General Discussion

General Discussionneed life advice

need life advice in General Discussion

    i applied to 2 unis to start studying computer science starting @01.10

    both cities are quite expensive and therefore i can't afford renting something private - i rely on student dormitories in both cities

    as of right now, it seems unlikely i get a room in a dorm in either city; city A responded that it's a 50:50 chance to get a room for the 01.10, and i'm at around place 400 in a queue for student dorms in city B

    now, city A is about 10h away from where i live, city B is 2-3h away. i got 2 options: either i accept the admission to uni A, move there, and live in hotels/fitness studios/street for a month (50:50 chance for 01.10, so i might get a spot, but i doubt it would take too long if i didn't), or accept admission to uni B, and wait half a year or more and travel to and back from uni for 2-3h every single day

    what to pick?


      travelling every day is quite expensive by itself and it takes way too much time, id suggest going for the first option


        in america we are guarenteed, sometimes required, to live in university housing as a freshman
        i would do the first option, because i think it would be interesting to try to live on your own.
        the second option seems to mess with schedule a lot

        Keyser Soze

          Boots of travel

          Pale Mannie

            it is not worth to travel everyday 3 hours

            1-IceTea 🌟

              As all above me said, 1 is better.

              Not sure where you live,does rent a room with a family worked in your country?If not I am pretty sure there are other students more or less same situation as you,group them up and smoke to RS rent a house together should be better option.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Also stop play Dota cause you all suck


                  do u have a drivers license?

                  if so, rent a cheap car, live in it for a month. use fitness studios to shower

                  i've had a friend who did it in america for 3 months during some dark times, tells me its not as bad as it sounds


                    dont have a drivers license, otherwise that'd be my go to yeah

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      find a few other morons like u and rent some shithole together

                      lm ao
                        კომენტარი წაიშალა

                          Its hard to rent a place because of the deposit which is 3x rent

                          We're looking at 1500€ here, and an additional 500€ in rent

                          Money that I don't have


                            But yeah option 1 seems more reasonable

                            lm ao

                              now, city A is about 10h away from where i live, city B is 2-3h away. i got 2 options: either i accept the admission to uni A, move there, and live in hotels/fitness studios/street for a month

                              this is not a good idea lmfao

                              you dont have to rush things and go to college as soon as you graduate lmfao. take a break from school for at least one academic year. that should be enough time so you can plan your college life well.

                              i ran into the same problems you have now when i was starting college. i pushed for it despite the risks just because of the 'blank slate' appeal of college. because of that i did not last for more than 3 semesters before i quit because i chose a course that only appealed to me during the first year of my college. i suggest you to not go retard and think this throughly or youll end up a neet.

                              lm ao

                                DONT GO TO COLLEGE THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                a nice trick to get easy dormitory space is to befriend seniors who are going to graduate, (or if you chose to listen my advice of taking a one year break from college) or to befriend some douchebag who you think wont last freshman year in uni.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  no, i want to and will start studying this year

                                  1 more year of hanging around or doing mundane shit and ill go crazy

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Or you go for option C like everyone with half a brain would do.

                                    Oh wait, you don't have any.

                                    Top fucking KEK


                                      dont be stupid, you dont need to show up at uni every day anyways.
                                      i believe you only need to be there once a week for programming exercises which have compulsory attendance.
                                      go for option two


                                        There rlly isn't a need to wait if you don't want to, might as well get experience living on your own

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Why TF wud u not have to college everyday?
                                          Do u not have any other course besides ur major?
                                          No other prerequisites?

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            going to uni once a wekk is the best way to drop out in ur first year

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              especially when u study computer science, the dorprate is really high.

                                              It starts rather slow but around half a year the pacing will skyrocket causing most to drop out.

                                              @Road to Crippling Depression:
                                              You actualy have few options beside his 2 options, but he's a dumbfuck and doesn't know life works so obv. he probably doesn't know that other options even exist.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                City A.

                                                And there should be places you can stay where you pay on a daily basis. Check that shit out. I lived in a place like that for a month when I started studying.

                                                I'm also assuming city A has a better uni. But if they are the same, city A is still better. I would only consider city B is the uni is vastly better/recognized worldwide.


                                                  other options such as sitting at home all day posting gay anime kids on instagram? yeah right no ty


                                                  ty, yeah, i'll check it out and city A got a better uni including better exchange programs to study/work abroad during the studies

                                                  also city B is kinda like a village in comparison to city A

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  Giff me Wingman


                                                    Du solltest lieber toilettenputzer machen, so dämlich wie du bist.


