General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Hero for 1k

Best Hero for 1k in General Discussion

    sven , necrophos venomancer, pa ,bristleback meepo, visage,


      also its not about the heroes mostly, its about winning all the lanes, if you think you are better than everybody else you can play mid or carry and win easily, but if you think you are average try to win all the lanes with a good roaming, riki, tree, are really good, or pick a strong hero who can transition to carry and go to the offlane, make the enemy carry life's hell, make sure he has like 30 lh at 10 min when you have 60.


        1k scrub here, now I'm spamming supports and it's working for me, on 1k nobody pick support or they barely buy support items. Most of the time there is a jungler in the other team. Just go and destroy the offlaner and push a lot and they will start to blame each other. If you want a core, weaver with linkens. Easy to play, hard to kill.


          Lina, od, storm, ember, sf


            Stop suggesting ember storm to 1ks Raj


              ember storm is so good, they just rnt easy heroes
              if ur bad at ember storm ull lose, if ur good u will win

              AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                really your nightmare is pa? i f just that u may play ck with that pantasm, tinker with dagger, ream, and agha. spamming skill 1, 2, blink, or maybe u can play troll, that was ez hero to counter fucking pa

                the key is, to counter pa, u must annoy her farm and dont let her get bkb in 30 mnt

                i hope u enjoy to watch some advice from or from ( i learn from that and some videos from yt)

                glhf to boost your mmr


                  @Badass moment!!! Thank you for your advice. I think I'm good at CK and I will learn his item.

                  Can't Buy Culture

                    Invis heroes :) Ppl dont bother buying detection at the bracket.
                    any hero with shadow blade pretty much


                      I hope Cookie gets cancer in real life and dies for ruining so many games for the poor hard working people in low MMR.