can get away with completely zoning the enemy and farm a fast af bloodstone. I either go travels after bloodstone or sb if I wanna fight. U need to have good positioning and map awareness cuz if u get jumped ur easy to kill, but if u stay back in fights with ur long range u can do a lot of work. She is one of the few heroes I farm super fast with consistently (by fast I mean considering my averages).
Late game get stuff like linkens Pike bkb bloodthorn hex shiva's
Make sure to buy 1 right click item.
Positioning and farming r key.
Idk how good Lina is at other brackets but she works in mine.
Look at my matches in 700
_______ is a good mid on paper
until she gets ganked mid
or is against a viper
replace __ with any hero except puck qop
The nerf she got actually wasn't that hard, it does make her laning stage less dominating and pros stopped spamming her.
But throwing a flurry of fireballs from afar is so fun!
It just makes her lvl 1 to 3 weaker
She used to be able to guarantee the ranged creep with slave, now it's harder
Still it's rlly hard to live in a Lina lane for long once she gets lvl4 and 5 and shit
She can kill almost every mid once she hits 6, except maybe puck if the puck is good
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Disclaimer: the match im explaining was in hard mode bits game but not on insane. Not sure how hard they are since I never tried because they have perfect cs and denies.
I like oneshottinng people. Lina is a hero that does that the cost of a good late game. It's not the best in the world but she has the attack speed so bloodthorn is good on her. I went 43/2 in a boots game. Nobody is as bad as hard bots. The only 2 times I died were from bloodstone denies. it actually continues the killstreak. So basically I I got 43 kills without dying once bot counting denies. Also both death's were instant respawns due to the bloodstone mega stacks. Anyways nobody is as bad as bots. What about a re game. Is Lina a good hero for midlane. If so, I think I will start spamming her and seeing if I can shut people down early afternoon then murder every single player in the arena to the point where they are banned from the game.