General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about Behavior score

Questions about Behavior score in General Discussion

    So I just heard about this weird little number for the first time. I checked mine today and I'm sitting at around 6.8k. From what I can tell, that's not good, but it surprised me. I can only remember once that my conduct summary showed more than 3 reports, and I have 400 commends over about 1000 games. So I gotta ask: does this number actually mean anything? And how much can abandoning potentially affect it?

    I do have a little bit of an abandoning problem, as I occasionally play Dota with friends while depressed, and sometimes it really bites me in the ass. But I have a strict no-flame policy and I have never intentionally fed. So do abandons really affect the score that much? And how do I get it back up? Is it even worth getting back up?

    Thanks for any answers in advance :)


      How do u check it?..... and the answer everyone will give you except maybe 2 or 3 ppl "a guy who will keep talking shadow pools and shit is also there" is no its irrelevant. .. as far as I remember u get 1 point for 1 commend and abandons lose you a shit ton like 500-1000 iirc.....and no its not worth getting it up cuz it doesnt affect anything... some people say you get worse teammates if its very low but no one knows for sure.


        I think it won't really matter even if you have a 0000 or negative behavior score


          Of course it affects the teammates you get and the quality of your games. I wrote only two threads on DB and they both were about hidden pool and behavior score, trying to raise awareness on the topic and of course to rant like the toxic fuck I am. People who have never had a low bhs will deny the existance of hidden pool and will even make fun of you (there's even an autistic idiot that after reading my thread found my steam profile just to offend me there and spam the same nonsense comments about me getting boosted (?). Hi @Hello World). But I can assure you it does have an impact and abandons make it drop really hard, they're actually the main reason why people find themselves in the hidden pool. You lose like 1000-1500 points for every abandon. If bad connection is your problem unfortunately there's really nothing you can do about that, unless you change it. You don't even have to do anything special to raise your bhs, especially 'cause you're not a flamer, just don't get abandons.


            How do you check the bhs? and hello everyone, almost 1k living for the dream


              The real question is why do you even have a really low behavior score?


                there's no such thing as behavior score/hidden pool giving you bad teammates, nor was it ever demonstrated nor proven.

                it's just that idiots like these up here need any excuse, because dunning kruger hits hard.

                The only thing it does is simply tell you how close you are to getting low prio due to reports/abandons.

                There wouldn't be low priority if there was a hidden pool, nor has any evidence that BS is anything other than the score of how close you are to getting LP

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Abandoning drops it a lot. But no difference in game quality


                    Shadow pool exists and behaviour score has huge impact on quality of teams you get.

                    That being said it should not be used as an excuse. First off if your behaviour score is low you probably deserved it thats why its low and you are in the pool. Second if you are good enough you can win everything in low mmr as proven several times by high mmr ppl here ( have no idea what thheir behaviour score is but should naturally be high as they carry all games and probably get lots of comments and stuff )

                    It does affect game quality dramatically whenever I drop anywhere below 7.5k or something behaviour score ppl you get in your team are toxic as hell and also dramatically lack skills and basic knowledge of the game.

                    But thing is who gives a fuck if you are way ahead of their skill level. I am not so I am a still very much team dependant player so whenever i get into low bs score my profile turns red and i can feel right away the incredibly low quality games + toxic games, ppl keep going afk swearing each other flaming each other etc.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      feel free to give any verifiable proof of your claims.


                        Hi Cookie

                        I can't. As only way to know it is to experience it.

                        But for example after my last abandoned game ( electricity gone out not intentional abandon ) next several games my teams were complete shit and even some of the games i have been reported without any reasons at all. You would for example probably still win these games but for someone in his true mmr it is impossible to win with such ppl.

                        If you have an idea on how to proove this just tell me so I can do.


                          road to 10k

                          [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1076
                          [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 9719


                            anecdotal evidence is basically no evidence, you have to get over your built in human biases and find a reasonable non-biased testing method to prove/disprove.

                            I simply say, till evidence provided; there's no reason to believe it has any other effect other than the proven effect of how close you are to LP.


                              LOL ^^

                              Road to 10 K

                              [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 9802

                              SO CLOSE to 10 K

                              *puts on tinfoil hat*
                              *takes off tinfoil hat*

                              Behavior score means nothing. You may think you have it hard, but as I said before.

                              You take 100 games, 20 were a gift to you because of some toxic flaming feeder
                              20 games were an auto loss due to a toxic flaming feeder

                              the other 60 games you can win or lose. You are only remembering the bad games, not the games that were handed to you. No shadow pool exists. Stop making excuses for your shiet play and GITGUD.


                                Mine score is over 9k on both of my accounts (wish my mmr was as well lol) but I honestly think that dota has enough of a player base to group people with so many criteria.
                                Anyway like Cookie said there's no proof. I however have played on my mates account about a year ago who's got a bhs of 2k and the player I gued with where noticeably more toxic, only qued for about 50 games.

                                It would be nice to group toxic players together but like I said dota doesn't have the player base especially on low pop server's and at higher mmrs

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Yesterday I got reported for flaming.

                                  Till that time I had normal games. After getting reported I had an absolutely ridiculous streak of maybe not weak teammates, but teammates with worst attitude Ive ever seen. Suddenly people start total shitstorm from loading screen. Every mistake by anyone is "pinging" "applause" and "gj". No one actually trying to win. But I guess its just coin flips, that sometimes happen in a row.

                                  But seriously what is wrong with you people spamming "Good job" ? Or applasue ? I love kids that have whole chat wheel set up only to flame others, thats fckin ridiculous. Unmature kids playin doto, with ego inversely proportional to their fat ass look irl.

                                  10 reports for communication abuse should result in 1 week being muted. And I mean you cant even use chat wheel.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    So the mystery continues. You'd think good old Volvo would clarify this, right? I guess I'll just try to raise that number in case it does do anything


                                      look i have proof that matchmaking is fair. i had a toxic first pick sf who cried from min 0 for no reason all game. next game he was in the other team. thank god. lost 1 won 1.


                                        bs doesnt affect MM in any way
                                        6.8 is very low
                                        jsut play 20-30 games w/o abandong or getting reported, it prioritizes recen behavior


                                          feel free to give any verifiable proof of your claims.

                                          I can't. As only way to know it is to experience it.



                                            @Cookie nah you spoiled retard, hidden pool exists and it was confirmed by one of Valve's developers. The reply was linked in the thread I opened too, but you dumbshits are too busy trying to act edgy and spam that "dunning krueger" bullshit randomly.


                                            "Players who repeatedly engage in activities significantly harmful to the community ARE PUT INTO A SEPARATE MATCHMAKING POOL for two months". By harmful activities I guess they refer to flaming, enraging, getting tons of abandons and feeding intentionally.

                                            And of course there's a huge difference in the quality of the games. Whoever has a low bhs can confirm. It's also pretty logical too, if you consider that players with low bhs are all ragers who flame or abandon, people who abandon due to connection and people who feed intentionally the result is that every game in the hidden pool is a shitshow, full of supports not buying even the courier, people fighting over mid and feeding intentionally, leavers and stuff like that. But why use brains when you can act edgy and superior.

                                            "Players who run multiple instances are only segregated as long as they continue to run multiple instances. If you think you have been segregated merely for running multiple instances, then stop running multiple instances for a day or two, and then try to find a match again. You should find that you are back in the ORDINARY MATCHMAKING POOL WITH THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY."

                                            Dunning krueger11!!!1!1! I've never had a low bhs but I know things more than people who have experienced both ordinary pool and hidden pool!11!!!1

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Nice name "Hidden pool destroyed my stats" I'm laughing so hard while reading your rage thesis


                                                Wow....evidence booiz.... arin was right


                                                  @Jacked but of course you're FAKELY laughing, it's part of that I-am-above-the-others-and-know-everything-cuz-I-am-so-smart alter ego you created on the internet just so you can escape from your real worthless self.

                                                  Proof right there, from the reply of a Volvo delevoper, and you keep pretending you don't see it 'cause you're "laughing".

                                                  Also why would a person with at least normal IQ laugh at a reply of a thread about behavior score, reporting the statement of a developer of the game about the question OP asked? How retarded can you be in the attempt of looking smart and badass? Why are you such a joke, edgy kid?

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    YAAAS BABY DRAMA with JACKED THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR


                                                      Baby drama my ass haha. Destroying retards with facts is one of my favourite hobbies actually. No drama, I was just trying to help OP with his question but kids just can't stop trying to be edgy.


                                                        i'm pretty sure you're blind, what they mean there is running into bots due to running multiple steam instances at the same time.

                                                        but whatever, it could be true, a lil bit outdated *3 years*, but my stance was ''not true till proven''

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          I'm pretty sure that nah. The second part refers to that, not the first one.

                                                          "Players who repeatedly engage in activities significantly harmful to the community are put into a separate matchmaking pool FOR TWO MONTHS"
                                                          "Players who run multiple instances are only segregated AS LONG AS they continue to run multiple instances".

                                                          The difference in the terms used by the developer, "harmful activities" and "running multiple instances", as well as the difference in the duration of the penalty (is this the correct word?), "two months" and "as long as", make it clear that mr. fletcher is talking about two different things.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            I understand that it's a matter far from being clear and people get suspicious about the existance of hidden pool. It actually could sound like an excuse used by bad players to justify their losses, but why do you have to offend if someone simply experiences retarded things over and over when having low bhs and clearly says "I'm not trying to say I'm pro or anything, it's just clear to me, from the billions of situations I've been into, that it's like on Dota there are two completely different pools". I get your point of view, but just try to keep your mind open and maybe think that not everyone is a kid looking for excuses.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              So no drama with jacked :( feels bad man




                                                                    I never said hidden pool was not possible. I just said u using hidden pool as an excuse for sucking hard is laughable. Because u r still likely to get ragey uncooperative fucks in the other team. Luuuuul retard


                                                                      Convenient excuse u have for yourself there mate. Maybe don't rage for 2 months if u really think u r hidden pooled and u r fine?


                                                                        The question is, who the fuck said I suck hard? You? 1.3k in solo? Have we ever played together? Have you ever watched me play? The answer to all of this is nah nah nah nah. And what is "sucking hard" on Dota? Everyone below 11k sucks hard? Then why is the average MMR 2k-3k? Why is a 1.3k edgy kid judging other people's skills basing his opinions on NOTHING? Do I look like a 1.3k SEAtard in need of excuses? The answer, again, is nah. Now that you've proved one more time how empty your replies are and how much of a frustrated dumbshit you are, can you promise me you'll stahp being an edgy kid and get lost?

                                                                        Eh I wish I was more patient, in Dota and outside of Dota, but you retards bark so loudly that someone needs to shut you up at some point.


                                                                          Guys enough with this behavior score...

                                                                          Let me put it to you this way: go check my profile, I have close to 1k games now. Out of these 1k games I have only 2 abandons and those were both due to connection problems (probably the system does not differentiate but anyways). For these 1k games I have a negligible amount of reports, from what I see on the summary(if there is a way to check total number of reports please share and I will do so). Last time I saw reports on my summary was in early May and it was from a stack who would blame everybody and everything for losing...

                                                                          My BS is at almost all times as close to the maximum as possible, so you'd think that the players I get matched with are made out of sugar and candy... well guess again, just like everybody I get the double mids, the intentional feeders, people who spend half the game barking at each other and/or shouting in the mic and etc.

                                                                          All I can say is be zen about dumb shit in dota and when things get out of hand mute everybody and take a break afterwards... Cheers!

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            ^^what if i say that u suck hard then?


                                                                              im not 1.3k and i actually think u suck



                                                                                >thinks hes good



                                                                                  I understand that it's a matter far from being clear and people get suspicious about the existance of hidden pool. It actually could sound like an excuse used by bad players to justify their losses

                                                                                  indeed! tehres no hidden pool btw


                                                                                    >LULULULULULULUUL maybe 'cause 2-3k is the average. The AVERAGE, the word itself explains it: it's the MMR considered as "standard" and "normal", so any MMR above that number proves you're a better player than the majority. 80% of Dota players are below 3k if I'm not mistaken, which means you can't objectively suck if you're more skilled than average. It's simple logic. If I'm 4k and someone else is 6k it means their better at the game than I am, we start talking about professional players, people so skilled that are considered masters of the game, it doesn't mean 4k players are bad. Otherwise it would be logical to think that if I can sing very well but I don't have Mariah Carey's voice I suck, if I can play the guitar on a pretty high level but I'm no Santana I suck, if I'm good at fucking but I'm no James Deen I suck. Let's just all jump off a window then, since according to your idea we're all worthless and we suck at everything if we're not professionals. Doesn't make any sense, just admit everyone likes to shit on people that have lower MMR than them 'cause it boosts one's ego. But zero logic behind it. So I might suck from your point of view since you have a higher MMR, and unfortunately for you I'm not gonna cry but actually any advice is well accepted :D, but I don't objectively suck. Just don't randomly come at me offending for literally no reason at every fucking comment I leave to express my opinion if you can't even reach the average skill level.

