General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere and when do you play undying?

Where and when do you play undying? in General Discussion

    Undying is one of my favourite heros, but i cant seem go find a good role for him.

    I feel like he isnt a good offlaner, he cant really roam and he is also bad as pos 5 support. true?

    I want to play him again, do you pick him only in/against specific lineups and in which role would you do so?

    Thanks for suggestions

    Potato Marshal

      You pick him as an offlane usually, but safelane support sometimes works. Undying is terrible though unless you're against lots of slow melee strength heroes. Survive long enough till somebody comes to your lane to help gank and ready tombstone.


        how do you transition him into late game btw? cos he ends up a utility hero by then. does ac and aghs make him a viable hitter/tank at that stage?

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            useful only in aggressive trilanes.

            not worth picking as solo offlane.

            can't play pos 5 because he won't zone out enemy offlaner.

            can't really play pos 4 roam either (no disable. he can decay the fuck out of you though?)

            can't play mid solo (will get crushed by most)

            can't play hc (unless against bots, even that's a stretch)


              you're generally going to play him in a dual offlane against a weak carry with another absolutely cancerous laning hero such as a necro. Your picking him to give your opponents carry a shit time in lane.


                ^^ basically what cartman and bearcat said.

                He is duo lane or he can go 2vs trilane(3) if its a weak lane. Tri vs Tri is his bread and butter. Since trilanes have fallen out of the meta he isn't super popular or good. However, If you do well early, get that early Aghs you can start shit stomping cause stealing 20-30 str each decay is nothing to scoff at.

                You get aghs and then shit that allows you to kite, force, ghost, atos blademail and just keep stacking/spamming decay. if you get 2-3 multi-hero decays off, you probably won the fight.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა