It doesn't matter. Just play whatever you know how to play and you'll win in pubs.
No need to pick meta shit.
I don't like the idea of nerfing strong heroes. How about buff the other forgotten heroes?
Mag is useless now. Improve shockwave - something like make the sceptre upgrade the regular effect (i.e. slows enemies). Add more damage to reverse polarity. Increase empower slightly.
So many other core heroes that aren't even considered in drafts (wraith king, tiny...)
Speaking of Tiny - this hero is obsolete. They need to completely re-do craggy exterior and his ult because they're garbage. Tiny in this meta is neither here nor there (not really tanky with shitty armor, and can't carry either).
hope they nerf tinker, arc and invoker. Those heroes are bullshit. No hero in the fucking game can kill so many heroes so fucking fast with no fear of death. Also nearly no mana cost and short cd's like wtf is this bullshit. How come there are so few people complaining about this.
^because none of these heroes r a problem, u just play a different game from dota
BTW just pick ur favorite heroes
I play axe now and will continue to play axe after
troll and sniper were too the time they were OP but they still got nerfed. It really ruins pub experienec
I really hope they do not nerf Sven too much, because every fucking item in the game counters him.
I got a few hero to feedback with.
1) I think Sven need a bit nerf on the God Strength either its damage bonus (80%/120%/160% to 75%/110%/150%) or its Strength gain (12/24/36 to 10/20/30)
2) Choas Knight skill 3 (Chaos Strike) is Overpower Right now. Have you guys think he can hit so hard that he can lifesteal to full HP, example if he Crit 1000 HP damage he can lifesteal 650 HP.
3) Orge Magi Armor is too High at start please NERF IT. 8 Armor is too MUCH make it to 6 Armor, if he need more Armor please increase his AGI Gain instead.
if they lower ogre magis starting armour there will be literally 0 reason left to pick him
No matter how many times riki got nerfed, 5-6 now i suppose, he is still great offlane. Also i see mane great phoenix players going offlane
Sven will probably get nerfed after that empire eg match. I think they just need to drop warcry armor gained a bit.
ES probably getting nerfed.
Tiny does suck. Super hard. I would just make craggy work on ranged, now he can't be crushed by heroes like clinkz, drow, sniper. Then buff his talents a bit, none are that good. Like I would put at level 15 14 mana regen or 60 dmg, then at 20 move the cd reduction down so it's 20% cd or attack speed, buff that attack speed up to like 35. Then at 25 buff the avalanche one to 250 and give another one to help right clicker tiny, probably something with armor like +15 armor or maybe like sk +50 hp regen, or could even be a lifesteal talent like 30% lifesteal like bs has. I'd buff his level ten a tad. So new talents:
10: 15 int / 10 str
15: 14 mana regen / 60 dmg
20: 20% cd reduction / 35 attack speed
25: 250 avalanche dmg / +50 hp regen
This lets you clearly build tiny as a magic nuker with increased mana pool then enough regen to spam his abilities, and you're not making a dumb choice between nuke dmg or cd reduction since both are for nuker tiny, and instead have a viable right clicker tiny talent at 25. None of this will ever happen though. He probably just gets like 1 base armor and 2 base dmg or something.
Underlord is a really strong hero atm, and will certainly not be affected by the post ti nerfs.
Yes buff tiny please he's my favorite hero but sucks too much :( .
Also I just started playing es so a nerf there might hurt a bit .
diffusals gonna get a nerf, atm this item is crazy good
nyx/sk/ns/kunkka will be punished a bit as well, i guess
No one mentioned necro?
Free meka, ghost sceptre, radiance, and dagon 5 built-in on a hero.
@Triplesteal- Diffusal is good but I don't think it's nerf-worthy.
If that were the case then they should nerf hurricane pike too.
I think they'll reduce the agi to like 23/33 on diffusal and the mana break to 45 from 50 or something minor. Pike is super op in pro play, idk about pubs. Pros coordinate so much, you'll have like 2 carries with pike and 2 supports with force staffs and gg melee carries as they all push each other all over the fucking place. I think maybe what they should do is put a debuff on you after being pushed so you can't be pushed again for like 5-10 seconds, much like how you can't double mek or pipe. Maybe that's too extreme. Or they could increase pike cd to like 18 seconds, more in line with force staff.
need to be careful with buffing necrobooks.
5 man push with mass books is gg (it's been done in previous tournies which forced the nerf in the first place). that's why they're always careful to not overbuff books.
who cares about necrobooks anyway, they only end up potential core on like 3 heroes- beast, lycan, nature's prophet, chen. Just buff those heroes on their own.
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since im about to get trashed by icefrog cuz of the inevitable sk nerfs......what do u guys think will be the top offlaners after ti....i wanna prepare myself for the nerf by learning a new offlaner that will probably be the next top pick in the offlane...do u think timber is gonna get buffed.........will we go back to centaur.....idk about furion i think he will be nerfed as well as necro..........maybe windranger will be back on the offlane throne.... beastmaster?....brewmaster has been getting buffed for years and still not a very contested pick (s4 brew micro LUL)
dotabuff gods insight needed