                                                      man rly this shit is serious i know ure all about triggering people and its so funn y X D but just stop for once please


                                                        which school is better and will give you a better education / work prospects? (just something to consider)

                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          It's only serious for a dumbfuck like you, because someoen with half a functioning human brain wouldn't struggle.

                                                          hf being homeless retard RoFoL

                                                          Geh neben der toilette schlafen du hässlicher toilettenputzer

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          < blank >



                                                              Another thought. While I would avoid being homeless or semi homeless at all costs, you can maybe try to make friends and sleep on a couch for awhile until you find something better. (even if it's technically against their lease, they may not mind the extra money) I actually did that for a year or so.



                                                                the city where i might become homeless for a week or 2 got the better uni, better job prospects and better programs during studies - also they got an honors masters degree which i be might going for, which people from other (worse) universities are not eligible to do

                                                                for me personally the biggest issue is the personal life though - the city where i'd have to travel 4h a day offers close to nothing in my free time, no clubs (both bars and sports) etc, whereas in the bigger city i could do whatever i want

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  i got a friend on my friendlist who lives there, i'm hitting him up as soon as hes online again but i really don't want to be a burden (although i could minimize that to close to 0 i guess)


                                                                    just play dota .. ?


                                                                      You can always apply to the master program there after undergrad, so I would limit how that factors into your decision. If the uni is better and you like the area I say try to find a way to make it work.


                                                                        well i am doing computer science in 4th semester (soon 5th) and i dont go to uni at all, only for exams and exercises with compulsory attendance and my studies are going fine
                                                                        ofc you need to have some sort of brain but any lecture is getting uploaded and you can learn at home if you really wish to


                                                                          so yeah, anything else than option two with travelling there once a week is really stupid


                                                                            The bigger the city the more chances, go for "A" bro. Better uni always triumphs, besides there's more chances you'll get a place to live even if it's shitty. Remember, you only need a place to sleep!!

                                                                            Go for A

                                                                            stop thinking about it and start

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              ^sry i fucked up, uni A (where im homeless) is better and bigger


                                                                                no one else goes to college once a week, does ur college not mandate u take any other fucking courses?


                                                                                  well i am talking about uni, not college
                                                                                  you take a course by passing the exam
                                                                                  noone cares how you pass it. you can be there everyday. you can never show up. its up to you
                                                                                  as long as you pass the exam in the end its fine


                                                                                    First of all, extremly dumb and pointless place to ask.

                                                                                    Second, what does 50:50 even mean? What dorm waits for the beggining of the semester to show who got a spot and who didnt? How can you have 50% of chance on getting a fucking room? Dont you have a list or something?


                                                                                      First of all, extremly dumb and pointless place to ask.

                                                                                      thanks for coming to this realization


                                                                                        the email she sent me said that i got a 50:50 chance of getting a room by 01.10., depending on how many ppl accept or decline their room offers

                                                                                        i think its an email telling me to be optimistic, since those dorm organizations tend to rather say no than anything, because they get sued otherwise


                                                                                          What dorm waits for the beggining of the semester to show who got a spot and who didnt?

                                                                                          thats the thing, the dorms dont care about semesters at all

                                                                                          u can sign up for a dorm whenver u want, and go there whenever u want

                                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                                            yeah right, my brothers toilet is dirty, where can I rent your toilet cleaning services?


                                                                                              ure so cool haHAA

                                                                                              i dont know why you insult people doing those jobs btw? without people doing this kinda shit (janitors, people working on drains, people working in service in general) our society wouldn't work

                                                                                              i know ure desperately seeking attention so here u go

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                toilet, dirty, you, fix, ty.


                                                                                                  i just cleaned my toilet after reading this

                                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                    I r8 8/8.

                                                                                                    Gud boy


                                                                                                      QUIT STUDIES GO PRO M8


                                                                                                        i got another few questions:

                                                                                                        where can i get food? i'm assuming eating at a hostel is not the cheapest way to eat - considering i can't cook for myself

                                                                                                        fast food all day every day? how about eating at campus? (~4-6€ a meal iirc)

                                                                                                        where can i charge my phone/laptop over the day? and in general: how much should i be paying for rent? (i got about 1000€ available