General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could I done better?

What could I done better? in General Discussion
El Chivo

    I was having an argument with a friend a few nights ago about our decisión making in a game where he was slark safelane and I was ursa mid. This is the match

    He told me that we lost that game because I went s&y on ursa and didnt rushed bkb. I didnt felt it necessary because their damage, mostly bkb piercing and right clicks didnt get countered by the ítem. I was like 12-1 at min 20.

    I want to know what could I have done better in this game.

    Sorry for the bad english btw

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Let's see. What do u do when u get daggered, casked, stunned for 4 Sec, cold arrowed, silenced, echo stomped ?

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Nightmare game for an ursa when they start grouping up


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