                                                                                    @blum did you even read the article? I guess you didn't, his majesty doesn't waste his time on 4k people replies. I'm so sad now.
                                                                                    Indeed, there's noT JUST hidden pool, there's shadow pool too, which is a different thing. Do some research about it or if you're not interested in the topic and know nothing about it don't leave comments at all. It's simple. But if you replied only in an attempt to make me feel bad about my level just give up, seriously. Cheers on your 6k but no.

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      Lmao. Watching u rage is fucking satisfying. I like how your counter point is simply to say that u don't suck hard when you in fact suck major dick. Nice comeback bro.

                                                                                      U have implied before that u can't win games because of ragey teammates. I represent the rest of dotabuff when I say this: you can't win because you suck dick. Hard.


                                                                                        Inb4 I can't win because I'm good at Dota. Wait I'm fucking confused. Or you can't win because I'm somehow 1k so you're good at Dota so u can't win. Agahahdjd wtf I'm going crazy trying to understand your logic halp




                                                                                            Is there any other acceptable response for, I can't win, except that I suck dick hard like mafioso and mr. Hidden pool conspiracist ?




                                                                                                I still don't understand where you see this raging you keep talking about, edgy kid, I swear. I enrage in game due to the fact that I have no patience and I'm pretty emotional, not on Dotabuff to reply to your empty comments (?). But I guess it's part of the movie you shoot in your head when you're on the internet: "I am so abooove these idiots, I can read them so well and look, I'm even able to piss them off LOL!". God, you're hopeless. And I don't need to comeback from anything, 'cause I just don't suck. I can improve a lot of course but I'm not bad.

                                                                                                I implied that I can't win anymore for a mix of reasons: bad connection, which led me to hidden pool, which is to say constantly ragers, but also intentional feeders, leavers and things like this in my team almost every game. And you think I care about "the rest of Dotabuff"? Haha please. "The rest of Dotabuff" is in fact made of 2ks talking shit about people at a higher level than them. I wasn't expecting anything different from this forum, but I wanted to talk about my experience.

                                                                                                I'm not surprised you can't understand my logic, it takes at least a normal brain to do it. I can't win AT CURRENT TIME, I've been losing a lot lately since my bhs dropped, not in general. I have 5500+ games and 52% wins overall and 53.40% in ranked. How is having at least 50.1% wins not being able to win? But whenever my bhs drops I notice that my game experience gets much worse than normal, it feels like playing a completely different game, almost every game seems unwinnable from the start due to the players I get matched with. Is that so hard to understand? I don't think so. Nah I mentioned you're 1k 'cause I was wondering where in the wolrd would a 1k trashcan find the courage to tell a 4k that he sucks. What the fuck does a 1k objectively know about Dota. Got it?


                                                                                                  behavior score doesn't matter
                                                                                                  i think there might be a hidden pool for people that used sandboxie or smth though to abuse lp


                                                                                                    There is an acceptable response. Look, it was linked above: I can't win ANYMORE (in the same bracket I was before btw, so it's not even due to the fact that the skill level is higher), not I can't win in general or I've never been able to win at this game. Stop trying to make it look I meant that, it gets ridiculous at some point. So if I can't win ANYMORE it means something changed and if you see your midder abandon, your carry feed and people walking down mid 8 out of 10 games while flaming each other it doesn't take a genius to understand that the pool of players I'm getting matched with is what has changed. Of course you can keep pretending I meant something different as much as you want, like "I never wiiin, I have 0.322% wins but it's my team's fault!", you can't get more ridiculous and edgy than this anyway. But it's getting boring, it really feels like talking to a monkey, no joke.


                                                                                                      LOL. Still did not address my point which basically debunks everything you said.

                                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                        Also tldr. Why are u such an angry kid writing Long ass essays that do not convey anything worthwhile or intelligent other than I suck dick so I can't win. Jesus Christ. Still waiting for an argument