General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Opinion On My Analysis Of Myself As a Midlaner

Your Opinion On My Analysis Of Myself As a Midlaner in General Discussion

    I don't know what happened, but i've been getting mid lane quite frequently (and i'm quite enjoying it)

    Here, i want to ask your opinion on my analysis, thought process and what would you guys do if you're in my position. Since downloading my replay will probably be troublesome for you, i'll state the time (for those who want to watch) and what happens. No need to go easy on me. You can call me stupid if i did something stupid.

    1)I'm trying to get general advice as a midlaner (with added hero specific advices if it doesn't bother you :D)
    2) Everything is before 10:00
    3)All three games are solo 1 v 1 (no rotation from sidelanes whatsoever) exceptions being :

    Game 2 (Invoker)
    Ally WR rotated from 6:50 and started the offense at 7:20

    Game 3 (OD)
    Enemy Lion rotated from 4:20

    Game 1 : Storm (Me) vs Sniper Match ID 3306402128 ( )

    Kills Analysis (0 Kills)

    Deaths Analysis (0 Deaths)

    Laning Analysis (Please note that i won't list all the missed lasthits because it'll take too long. The one i listed is the one i want to ask what would you do in the same situation)

    1st last hit missed (0:39). Cause : I'm doing unnesecary movements (Keep going around circle for no reason that caused me to get too far for the last hit)

    At 1:00 i tried to harass sniper because : 1) He doesn't have regen, 2) I need to make him scared of getting near me so he won't keep hitting me. I missed 6 LH as a result.

    1:50 Forced to LH under tower. As a result needed to choose between 2 melee creeps or a range creep. I chose the melee creeps (and got it)

    2:30 Tried to kill Sniper. Failed to do so because lv 1 vortex (i overestimated the pull range). Decided to get lv 3 vortex after that to get bigger kill potential. Got around 10% hp and mana left but decided to stay in the lane. Got 6 LH/2 denies as a result.

    3:30 Decided to get back to fountain because : 1) Sniper got illusion rune 2) We dont have cour so i need to take the bottle myself. Lost 6 LH (even trade? this is one of those moments where i want you to watch whether the decision to stay on 2:30 was worth it)

    4:10 Got back. Took some unnesecary damage from sniper illusion. Nothing fatal though.

    6:00 Took too much damage from creeps because i dont want them to get to tower range. Used a short zap since i was afraid of assasinate. Went to shrine afterwards. Lost 2 LH as a result.

    8:20 Sniper took DD rune. I backed off. Lost 1 LH as a result.

    9:20 Sniper rotated to bot lane. Decided to shove the wave

    Itemization (and my reason/ what i think when buying it)

    Bottle > Boots > soulring > threads > eul > bloodstone > orchid > shiva > bloodthorn > BoT

    Eul : I see the only way i can get killed is either Drow's gust or BS land a bloodrite on me, or i wasted my mana. Eul is quite cheap, gives move speed, mana regen, and dispel)

    Orchid : No reason. All i think when buying orchid is that orchid is storm thing. that's it. (maybe i should swap orchid with shiva, need your opinion)

    Shiva : 99% of enemy damage is physical. AS, MS slow, Vision, And More intellegence

    Bloodthorn : By this point we already got 2 lanes and i was judging between bloodthorn or sheepstick. Decided to get bloodthorn (for no reason). (But as i'm typing this, i realized that sheepstick wouldn't have much impact since there's no super agile heroes on enemy team that need strong lockdown)

    BoT Last purchase 10 secs before game ends : If the game isnt ended by the time i get back to base, i'll end it myself.

    I'm not sure how long this is. I think splitting it into 3 posts would be better than just clumping it on 1 post

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Game 2 : QE-Invoker (Me) vs SF Match ID 3306529695 ( )

      Kill Analysis

      1:20 Killed SF. Tested how much dmg would i do with alacrity, SF got offended, he picks a fight, I'm confident i can win (75% HP 100% mana). Used alacrity + sunstrike.

      4:10 Killed SF. Another alacrity trial. Got offended again. Used alacrity + cold snap. 60% of the damage i took was from the creeps. Could probably position better (don't know for sure. Another part i would like you to watch)

      5:00 Kill opportunity on SF missed (another part i would like you to watch).

      7:20 Killed SF with WR gank. WR used shackle + powershot. I used cold snap, alacity and forge spirits

      9:20 Killed SF. He overextended, i saw an opportunity. Cold snap, alacrity, forge spirit. Blocked my spirit, as a result took too much dmg from tower (instead of letting the spirit tank it)

      Death Analysis

      4:25 Almost died to rocket flare. Thank god i remember to use quas.

      (Bonus Round :P) 11:00 Almost died. Lacked map awareness to realized clock is walking (literally walked, no hookshot) towards me

      (Bonus Round :P) 12:30 Died to SF. Cause : Too aggresive, took raze and tower hit. Plus stupidity of running instead of bringing him down with me

      Laning Analysis

      1:25. Missed last hit. Cause : Unnesecary movements

      1:33. Missed last hit. Cause : Tried to harass SF. Hand too slow to move the cursor to the creeps

      2:30 Backed off (scared of lv 2 raze) while waiting for boots, salve and clarity. Lost 4 LH.

      4:30 Backed off (only have 3 HP left after got hit by rocket flare) while waiting for gloves,salve and clarity. Lost 4 LH.

      7:30 Backed off (5% Mana), Midas recipe on cour. Used shrine. Lost 4 LH.

      Another Note

      11:30 Clarity canceled by rocket flare (anyway to not get canceled?)


      Boots > Midas > Aghs > Linken > BKB

      Midas and Aghs : No reason, I just think that it's invoker things

      Linken : For Chaos bolt, hex , earth spike, and dragon tail

      BKB : I realized that there's too much CC for linken to handle

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Game 3 : OD vs Tinker Match ID 3306604294 ( )

        Kill Analysis (0 Kills)

        Death Analysis

        4:50 Died to Lion. Cause : Lack of map awareness to notice lion has been roaming on my jungle (I have vision on him from 4:20) and killed me at 4:50. (This is partly stupidity on my part for not noticing lion ganking wk in jungle and helping him)

        8:10 Died to Tinker. Cause : Idiocy. Underestimated Tinker's damage.

        (Bonus Round :P) 12:30 Died to Tinker + Lion Necro Gank. Cause : No vision of my HG (im in the river), Accidentally astraled myself :/

        Laning Analysis

        2:20 Missed LH. Cause : Unnesecary Movement

        2:45 Missed LH. Cause : Unnesecary Movement

        Didn't find any more lol. Most are just tinker blinding me, or denied me.


        Stick, Raindrops > Threads > RoH > Force staff > Hurricane Pike > Atos > BKB > Octarine > Shiva

        RoH : Sustain in lane

        Force Staff : Reposition and i already have RoH

        Pike : OD things

        Atos : Good against slardar and necro

        BKB : Too much CC

        Octarine : I need sustain

        Shiva : Corrosive haze has been really troublesome. More armor would be nice. Plus i already got bkb so the magic part is not much of a problem.

        Well, that's all. I guess.... I hope someone would be kind enough to give their opinion on what i did and my thought process. If you're reading until this part, Thank you very much for your time, i wish you a great day :D

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          IS this the next BLackXargon mega thread??

          Mlada i Luda

            your retarded. didn't read btw


              I got a migrain just by looking at this thread. I hope someone helps you tho. My normal skill ass isnt going to be able to help you much. But jeez, nobody gonna read all of that with joy bro.


                Well, People said when asking for help don't just put the match ID and said "help me win this game" because it's lazy and so no one would want to help you and so on. So i analyzed my own game and asked for other's opinion on it. My target is just to get helped on one of the games. But it'd be nice to get help for all of em.

                white boy summer

                  for game 1 lasthitting (or lasthitting as storm/midlaner in general): if you want to harass, first make sure your ranged creep dies (creep aggro usage) and then go for the harass. by that, result is your creepwave is gonna attack slower, making you space to harass the enemy for at least 2 seconds more before a lasthit, also making it so that the retreated sniper won't get jackshit from the lane since creeps are now on your uphill, he is low hp, he can't get in without being in danger, he has to wait for the slow ass cour to bring him the potion (also -110 gold, 3 lasthit worth of money wasted for nothing) meanwhile, u are enjoying the 30% deny xp and the extra meele creep which is instantly gonna win you the lane, one extra level means one overload level, which is +20 dmg, also u are going to have level 6 faster which is already a bane for a sniper.
                  LH under tower: if you see your tower attacking meele creep, just kill ranged with rightclicks, if meele creeps gets in threshhold you pop a remnant to kill it (it has 1s delay tho so place it before the next tower hit) also do it everytime u are clearing camps too, and save the overload charge when possible, if u waste it u have to spend another 110 mana to get it again (which can be a difference between kill and death)
                  also dont buy euls if there's no aoe silences early on, linkens is better against most stuns/innitiations.
                  orchid is a luxury mid game item, it should be your second item if you are not countered by anyone on the enemy team. third item if they have strong stuns/single target silences/roots, linkens is 2nd in that case. don't buy it at all if enemy has like am, silencer, enigma, tide, magnus (in one team... u get the idea, u dont go for a luxury if u have other problems)
                  shiva is the ultimate EHP item, it gives you a chunk of mana, and the AS slow and bonus armor+ the active is good against physical meele carries
                  the problems you listed below are because your mistakes in laning i mentioned above

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Promo code: bsj


                      Someone ban this shit already. I got cancer just scrolling down to post this


                        What hero is this story about? I like hellbears stories.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            where's fatty devil :( ? i got curious about the answer too.
                            kind like i have same mistake like op do lol

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              It would be great if we can clip our own games


                                @Through anger, lies failure.

                                Thank you very much for your help! I learned new tricks and itemization. One question, should i always go for lv 3/4 overload or situationally get more lvls on vortex when i need more lockdown?

                                @Ai Fuyuumi

                                Got no money to subscribe to those things (unlike a certain person from your story initialed MN) else i would've sit in front of my computer and watch those videos


                                Sorry to have made you comment on this thread while doing cancer treatment

                                @not even funny

                                I don't know, ask whoever the stupid person decided to make this. I personally liked the story where roshan tries to save his princess but she's in another castle.


                                Picture broken, cant load it. (Or is it intentional?)

                                @idc mmr

                                He's in real life doing productive things unlike the person who made this thread.

                                @Into The Window of Soul

                                Yes it would, it would make this thread at least 3x easier to understand.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  What about just getting some high mmr replays for comparision? I'm already way too lazy and unmotivated to improve myself let alone other people.

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Idk if I have told you this before but analyzing your own games is pretty much a waste of time.